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Everything posted by Dyne

  1. jmr, I'm going to need a link to "Mary, Did You Know" so I can download it as a final version. mousemuffins, don't kick yourself, it's okay. There really wasn't enough time anyway, I understand that things happen. Don't worry again, next year we'll start a little early if I head up another project like this. Fratto...where's my alcohol? Seriously. Share the wealth. Anyway, no big deal, please send it anyway. Edit Alright. Time is officially up. I still haven't heard from a few of you, so, be that as it may, I'm going to default to my earlier post, and follow that. I want to thank everyone who submitted a track for this project, I know it's an unofficial track, but I feel it was something fun that people can get into, and enjoy.
  2. I understand what you're saying. Love of gaming isn't a culture, I agree there, but there is a gamer culture out there. It bothers me that they threw "Mortal Kombat" in there as the supposed "link, or cause" of this case. No, what bothers me more is that they don't focus on the real issue, the fact that those teens were drinking underage, the mother of the two girls was at work, and these teens were unsupervised. That is the problem right there. And that alone is what they should be focused on. For the next few weeks, maybe a month or two, all you're going to hear about from this situation is how "violent video games are killing our youth", or "video games shouldn't be allowed to be violent". The problem with that, is if you start to ban violent video games, then you need to start banning violent news reports (reports of violence, or images depicting it en masse). You also need to go into other media and ban those avenues of violence. Like some raps that have violent messages, or movies that are too violent for today's youth. I want to know what ever happened to the days when people were able to not only judge for themselves right and wrong, but act accordingly. It just seems today that there's less parenting going on, and more unsupervised activity than there was years ago. Only time will tell, I suppose, if things will change for the better, or get worse than they are now. I fear for our world.
  3. As I said on in the channel earlier, I'd like to learn more about drafting. Even if no one comes forward to play, I still want to get back into it. It just bothers me that I can't find anyone either reasonably experience, or interested enough, to learn with me, and play. None of my friends play, my one friend absolutely refuses. Says the game is too complicated, which it is. Still...it'd be nice to have some fun.
  4. You know, things like this sicken me. Especially when people who advocate the end to violent video games and movies move in for the kill with news bytes like these. Twisting things to make waves so they can force change. Anyway, here's a link to the Digg on it. http://digg.com/gaming_news/Teens_Accused_In_Child_s_Mortal_Kombat_Death You decide what's right and wrong. Don't let assholes like Thompson stop you either.
  5. Originally, it was me looking for people to play M:tG with, and learn from, so maybe eventually we could go to Grand Prix, or Pro Tour Qualifiers and kick tail. Unfortunately...nobody's playing... It's actually very disappointing for me.
  6. No worries hijackin' the thread Chadley, it's going nowhere as is. I should honestly realized that no one would be playing M:tG on here. I'll play some TF2 with you guys sometime, that'd be awesome. Join the OCRemix group if you're not in it already.
  7. Alright, since we're only a day away from the due date, I wanted to get everything up to speed. I would like PMs from everyone who is still submitting their final track tomorrow night, along with a link to the final track so that I can download, prepare them, and upload them to my server before saturday. By saturday night I'll have everything finish for the web site, and at midnight the album will be released. Anyone who isn't going to submit a final track to the album, please PM me by the deadline tomorrow to let me know. If I do not receive a PM from you, I will assume you aren't submitting a final track. You'll actually have a grace period of about 18 more hours since I work at 7am, and I won't be able to check any messages until about 4pm EST on friday. After that time, everything will be finalized. I can't wait to hear the final versions of your tracks, and I'm sure others can't either. SO SUBMIT, SUBMIT, SUBMIT!!!
  8. Final format will be 192. I'm going to post some information in the main thread in just a few moments. Since we have only two days left, it's time I finalized some things, and get this ready for release. Also, if anyone would like to help with images for the web page itself, send me a PM, and we'll get together on it.
  9. As of midnight, only three days shall remain. Have you submitted your final track yet?
  10. Well, I'm glad some still play. Actually, it's not just on the internet, it's still of course, on paper, but it's nice that I don't have to leave the house to play. Still costs money though. Also, I like DnD. And I wouldn't mind playing that more often either. Also...I have not grown tired of The Orange Box, I've already beaten HL2: Episode 2 (amazing, cliff-hanger ending, made me sad to see one of character's destinies though). And I love TF2, awesome game, but I want to play with you guys from OCR sometime.
  11. I was rather hoping someone still played. I mean, out of the thousands of OCR Forum members, there has to be at least ONE person that plays yet. Or wants to play again. Yeah well, I suppose it was a bit much to ask for.
  12. As the thread title states, I'm looking for others who play M:tG either on-line on MTGO (M:tG Online) or the paper version. I'm looking for players of all skill levels because I'm trying to get back into the game. I started playing right before the release of Darksteel, and got out of it after Coldsnap. Recently, I've been looking for something to do in my spare time again since I've really nothing better to do. So if there's anyone out there that enjoys playing the game, and wants to talk about deck building, going to tournaments, or the like, please feel free to hit me up in a PM on here, or look for me on IRC in #ocremix.
  13. Well, it's Sunday, December 16, you know what that means. We now have officially four more days until the release of An OverClocked Christmas. Let me tell you, I am VERY VERY EXCITED! I hope you are too! To everyone who's working on this project, just reminding you that it's due Thursday night by midnight. I don't mind a lateness, but nothing past friday, I want to have the project posted by Saturday night. Just trying to make sure the project's available for those who want to hear it during Christmas.
  14. OSNAP! zircon's bringin' tha pain. STAND BACK!
  15. Normally I wouldn't have a problem with this, however, after careful consideration, I look like hell with a beard. Maybe someday, when I'm older, and don't care, but for now, I'm shaven.
  16. BUMP! We're coming down the home stretch. Don't forget that thursday is the deadline, and Saturday night at 11:59pm, I will be releasing the project. I can't wait! I'm so very excited, and I think everyone who listens will enjoy this album.
  17. Five bucks says this gets mentioned on Encyclopedia Dramatica.
  18. I haven't seen this much hate since UnMod died. It's metaphorically like being at the funeral, except there's participation all around.
  19. I fixed it. Also, bump for those that might be interested in the project!
  20. I laughed until I cried...then I laughed some more. Seriously, it's guys like you that the RIAA should be getting arrested and prosecuted. And Timbaland.
  21. DJ Nutsack! LOL I saw that and burst into laughter. Plagarists piss me off too, like Timbaland.
  22. I couldn't have said it better myself. Though, honestly, until video game music is fully "mainstream" I doubt you're going to see more than just one VG Awards show. Which is unfortunate, since it takes a lot of skill and talent to not only create a video game, but also compose its music. One can only hope for the best.
  23. Heh, don't know ya, but Happy Belated Birthday!
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