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Everything posted by NeoForte

  1. Well I gave it a try on my MacBook using Parallels and I advise people to don't :/ Kinda gimped really, didn't have aero functionality, didn't have sound and froze when I wanted to open pics. Other than that I lked what I saw. Sucks I can't create a new Boot Camp partition without erasing my old one ; ;
  2. Awww, well serves me right for having some hype of this... It's pretty much duck hunt or so it's being reported... Meh
  3. Confirmed just now, big announcement 4 titles for iPhone, including MGS Touch and Silent Hill! http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=345781 So glad I have this damned phone
  4. Yea I posted this on the Wii thread the day it was announced, maybe should have made a new thread for it....oh well. Personally I'm excited. I really want more RPGs on the Wii.
  5. Geeze was a joke >.> Anyway DQ always has gone to the console that's been the most successful (Ps, Ps2, DS and now Wii) which is why I said that comment mostly. But yea what you guys said is true.
  6. Wii won, Dragon Quest X announced for Wii Sauce: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=344939
  7. Ah ok, sorry guess I misunderstood :/ Anyway I just got home in time to get the Album. Awesome songs indeed
  8. Don't underetimate Colbert's influence. We are talking about the guy who surged the voting of that Bridge away from being called Chuck Norris. Away.....from Chuck Norris.
  9. LOL wow. Man we really gotta beat out this guy. YKK is one of m favorite manga. Shame not many people read it yet :/
  10. Nope got any links? (Also awesome Yokohama Kaidashi Kiko sig )
  11. Hmmm sounds fun. Maybe I'll give it a crack after I complete this Kirby Christmas pick I'm doing.
  12. http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/211966/december-01-2008/operation-humble-kanye You heard him folks. Tomorrow, 5pm EST we go to WAR!!!! Honestly his Christmas Special was awesome. The songs were funny so I'll be getting this. Who's with me?
  13. Butz under EX mode is a Mime. He can utilize any fo the sword weilders attacks basically. And yea he was super skiiny in the old artwork.
  14. Shantotto is in it, that made my day this week. So fucking awesome
  15. For those who missed it theres a youtube of it out now.
  16. By Foster's Imaginary Friends. Wow that was really unexpected. Rick looked like he was enjoying himself. Was pretty cool lol. Don't think my mom understood what was going on and why I was laughing so much lol.
  17. So anyone gotten their Arrangement Album yet? Think I saw a few people on Neo GAF got it. Any impressions?
  18. both albums are on sale so asking for a torrent for them is against the rules. But speaking of which... Anyone got a torrent of the 8bit music to the Mega Man 7 8bit remake I posted before? (site that was linked in that thread no longer has the mp3s ; ; )
  19. Well well first gameplay video is out. Doesn't look too terrible: http://www.viddler.com/explore/TRUEGAMEHEADZ/videos/81/
  20. Ah yes thank you, forgot about that theme. Should also add in Wily Stage 2 from MM8, I remember loving that theme.
  21. While MM2's Wily 1 has gotten a lot of popularity, I do say it's one of the best. Though thats not to say there are better ones out there. Ex would be MM3 Wily 1, Cossack Stage 2, Wily Stage 5 from MM5 (yea I like it), and MM7's Stage 1 is in my top 3 (though I like Stage 2 cause of the bass). I dunno why some don't like the new ones. Personally We are the Robots! (Stage 2) rocks in my opinion.
  22. Few remix previews at the developers site: http://www.inti.co.jp/cd/rockman9ast/index.htm They sound awesome!
  23. GBA games are still in develpment but are so few and far btween that it doesn't matter much to Nintendo anymore it seems. The DS is their main platform and want to focus on improving it. Yea it cripples some game but honestly the GB Micro was a much better GBA player. The Opera browser won't be missed much seeing as DSi has a built in one. People with pokemon imports should already have an old DS to use. By the way the DS games have been selling I am sure everyone who wanted to import their GBA pokemon have done so already.
  24. Awesome game I just found out about. It's hard as hell and pretty fun. Try getting to the end http://trunks.fireball20xl.com/love/getlove/getlove1.html Windows only right now :/ Controls are Arrows for movement, A = Enter/Jump, S = Make Spawn Point, D= Die, F6 to adjust window size, Alt+Enter to make full screen. Enjoy
  25. Hate to bring up such an old post but did anyone happen to save the mp3s of the songs of this game? The link posted earlier isn't working anymore :/
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