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Everything posted by DjMystix

  1. Loved it! Never thought anyone would remix this track. It surely deserved to be in a SoR remake.
  2. Awesome! This track gives me hope of reviving one of my oldest mix. Maybe we can collab on that since that song requires tons of shredding and stuff and I am no "shredder"
  3. Thanks guys! I'm afraid at this stage, I can't do anything about the mix being slow all the time. Although CyprusX, you have tempted me to do a kind of electronica version of this mix. This mix was meant to be slow, romantic and a bit sexy sounding. Loved this comment! As always, thanks for your excellent review. Don't worry about source check, it's more than 80% of the mix. I guess I can go ahead and sub this now!
  4. You'll be surprised to know that other than the music, Wild Arms has nothing "western" about it. Almost all games in the series have same old Japanese RPG plot (evil forces taking over the world, the "chosen one" gets special power, assembles a team and then defeats the evil). Though, I still love the first game. and yeah, definitely go shredding!
  5. I agree with the length being too long and no variation. Plus re-master it; the overall sound is currently messed up a bit. Definitely reduce it to 4-5 minute mark. Even the most awesome-est song can get boring after 5 minutes. Try to cut off the rhythm, or any other part of the song to break the repetition. You can also give some of the background stuff to take the lead at some point. What are you using in FL Studio for master? SoundGoodizer? please don't! Either use Maximus that comes with it or Izotope Ozone (my favorite) It's good! would love to hear a more polished (and shorter ) version.
  6. Sounds great! awesome bass btw Wicked Child slows down the "pace" of the mix a bit but I still love it! Maybe you could add a proper intro?
  7. Thanks! Why not? The source is awesome but I think you should use guitar as lead as well and make it sound completely metal.
  8. One of my favorite tracks, I like it but the piano sound is too loud. Lower it down to match the rest of the stuff. Judging from the length of the song, you don't plan to submit it do you? Anyway, why not complete the song?
  9. ok guys! I've redone almost all leads: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3443029/My%20Remixes/AfterBurner%20-%20Lady%20in%20Black%20-%20Final2.mp3 1. Piano now has a arpeggio layer underneath to sound more natural 2. Both sax re-recorded to sound as human as possible 3. Flute sample replaced with the one with less vibration (also added some breath effects to make it sound more real) 4. Some chords progression re-written. I hope you guys have no complains this time. I really want to move on to VROOM project after this. So, submission worthy? Done deal. Let me know if this new version sound good. I've tried very hard to make you happy halc with the new version Source(s) Bayonetta: After Burner: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PY78laSGops
  10. haha! I'm glad you liked the original. Thanks man! Your highly motivational guidance all those years has been one of the reasons I kept trying again and again. Thanks! But all those rejections were different mixes. I'm too lazy to go back to a "no, resub" mix Although someday, I'll re-do them from scratch.
  11. This is awesome! Very nicely done. For some reasons though, it reminds me of the "Whirlwind (GaleForceMix)" OCR mix from Shinobi 3. Probably coz of similar chord progression. Anyway, loving it!
  12. Many thanks for the awesome comments! All you people at OCR greatly helped me improving my skills in all these years. I'm glad I managed to finally live up to OCR's standard and will do my best to continue the trend. Wow! There can't be a better feeling than making other people smile/happy (in your case, remember great stuff from the past). I'm totally flattered! and also wish you get out of the "mess" soon (I can totally understand this feeling btw ). Best of luck dude!
  13. The leads are really that bad? I heard my track several times after this comment and agree that the piano in the intro and sax can be improved. I will also try to re-record the flute. (Need to check the collaboration forum as well) Thanks for the suggestions. I'd love to hear from other Mods as well.
  14. This is my favorite track from one of my favorite videogame music of all time. I usually never say this but I am not happy at all with this mix. I can't give you any advise other than that you should restart the whole idea from step 0. If you want to do hip hop and aren't familiar with the genre, listen to a few popular songs before attempting it. Or even better, try to redo your song with an inspiration from your favorite hip-hop song. Just boldly copy every instrument, rhythm etc. By the time you finish, hopefully you'll know what it takes to create a hip hop song. Hope to hear a redone track from you. Also hoping you don't mind what I said above (sorry if you do). Best of luck!
  15. Awesome mix. I love the source (since it is so close to keep it groovin from the first game). Very enjoyable stuff! Why don't you put a layer of "keep it groovin" somewhere in the mix? I think it'd be great!
  16. Thanks! Sounds nice. Are you going for a retro-sounding mix? Otherwise, some of the instruments (strings, guitar etc.) needs better samples/replacements. Anyway, good start. Those Ice Cap mixes are always welcomed.
  17. would be great if you can upload it to somewhere else as well. I can't seem to access anything on newGrounds for some reason. How about SoundCloud, TinDeck, youtube etc? Thanks,
  18. Whoa! How did I miss this. Awesome stuff and sooooo 80's. Love it! It sounds like some kick-ass vox are waiting to be fused with the track. Are you going to do vocals for this track as well?
  19. Awesome stuff dude; can actually end up in a Splinter Cell game =)
  20. you're right. I just decided to hand it over to Mods because I won't be able to work on it for another week. Plus I can't find any more problems myself to fix. In a week's time, we'll have plenty of info and would know if there is an area where I can fix stuff What do you think?
  21. Hopefully, you will like this: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=32466 Not quite what you would expect from a fast paced track but since Bayonetta reignited my love for this track, I kept her in mind while writing this; so ended up creating a sexy and romantic song =)
  22. ok I'm done with this mix. Once again, although the original source is from After Burner but I was inspired by the remix in Bayonetta to write this song. Also, it is dedicated to her as well. My aim was to convert a fast action track to a slow, sexy and romantic chillout song. MP3: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3443029/My%20Remixes/Bayonetta%20-%20Lady%20in%20Black%20-%20Final.mp3 YouTube: Source(s) Bayonetta: After Burner: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PY78laSGops As always, Appreciate the comments and suggestions.
  23. Vengelis? That's a huge compliment because he is one of my favorite composers. and yeah you're right, I'm still stuck in the 80's and early 90's. I think that era had the best-est music.
  24. Thanks Robbie! I was soo tired but your highly encouraging comments made me come back and finish everything I had in mind. Here's my second WIP. I definitely wanted it to feel sexy and passionately romantic (it's a dedication to Bayonetta afterall She reignited the love I had for this track) http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3443029/My%20Remixes/WIP/AfterBurner%20-%20Nightfall%20-%20wip2.mp3 That's all I got. Now for the cleanup and complaints
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