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Everything posted by Dyne

  1. If you guys are interested in hearing some Non-game christmas music, check out the project that I'm running. It's due out December 22, and I think you guys will like what you hear so far. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=353114#353114
  2. Reminds me of when the teacher at tech school told us to never open the power supply of a computer. The capacitors can easily hold their charge for periods longer than a month, even two months, and still not be fully drained. Even just brushing it lightly is enough to give yourself the lethal dosage of voltage needed to epic fail life.
  3. Just keepin' the thread alive! BUUUUUUUUUUUMP!
  4. Only you OverCoat, only you.
  5. So I was about to go check out Sample Fusion, when I came to the front page of the Image-Line FL Studio web site. They're currently hosting a contest. For more information, please check out their web site. It looks like a fun contest, you can win the top prize of $1000 in virtual cash for their store, the second place prize of $500, third place gets $250 and fourth $100. The contest runs until December 31st. From what I can tell, you get to use the EZ Generator demo, and you have to build a music web site with everything an artist or band requires. Then you host it, or let them host it, and after the deadline, they pick the best ones. So brush off your web site building and music making skills, this is going to be a fun ride!
  6. Awesome Kanthos! If you are able to contribute, that would be awesome. I look forward to hearing anything you might come up with!
  7. Bump for posterity! Join us! You know you wanna!!!
  8. I just updated the first post, feel free to check it.
  9. Oh come now, there's no need for violence (fictional or not). Besides, who knows, maybe he hasn't heard of the project yet? In any event, I'm so very happy the level of interest has gone up. Let's keep it up, and see some songs posted. Due date is still December 20! And I'm planning on working on at least one song myself, don't know what yet though. We'll see.
  10. Happy Birthday TO! Hope you're havin' a good one!
  11. Metal is music. It takes great skill to shred riff after riff. Listen to the dearly departed Dimebag Darrel, or Zakk Wylde. Calling metal noise is an invitation become the target of multiple flames. You have a right to an opinion, but you really need to be more responsible with it. Also, saying that the artists in question have no musical talent implies that you've not sat down and read anything about the artists themselves. On top of that, you don't seem to want to even give it a chance. You are such a n00b.
  12. Has anyone actually played this game for the Wii? It looks, well, interesting...but I'm really not sure. So I figured I'd ask.
  13. I believe it was 1980 or 81 that he stopped doing stunt driving. At least, that's what I caught on the news. He actually led a more fulfilling life than just stunt driving, he actually was involved in a variety of things. Despite the possible discrepancies, you might want to check out Wikipedia, it may have at least some kind of biography on him. Also, google is your friend.
  14. The Coop, epic wins, for the lulz, everytime. Nice work.
  15. The man, the legendary, Evel Knievel, has passed away at the age of 69. A sad day for stuntmen the world over.
  16. It appears that Futurama has gotten a 5th season, oh yes. While this may be old news to some of you, I just recently found out in the December issue of Wired magazine. So I'm interested in a discussion of said topic. According to the article, fans absolutely love Futurama, especially when Cartoon Network started airing reruns back in 2003. I myself can't help but watch episodes all over again. What do you love about Futurama, and what are you looking forward to when the fifth season airs on Comedy Central? Also, David X. Cohen is a math buff. A fact you mathematicians will love.
  17. I know I'm bumping this constantly. I know this thread may not be what people are interested in. Heck, I'm sure this thread belongs in the Non-remixes Forum (at least now, anyways). Still, I'm not giving up just because few people are interested. So here it is, I'm putting out the call to anyone, and EVERYONE, from last year's attempt at a Christmas Album to resubmit your works here. I know that a few of you have already, and I am thankful, I'll skim the thread when I'm more awake, and make sure you get put into the main post of this thread. Anyone that wants to contribute to this is most welcome. Love it, or hate it, it's Christmas time again. It is my wish to see some more support for this album, even if it's a non-remix album. There is such a wealth of talent on OCR that it borders on the edge of reason why so few would contribute. So I'm calling on the community to come out and help. Help make this album a success. Join us, celebrate the music, celebrate the season. Whether or not you believe in what Christmas stands for (and it stands for different things for different people), come along for the ride, it'll be fun.
  18. The saddest part of this is that by firing him, they've essentially given him a case for suppression of free press. Even if he is a game reviewer, simply the act of firing him is enough to trigger some sort of lawsuit, if he should be so inclined. That said, should it become a case, they'll start with Gamespot, and move on to Eidos as Eidos seems to be the peer most responsible for the pressure of Gamespot firing this reviewer. Also, while he might not have been the best reviewer, at least he spoke his mind. Of course, in the end, it doesn't really matter, he'll either get another job reviewing games, or he'll be looking for work elsewhere.
  19. With any luck they do. That said, the message I get from zircon's post is that you're supposed to "READ" the guidelines before submitting your remix. Apparently they're reading, but they're missing the part about resubmission if your remix is rejected. Captain Obvious, standing by!
  21. I think that's a point the a lot of gamers, especially the fanboys/girls, miss when they talk about the PS3. Halo and Halo 2 both launched on the Xbox, but the 360 didn't get Halo 3 until this year. Why people say it's "only for Halo 3" doesn't make sense. I've enjoyed Assassin's Creed, Naruto: Rise of a Ninja and quite a few other games, as well as the downloadable classics from Marketplace. Also...I too cannot wait for Metal Gear Solid 4. Not only do the in-game graphics look great, the game itself looks very, very polished. The only real disappointment is the lack of a rumble feature. That really upsets me, because that feature has been a staple since MGS2. Still...March is some time away, and that 80GB version of the PS3 is looking better and better. Also...FINAL FANTASY XIII!
  22. Well, even still, look at the numbers, they don't lie. PS3 outselling the Wii is actually amazing considering that when both systems came out in their respective launches, their levels of supply were drastically different. Now, the PS3 supply has gone up, while the Wii (whilst still selling great numbers) supply has gone down because of consumer demand. People LOVE their consoles, whether it's PS3 or Wii. There is, however, no love right now for the X-box 360. I think the question I really want answered is, is it just the Elite systems that are having these issues, or are there issues with the previously released versions of the 360 that have yet to be revealed?
  23. There is an article on CNBC that I thought would be of interest to some of you out there who enjoy discussing the console wars. For the benefit of myself, and the mods, please don't turn this into a fanboy/girl flame fest, I'd prefer my thread toasty, but not flame broiled. Thanks. Microsoft Left Out Of Black Friday Console Wars?
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