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Everything posted by Dyne

  1. Go for it anyway. I think everyone would love an SM64 remix just like that. Heck, I want to hear it! Do it Coop! EVERYBODY'S DOING IIIIIIT!
  2. Done. Also, anyone else who has interest in this project, and has a WIP on the Non-remix forum, or just a WIP in general you want linked, please send me a PM with the link in it. Thanks!
  3. Thank to jmr, we have our first WIP started, so for anyone interested in listening to it, it's been posted on the first post of this thread. Feel free to check it out here, and soon on the Non-remix WIP forum where jmr will be posting it in the near future.
  4. And give us a crash course in drum programming, or resources for the drummer within us sequencers! Writing actual percussion, especially for me, is a serious challenge. I'm one of those types of people that wants to actually "hand" program the percussion in the piano roll in programs like FL Studio (my primary software is FL Studio, btw). What I'm looking for is help from a drummer or a person who has percussion experience with programs such as FL Studio, and the like, to help us n00bs who just don't get it. Suggestions, comments, ideas, whatever you can help with, that'd be great! Thanks!
  5. Bump for the fun, and a reminder to anyone interested in working on this project, please remember to check the original post for more information as it becomes available. Also, I'd like to compile a list of everyone who's participating in this project so I can post it.
  6. I was at my best friend's house today, and had the opportunity to explore Rock Band further than I did at Best Buy. I have to say, this game is insanely awesome. I need to make some space so I can actually play the game instead of being cramped in my bed room. Looks like the computer room is about to get a makeover. Anyways, great game, and I love being the drummer!
  7. Nice work Skrypnyk, I think you killed the project before it was even given birth. Well, in any event. I'll start putting it together within the next few days. If anyone has any interest at all, feel free to take it to the next level and put up some WIPs within this thread. With enough responses, we can at least make an EP album. Short, but sweet can go a long way.
  8. Firstly, I wish to send my condolences and prayers out to Reuben's family. This is a horrific tragedy, to lose someone you care about not only as a community, but also as a family. He will be remembered through his music. In response to The Wingless, my suggestion would be a musical tribute. I think it not only says a lot more than a financial contribution, but it's something anyone can really contribute to. If anything, it could be a rearrangement of his music itself. This is truly up to the community though.
  9. /me whacks Skrypnyk with the "why don't you get involved in the project" stick.
  10. Awesome! I'm glad to see some interest. Any interest, no matter how small, is what really counts. Besides, I'm sure there's plenty of people out there that'll enjoy this. Alright then, it's on. (Also, I enjoyed the 1-Up Mushrooms Sleigh Ride. That was very cool.)
  11. Well, it's official. I'm making this a full fledged project. But this isn't your typical project. Nor is it a site project. This is simply a project to celebrate the Christmas Season with excellent music. With that, here are the major details. The deadline for the project will be December 20, 11:59pm EST, and with some hard work, and luck, the release will be Saturday, December 22, 11:59pm EST. I'd like to see WIPs submitted by December 10th. After that, final tracks by the deadline. You can definitely submit your WIPs to the Non-Remixes forum for evaluation by the community, in fact, I suggest it so you can get a bead on reaction from the audience. As far as album art goes, if someone would like to take up the task of creating album art, that would be wonderful. Right now, I'm considering the title An Overclocked Christmas, I think it's pretty catchy, and well, I kinda like it myself. Suggestions are welcome. Anyone participating in this project, please send me a PM and let me know you're interested, and what track or tracks you are remixing. I will update this thread with all of the current remixers participating, and what song or songs they're working on as I receive information. To help get everyone started, here are links to resources you can use to find what you want to rearrange: Midi Files of Christmas Carols The Woodshed's Christmas Midi Files Christmas Songs Current Contributions: jmr - Little Drummer Boy (WIP - UPDATED) Geoffrey Taucer - Carol of the Bells (WiP pending) sephire - Purity & Carol of the Bells (WiP) the prophet of mephisto Away in a Manger & O Come, O Come, Emanuel (WiP) Random_Hero - Mary, Did You Know? (WiP) Monobrow - Walking in the Air (New WiP pending) sinewave - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen (WiP) Tweek - Winter's Town (WiP Pending) The Coop - Algorythmic Carol (WiP) Fratto - Christmas Time is Here (WiP) 227 - Jingle Bells (WiP) Just a side note, everything is going to remain