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Everything posted by DjMystix

  1. Pretty much everything is covered already; this track needs some serious mastering and level adjustments. Some samples should be replaced or enhanced with some eq/reverb. I also didn't like the claps in the beginning. You really don't have to put them in; replace them with something else. Since it is a dance track, you can also easily replace the guitar sample with a synth element with similar arpeggio patterns; But first, make the whole thing sound razor sharp. You won't believe how good it will sound with a little brightness and loudness applied. Gerudo Vally is my favorite Zelda music of all time. In fact, just the other day I was thinking of doing a complete acoustic guitar version of this track in flamenco style, which is the only style no one has attempted yet Keep up the good work. You chose a great track and I believe no one can make a bad Gerudo valley mix. Best of luck!
  2. Thanks! I think I've got enough positive feedback to go for the submission. I greatly appreciate the comments and opinions. Sealed and Submitted!
  3. no prob. Although I've gained enough positive feedback but I'll still wait for ... one more? ;) Plus, I like your criticism, helps a lot.

  4. Good stuff and yes, too close to source. During introduction, the melody (harp) stays on the left channel for too long with nothing on the right. I think either put it in center (it's the lead after all) or introduce something on the right to balance out the sound. I noticed a few timing issues here, some notes are straying away from the beats .... but maybe I feel too sleepy now. A lot of stuff plays on left speaker and it feels a bit ..... uncomfortable. I think you need to balance this out. You are right, the levels gets a bit messy at the end. keep them at the same level as 1:00 mark. You can also introduce some orchestral drums (timpani etc) to make it sound more epic. slowly build to an aggressive orchestral end. It's good arrangement. Best of luck!
  5. Great! I'd love to partner up with someone who can write the power chords and lead overdrive guitar. I'll definitely seek advise when I work on it. Thanks!
  6. Awesome! I need to learn from you how to repeat a pattern and not making it boring. I really love the drums and precs. The only thing I can think of changing is the bass; it's not catching up with the whole track. may be faster changing notes can do that. Loving it.
  7. Good stuff but I think it can use some more layers of background instruments. I like the guitar samples you used here.
  8. I'm unfamiliar with the source track but this is awesome. The bass is bad ass and really sounds great.
  9. Many thanks for the lovely feedback! Emunator: Your objections are spot on as always. Changing string samples is easy but changing harp is going to be a pain since it changes arpeggio patterns a lot and stays in the background for most part. I have to re-apply filters and vst to make a new sample sound fitting. I'll see what I can do about it. Since you also liked the acoustic guitar work on my previous Revenge of Shinobi mix, I think I'm getting good at it. Still a long way to go. Thanks a lot for the encouragement. I wrote the ending myself and thought that trumpet sample was good. Not sure what part of it you didn't like (too much delay effect? filters?) gatesoflife7: It's a sample with fx and filters applied. Don't remember the name as I tend to organize and rename my samples alot. I'll let you know once I find out. I'm not very good at electric/distortion guitar skills. I wish I could grab someone with mad heavy/death metal skills so I can revive one of my tracks (Elemental Master (Genesis) and Jackie Chan Action Kungfu (NES)) that requires it. Thanks for the appreciation.
  10. hewhoisiam: Thanks! and thanks again for keeping me on to this track until I finished it. I'm done with this mix. All this time, I was trying to create an RnB inspired, but original song. As for ending, none of the other tracks made sense so I decided to write something myself. Any feedback is appreciated!. Sunset Rider - Bleeding Guns: Finished Version: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3443029/My%20Remixes/WIP/SunsetRiders_BleedingGuns.mp3 Youtube: Sources: The Rosy Setting Sun Mountain Draw Your gun
  11. I finally got some free time today to progress on this one. Here's another update, I'm just working on the ending now. WIP Link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3443029/My%20Remixes/WIP/SunsetRiders20100723.mp3 Sources: The Rosy Setting Sun Mountain Draw Your gun
  12. I thought that you started the the song with strong compression and will make it bright afterwards. Anyway, it's very nice. You just need to adjust the EQ a bit to make it sound better.
  13. Awesome stuff. Really like the ideas. Great to see more Wicked Child remixes.
  14. This is the second time you made me come back to this track I almost lost interest in it. I'm gonna finish what I had in mind and see how it goes. That "Something not right" feeling? I just didn't have it during my previous "Revenge of Shinobi" mix which is now in the judging queue.
  15. Another update: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3443029/My%20Remixes/wipSunsetRiders20100713.mp3 I think I can really use some help here. I've listened to this countless times and now immune to a lot of possible problems. Please have a listen and let me know what needs to be fixed. Is this enjoyable at all? I have a feeling that something is just not right but I can't put my finger on it. Note that it is not done yet and I still have some 2.5 minutes to go. Source: The Rosy Setting Sun Mountain
  16. wow! Although I have utmost respect for everyone on OCR but this just made my day. I know you like RoS. I used to toy around videogame music until I listened to your RoS mix some 9-10 years ago. Definitely going to resubmit if this gets rejected. I think I can swap the Piano with a better sample even if resubmit is not required. If you like it too, I have really high hopes of this getting accepted. I've seen far too many rejections already.
  17. Aah! I thought mod review means a submitted remix. Sorry I didn't read the FAQ. Mod Review is excellent, I hope I knew what it meant before I submitted. Anyway, thanks for the encouragement. If mods think this remix is good, I have a strong feeling that this time, I'm going to make it
  18. A slight update of the demo: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3443029/SunsetRiders.mp3 Thanks! Don't worry about the length; I'm just figuring out a good transitioning of the following tracks: The Rosy Setting Sun Mountain Draw Your gun Face With Courage
  19. It's a wrap; I'm done with this and time to move on to Sunset Riders. Thank you for the lovely feedback. Hopefully, the judges will like it too. Final submitted version: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3443029/EternalTears2_DjMystix_Final.mp3 Sources: My Lover (Revenge of Shinobi) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6PUcGIU-0U Parting Forever (Lost Odyssey) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFGrxKDrluI
  20. Thank you for the super quick response. This is a very very rough build that i came up with in just a couple of hours and i was about to give up on the idea. I totally agree with all the issues you pointed out. I also thought the track is missing some heavy low tone instruments but needed a second opinion. Also, i will do someing about the intro as well. Appreciate the feedback. Expect a near finished build in a few days.
  21. This is a very early build and I'm a bit confused. I could definitely use some advise on the direction. Is this idea worth finishing? Remix Link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3443029/SunsetRiders.mp3 source:
  22. Thanks! I am going to submit it soon and move on. I'm dying to work on a remix for Sunset Riders and/or Elemental Master.
  23. It sounds too midish. One problem with midi sounds is that VST don't work on them. If you know how to use FL Studio/Acid Pro, then it is much better to sample your instruments and then apply layers of mastering and VST. Best of luck!
  24. Just fixed two complains received elsewhere: 1. Fixed "drums being too loud" 2. Last note of "Parting Forever" corrected. I personally feel it is ready for submission. However, I would welcome any suggestions MP3 http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3443029/EternalTears2_DjMystix_Final.mp3 YouTube:
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