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Everything posted by Dyne

  1. You, sir, are awesome. Thank you.
  2. You could always go as far as asking someone to custom design you an interesting theme. Who knows, there's bound to be someone with time and the creative energy necessary.
  3. Well, then I suppose it's a bit late. It's installed and running surprisingly well considering my system specs. Which are as follows: AMD Athlon XP 2700+ 768 MB RAM NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GS At least, that's what Vista is showing me...so...yeah. I need to grab a pair of 1GB DDR RAM.
  4. I'm going to be upgrading from Windows XP to Windows Vista Home Basic. So I will most likely be spending the next 48 to 72 hours off-line until it's installed properly. Otherwise, I'll be back as soon as possible. I'm posting this here because I'd also like to see some collective feedback from users of both XP and Vista just to get an idea of what the general concensus is, and also to find out if there's any kinds of tricks or tips you could impart upon me either way... Thanks to everyone who responds, serious or not. See ya soon.
  5. Opressed Swamp Dub by Isopropyl is definately bass friendly, it's got a very deep bass sound throughout, and is also one of my favorite remixes.
  6. My iPod's battery life keeps getting shorter, a sure sign it's going to die one day, probably soon, but it shouldn't have any effect on it being given music files.
  7. That's just very odd. Something else that's odd is that my iPod Nano (2GB, 2nd Gen) is also not showing the songs that are on it when you use it. In fact, the only songs available are on a "On the Go" playlist I built yesterday, which should've been erased after I plugged it into the computer last night. It was not, and displayed the ten songs that were on it. On closer evaluation of the device in My Computer, I found that it has nearly all its space taken up by the music it supposedly can't see. So, that would make it the iPod's fault...however, there was something I realized. There is the distinct posibility that the recent update to iTunes, the one that included the "iPod lo-jack" programming, could be messing with the iPods themselves causing them to stop functioning properly. But of that, I am uncertain.
  8. I'm having the same issue. Windows XP Pro detects the iPod, it shows up in My Computer and Windows Explorer, but iTunes says there's a problem with it and tells me to use the Restore feature to fix it, which I did, and it didn't work. So...it leads me to believe if you're having the same problem, it could very well be the newest version of iTunes and not actually the iPod.
  9. I'm having a bit of difficulty in deciding what I should do about going back to school. I already have an Associates degree in Network Technology, however, I had some issues in getting a job in the industry because of the school I attended (and their subsequently poor track record, information I did not have at the time). Anyway, that's in the past, and we're focusing on the present. So here I am, 26, it's 2007 and I want to do something beyond what I already am doing now. So here's the dilemma. I don't know which course would be more conducive to the career path I seek. So, I'm asking for help. Below are the links to two local community colleges, both have Web Site Development courses, both I believe to be Associates degree courses. Now, before anyone says it, I do not want to go to a four year college. Not yet, anyway. I may return to a four year college eventually to finish, but for the time being, I can at least afford to go to a community college. I can find funding just fine, but I don't want a four year school because I'm just not ready for that experience. Anyway, here are the links; Reading Area Community College; Web Site Development Concentration Assoc. in Applied Sciences Degree Montgomery County Community College; Web Development and Administration Option (A.A.S. = Associates in Applied Sciences Degree). Opinions are welcome, flaming is not. Thank you.
  10. Yes, but the Pumpkins are missing Ms. Auf Der Maur.
  11. Yeah. I usually don't listen to the radio often, but when I heard that, I had to take my ear puds off so I could hear the news. I missed most of it, but I heard that they finally settled things with David Lee Roth and they're going to tour. So I'm quite happy about that. Hopefully it'll be a good tour, and there won't be any crap, but, it's WAAAY too soon to tell.
  12. Unbelievable? YES! But it's true! It was announced this morning on my local radio station that Van Halen is going to be touring once again...AND YES...DAVID LEE ROTH IS BACK WITH EDDIE AND ALEX VAN HALEN! RAWK!
  13. Hm...good idea. I kinda like electronic musician or electronic aural composer.
  14. It's rather funny that when I saw the theme, I instantly thought of the coronation music from Transformers the Movie (the 1986 movie, not the new one). Made me want to do something like that. (At the time, I have to say Vince DiCola was a damned genius! Now, if only he was still doing work...)
  15. Welcome back sir, welcome back.
  16. If I can help it, I'm going to shoot for playing an hour a night at 8pm EST starting either tomorrow or thursday, and longer on friday nights. I need to rush myself a character so I can help in gathering items and whatnot. Wes, it might be helpful if we know what we're looking for once we get back up to a respectable level. So if you could PM me a list of what you're looking for, or at least post here what kinds of stuff we should be looking for, that'd be great! Thanks!
  17. Sorry Larry, I didn't really read the rest of the thread, I assumed it was the same stuff repeated over and over again. I'll look over it again before I make another post.
  18. Could it be he was talking about Dwelling of Duels? If so, he's had at least one track that I know of featured there. I know, I have almost a full archive of DoD music. Also, if he's so offended that he was rejected, why didn't he just talk to the Judges Panel instead of you coming here and starting this thread? Wouldn't that be the right thing to do himself?
  19. Honestly...probably the most resource heavy games I'll ever play on a laptop are most likely to be Diablo 2 and StarCraft (probably SC2 if the specs aren't too high). As far as everything else, the notebook's sound system is of high importance to me.
  20. I hope you realize that they aren't shooting for big-name actors for this movie, they even said so in that article. In fact, I would wager they might aim for new talent. It would be very cool, in fact, if they reached out into the WoW community to fish for some fresh voice actor talent. Still, a WoW movie? It doesn't surprise me that they're attempting to do this. What will be VERY surprising is its reception at its release. We'll see what happens I suppose.
  21. Nice work! Congratulations you guys! Just influences me more to work hard at musicianship.
  22. I'm not really too impressed with Star Force. I just don't think it'll be all that great. Then again... If ZX was Capcom's wake up call, then maybe we're in for something good.
  23. This is probably just one of those people that's paid to go out and plug product for the company. It really raises the question, "do they really think we're NOT paying attention to the games?"
  24. Pixietricks' first album! SWEET! I can't wait to hear this!
  25. Some people don't know the meaning of the word.
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