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Everything posted by Harmony

  1. The pads and piano approach, especially with as dark and creamy a piano as this, lends itself to beautiful reflective music. You've executed that idea wonderfully. Very nice Hazama.
  2. Children of the Monkey Machine recently did an awesome ambient 34 min (!!) Tetris mix called "The Battle of Chernobyl," complete with soothing pads and chirping crickets, that blew my pajamas off. Very nice to listen to before hitting the hay, although I should warn you that there are one or two sound effects that might be a little loud/jarring. Catch it now before the WIP thread is gone! http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=12038
  3. Good stuffs for sure. I think the percussion makes it for me, especially the stuff near the beginning (0:48-1:05). The little percussive additions really bring life to what could have *cough cough* been a bland drum track. One good example is that cool whip-like sound that's all over the place (e.g. 0:33,0:41,...). Oh, and the breakdown at 1:38-1:54...scrumtrulescent
  4. That's the power of basing a good portion of the shows on current events. Satire and social commentary, as long as it remains creative, never goes out of style. I remember when the Elian Gonzalez thing went down in FL on like a Sunday, and South Park had a hilarious show scripted, animated and ready to go by Wed. After that episode, I started expecting them to be around for a very long time.
  5. Jaw dropping! Some mixes take me a while to really get into, but I was hooked at the get-go with this. The rhythm guitars are powerful yet perfectly balanced with the rest of the mix. Solo guitar, what can I say? Awesome Sixto. Ethnic sections were clean and organic, serving as great transitions between heavier parts. The synth work is exactly as cool as just about anything else with the "zircon" marquee on it. And omg this mix is phat. Actually, in an attempt to precisely quantify the phatness of this track for myself, I looked at its peak spectrum and wow; all of the lows, from the subs around 40Hz to the basses near 160Hz are filled to the brim. And yet, no mud! Now that's some quality production. Really nice work guys and definitely one of the best mixes I've heard in a while...I'll just have to remember to turn down the bass in my car when playing this, lest I utterly destroy my factory speakers
  6. Yeah man, this sounds nice so far. From the other music I've heard from you, I don't doubt that you'll do the Warcraft OST great justice!
  7. Ohh, sorry about that. It's just that when I look at the first page of this thread now, CHIPP's original post is gone (moved to the review thread) and has been replaced by Kenobio's post with the cover of The Belmont Legacy #3. Now, granted I've never read it nor have I played a majority of the Castlevania games, but I guessed, apparently incorrectly, that the large zombified figure with fangs that was being attacked by who I assumed to be Belmont, a vampire killer, was a vampire. An understandable mistake, I'm sure you'd agree. Thank you for the correction.
  8. Very cool mix. Love the samples!
  9. Wow, the first post is so much more awesome now. No offense CHIPP but your post had exactly 0 vampires in it
  10. Inspiring in just about every way. To pick one thing to comment on, the vocal production is really nice. I'm digging the clean recordings, very subtle but effective harmonies, uber-even dynamics (I wonder what compressors were used and where they were applied in the FX chain), creative and not overbearing or obvious use of pitch-modification, and the fact that the mid-heavy vocals gives them a synthetic quality that blends beautifully with the other instruments (a rich vocal track with warm lows and bright highs would have killed it imo). If anyone ever sees me driving down the highway screaming at the top of my lungs with the windows rolled up, there's a good chance I'll be singing along to one of these parts: The wrong way...the wrong way...THE WRONG WAY! Then I awake...at the end of time. Time and space are friends of mine. Someone let me out of here! And the hourglass is working upside down! Nice.
  11. Cool, then please ignore previous posts. However if anyone disagrees, please read previous posts.
  12. Yeah, not as epic as I wanted it to be, but I loved the whole Al Gore manbearpig thing, as well as the story surrounding Cartman and Kyle. "We had a DEAL KYLE"
  13. Unless following the form calls for repeated use of a musical phrase see definitions of chorus and verse There's also a difference between use and overuse. What I was saying is that I don't think the repetition that exists in this mix has been overused. Esp where the site standards are concerned. see Zircon's post above True, but is this mix an example of repeating a musical phrase verbatim and to the song’s detriment? No. As Zircon and others have pointed out, there are variations throughout each repetition of the musical sections. This is especially true when considering the vocals/lyrics/whatever which cannot be ignored because, like it or not, they are in the song. Besides, there have been other great remixes which are far closer to being overly repetitive than this one. see all 6:10 min of Dirty Sam
  14. Don't take the bait max. Google to find a list of VSTs with known compatibility issues with FL, but otherwise it's fine. That being said, SONAR is of course the greatest sequencer ever created and has been since its Cakewalk Pro Audio days. The sunrise that was the release of SONAR 7 signals the dawn of a new era of perfection in workflow, pristine sound quality and unlimited musical possibilities
  15. Thought I'd post this here instead of the review thread That can be said of a great majority of popular songs with lyrics from any genre. Considering this, I don't see how you can consider the song overly repetitive. If your major gripe is that the judge's praise of the structure being "very nice" or "brilliant" is undeserved, I can go along with that. The structure, imo, is exactly what I'd expect for this type of song (regardless of genre). No more, no less.
