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Everything posted by Dyne

  1. Why not talk to anyone who filmed MAGFest? I'm sure that there's someone out there that wouldn't mind sharing footage. You could also plug MAGFest VII in the podcast.
  2. I just wanted to point out a slight error when I clicked on the "Support Us" link from the About drop down menu at the top of the page. When I clicked, it sent me here: http://www.ocremix.org/info/Support Which basically retrieved the following:
  3. I'm basically down for whatever I can do to bring more to the community. That's my number one goal and priority in creating the blog that I'm currently writing for. Heck, I wouldn't mind submitting an article for VGF now and again, it would truly be an honor.
  4. Ha ha ha, stealin' Larry's thunder, naaaaaah. Would I really do that? Would I? (I think a better question is, COULD I?)
  5. I just recently started a blog about the arrangement community and video games in general. I wanted to share it with everyone so that I could help keep people informed about events, news, and upcoming games. I hope everyone enjoys what I'm writing about, and that if you have any questions, comments, or article ideas, that you contact me here on the OverClocked Remix forums. Because I am one person, there is a limit to what I'm able to report on at any one given moment, so I'll try my best to get the good stuff for you, but if there's something I miss that will impact the community in any way, please feel free to message me about it. To read the blog, please go here. Enjoy!
  6. None taken. It is a phenomenal amount of work, and does require a lot of motivation. And if you're in a team environment, it requires team work. But believe it or not, zircon is right in that it's most definitely a time consuming process.
  7. Agreed, I'm going to do a podcast of my own, but it'll be all-inclusive. Primarily about the community, but also doing some reporting on upcoming games, events, meet-ups, etc... I say go for it, message DJP, zircon and pixietricks, and get some feed back. If you want to find out more about what it's like to make a podcast, I suggest looking up Rayza at the very least, and asking him about it. And yes, if you feature remixes from OCR, definitely read up on the content policy.
  8. My comment wasn't toward the thread writer. It was toward Skryp, but I'm retracting it, instead of being a complete asshat.
  9. It's shows like these that scare the living hell outta me. Though, for some, those tunes sure are catchy. (Imagine if President Bush woke up like that every morning, except he's singin' a tune about how he's gonna crush some terrorists and find bin Laden before breakfast.)
  10. I'll see what I can do for you. I'm a bit rusty, but I'll do my best for you.
  11. Yeah...he's his own personal "secret agent man". ...one nation, under Sauce, indivisible, for spaghetti and meatballs for all. And I hope it's a happy birthday for you Rama, filled with hot ladies and big deals n' shit like that for you.
  12. It looks good. I would like to play it though before I make an opinion on it. Also, from the level of violence, it's just a matter of time before Jack crawls his way out of the woodwork to attack.
  13. Happy Birthday Beatdrop, you ol' salty dog you!
  14. I truly LOL'd at this sentence. Thank you, I needed that laugh. (BTW: I agree.)
  15. If you're using Winamp, download Chipamp, available from here. Secondly, use the games link to browse the games to see if there's a chiptune available for it. It's as easy as that.
  16. If you guys haven't been on the server yet, I'm here to tell you, YOU'RE MISSING OUT! I had a wild time last night, and I can't wait to play again. It's a lot of fun, there are a lot of great players on OCR and some that just randomly pop into the server. So please, if you haven't checked it out yet, do so! Trust me, you'll have a great time too!
  17. I just have to throw that out there. I get accused of the "serious business" aspect all the time. I just wanted a reference to throw. Also, excellent way to grab the mention on CNN, add another notch in your belt OCR!
  18. WTF?! You're coming to READING!? SWEET! Where I live is like a suburb of Reading!
  19. I won't be there. Sorry guys. Have a good time. I'll be at Otakon at least.
  20. Nice to see you've always got something going on zircon. Congratulations!
  21. That I didn't know, however, bluefox not knowing who Vai is, is laughable at best. At worst, it shows just how much he DOESN'T know. So, there you have it. Also bluefox, that wasn't to flame you...entirely...just to get you to wake up to the bigger picture, and make less crapfest type posts. Also, listen to Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Stevie Ray Vaughn, BB King, Albert King, Muddy Waters (YES, THAT IS THE NAME OF ONE OF THE GREAT BLUES PLAYERS OF ALL TIME), and others. You need to broaden your musical horizons, also, move out of your parents house... NOW.
  22. Happy Birthday, McVaffe, nice work on the remix! Welcome back to the fold...we've got cookies.
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