in WiP status until Friday evening when I'm able to finalize the list. Final Submission Guidelines The question came up from The Coop about what bitrate the final submissions should be in. Well, the easiest answer is, 192. As for the format of the project itself, I would like to keep it simple, and leave it in MP3 format. I understand if there are some out there that want FLAC. If there is enough interest, and our remixers for this project have no objections to it, I'll kindly ask for the rearrangements in FLAC. As for tagging, I will handle the majority of the tagging myself, the only things I ask for from everyone on the project is your remixer name in the Artist text box, and the full title of your rearrangement in the Title text box. The rest I will fill in personally. Other than those aspects, if anyone has any suggestions for things I might have missed, please feel free to PM me within the next 48 hours, and I'll gladly look into it and decide accordingly. As a side note, I'm so very pleased at the turn out for this project. I honestly only imagined maybe three or four remixers would step forward for this. Imagine though, my surprise, when ten remixers came forward to display their talents. I wanted to take a moment to pre-emptively thank EVERYONE ONE OF YOU. Being my first time putting together anything of this sort, I wanted it to be the best it could be, and just by your involvement, I feel it is the best it could be. Thank you so very much, and Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy Holidays to you all!
  12. Yet again, you miss the point. Please, enlighten us about your use of cynicism.
  13. Just even more incentive to put together a quality remix. Just gotta make it even harder to resist, don't you zircon?
  14. The Best Buy here where I live already had a line at 7:30 tonight wrapped around the building. People have tents and stuff set up. It's going to be a cold one tonight here, and I guarantee the sickness those people are going to have isn't worth the savings. What morons. All this for "big savings". I'm not leaving my house til after 2pm friday, and that's just so I can go pay a bill. I worked at Best Buy one Black Friday, and it was enough to drive most people nuts. I worked at the registers up front, and from the time they opened onward til around noon time, I had a line from the front to the back, as did everyone else to my left and right. The worst part was that they didn't even have all the registers open. But that was a few years ago.
  15. Hm, this sounds like a lot of fun. I'll see what I can do. (Looks like it's soon time for the production lessons!)
  16. I'm loving this game. There's so many side quests, and things to do in the game. The story itself is very interesting. Very much enjoyable all around. So I can see how Famitsu gave it the 37/40.
  17. Seeing an accident can be one of the most harrowing incidents of your life. Especially when people die in it. It's very tragic when life ends, especially over the negligence of another person who can't control their habit. JJT, I'm honestly just glad that you're here to tell us all about it, rather than being a victim of that driver.
  18. Happy Birthday Shael Riley! Methinks it's high time for a sequel to Music of my Groin!
  19. Oh c'mon Larry, you don't REALLY mean that do you? No, of course not. Without the forums, what would you do for fun when the queue is empty?
  20. Look at it this way, it's not being over-hyped. Which is good. If they were over-hyping it, I would be way more worried about it. As far as what I've seen in video clips from E3 and TGS for this game, it's all been simply amazing. I've been looking forward to this since the first time I saw the initial video. It got me so psyched. What really has me psyched is the era in which it takes place, it's actually one of my favorite eras, sans Crusades, but still, a great era in history to learn lessons from nonetheless. Of course...from the looks of things, some people in the game world are going to be learning lessons of pain, courtesy the assassin! LOL! GOOD TIMES!
  21. Money isn't stupid. People who don't know how to pay their employees or treat the people who are their current and potential customers are. Unfortunately, people who follow TV shows religiously are the ones who really suffer. And that's sad for more than one reason. Watch for TV ratings to hit rock bottom.
  22. I too have been looking forward to this game. I'm so very excited!
  23. If I'm not mistaken, the writers are the ones asking for the share of revenues from Internet and non-traditional media. As well as DVDs and other such items. Which should be fair, it's their work being replicated over and over again after all.
  24. Hmm... Desperate Housewives eh? No loss there. Sad though that Family Guy isn't being written for. I just hope this strike doesn't last long. Hopefully everyone gets what they deserve.
  25. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but they've already started selling Christmas stuffs around here. In fact, they completely skipped Thanksgiving.
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