  16. Yep, and another excellent resource that will have even more advice is the tweakheadz guide. The forums on that site are good as well, but you may want to read up before posting in there. Sadly, they tend to not be as forgiving for newbish questions :/
  17. Yeah, that's a good example of what I was mentioning before. There are lots of recordings out there of classic jazz singers like Sarah Vaughn and Ella Fitzgerald singing multiple versions of a song; some with full lyrics, some with stylized scat singing, and some with a mix of both. The lyrical versions give the songs a certain impact for sure, but the scat versions are no less amazing...just different. "Lady Be Good" as sung by Ella in a scat/lyrics mix is an awesome thing Damn, I've been fooled by astoundingly accurate Photoshop again!
  18. Cool stuff. This is what I would hope to sound like if I decided to start making ambient/minimalist/weedesque music, so I'll keep it in mind for future inspiration. 'Course I'd have to buy a bass...and a tambourine...and a doumbek(?)...or are some of those sampled? I can't tell, which makes this mix that much more satisfying. Everything is weaved together beautifully, I've got nothing but love for the dynamic variety, and nothing but praise for zyko.
  19. OMG the theme from SPY HUNTER! Man was that game fun. Sadly, I've never heard the source tune for the main mix, but that specific cameo at 1:28-1:42 brought a smile to my face. Loved the other coupla references I caught as well. This mix definitely has that Beetlejuice vibe, but overall it’s just another example of Mazedude awesomeness. Nice work man. (I ain't never seen Peter Gunn so for me it’ll be the Spy Hunter theme till the day I die!)
  20. Cool. As long as you agree that the human voice is in fact an instrument and its use in a song is at least in part musical, then we are on the same page. That being said, I put very little emphasis on the meaning of lyrics in general, so "bad" lyrics probably don't affect my opinion of a song the way they most likely would affect yours. It's good to know that my words are so charismatic that they inspire others to follow me by faith alone. Hmm...maybe I should start a religion or something
  21. Yeah, but is it wrong to still like them for nostalgia's sake? Big Me...Monkey Wrench...Everlong...mmm, I'm gettin' the late 90's warm fuzzies over here.
  22. It's Halloween!! Candy, ghouls, and goblins aside, today I celebrate the 5th anniversary of the posting of my favorite harpsichord-centered remix! Love it Mike! 3:23-end sounds very familiar to me. Can't place it right now, but if it's not from Tetris, I'd be willing to bet it's VG related in one way or another.
  23. I downloaded it but I got a ton of adware from a link I accidentally clicked on Megaupload. Definitely try to host it somewhere else. In anycase, I like what you've done so far. I actually don't have the song with me now to fully review, but from what I recall, I think the biggest thing you can improve would be to work on blending the strings together more smoothly, especially in the intro when they are really exposed. That can be as simple as just having the notes overlap each other for a little while between each chord change. It's actually not that big an issue once the other elements come in, but every little adds to a quality mix.
  24. True enough. Actually, from the title I thought this thread was going to be about the loss of old school edutainment programs like Sesame Street, Mr Roger’s and Reading Rainbow. With that in mind, from what I've seen, the shows for today’s kids focus more on the 'tainment' and not as much on the 'edu.' Combine that with what I’m willing to bet is a greater % of kids watching primetime shows like “America’s Next Top Whatever” and “Family Guy,” as opposed to the few age appropriate educational shows that are out there, and you’ve got some pretty crappy programming for younger American kids (education-wise at least). Because of that, I'd probably rather show my kids old shows more so than newer ones because in that sense, I think the older shows actually are inherently better. But that's not what the thread's about, so yeah.
  25. Pfft, didn't you know? The digital age didn't just end the need to worry about keeping all those analog synths in tune. The digital age also ended the need to be able to sing in tune. Antares AutoTune ftw!
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