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Everything posted by NeoForte

  1. It is suppose to say SFX. Just as it moved the F kinda turned into a E.
  2. Awww at Hawkwing's kitty. I've always wanted one ; ; Anyway my gifts included: 27in iMac Red Dual Shock 3 Up, Pinnichio and Ghostbusters Blurays New Super Mario Bros Wii
  3. Signed up, hoping....praying I can test this out. I'm so excited
  4. bah I though this would be the Zelda movie IGN posted a trailer of a while back, Checked out the first few mins and I gues it seemed a bit interesting. Have to watch mroe of it later.
  5. New info from Game INformer.com at: http://gameinformer.com/b/features/archive/2009/10/20/Inside-the-Game_3A00_-An-In_2D00_Depth-Look-at-Epic-Mickey_1920_s-Art-and-Animation.aspx If you have problems looking at some of the vieos there's direct links here http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=18115947&postcount=3374 and some animated gifs here: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=18117141&postcount=3388
  6. So....scans and screenshots and details finally revealed. I lov the retro Mickey modela nd seeing Oswald again~ The actual game screenshots took a while but I'm warming up to them. I hope we see more areas. http://vgchartz.com/forum/thread.php?id=89307
  7. Hey I kinda liked FF Unlimited Also you forgot the FFXI mini expansions: A Crystalline Prophecy: Ode to Life Bestowing (Crap story and quests but good rewards) A Moogle Kupo d'Etat: Evil in Small Doses (Funny story, crappy quests and decent rewards) A Shantotto Ascension: The Legend Torn, Her Empire Born. (not released yet)
  8. Unfortunately developers just don't wanna spend the extra cash and time to learn Ps3 architecture and develop for it from the get go (also MS might have something to do with it). If Bayonetta was a Ps3 developed game, porting it to 360 would have been less of a hassle than what they did. There's really no excuse for this anymore really. I would have loved Bayonetta on the Ps3's Dualshock more but oh well~
  9. Final Boss Theme to Lost Odyssey would be awesome to hear as a remix
  10. My thoughts? LOL RPG Gamer. I only trust reviews from Gametrailers (IMO they seem to be most consistant) and they gave it a decent score (7,9/10). Here take a look: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/review-kingdom-hearts/56637
  11. I dunno, IMO it still looks pretty similar. Well th rest fo the art I mean. Sabrina was by far the most changed for some reason. I think she still looks cool, just not as much as before. I have no problems with the new style.
  12. Yea the new trailer was awesome! And what about Phantasy Star Universe? That charges for you to play on the 360 as well.
  13. The Unkowns were given a small part within Crystal's plot and this seems to carry over some of that. Also given that they appear in a wi-fi event SPOILER!!!! They appear when you summon Arceus and he produces an egg of one of the DPPl dragons. Dunno any details other than that.
  14. eh at least the main series games have moved away from Kanto.
  15. OMG! @ the new remixed music! Holy shit I want this game already! (stupid 2010 release ; All here...well most http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=SexeiAlexy&view=videos Here's some of my favorite's:
  16. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles says Hi~ http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=E163419B7C0F941F&search_query=final+fantasy+crystal+chronicles+music More specifically: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JijEx-4w2I I love this OST~ PS - Ya I know not all the album is celtic but it has a lot of tracks that are/influenced by it
  17. Kinda sad you skipped over FF9. IMO you should have played that one over X. It's the best of the Ps1 FF (even better, there's a lot of neat nods to the old school in this game....sucks the end is kinda blah though). X is a decent game. In terms of story it's an interesting approach and near the end I found it interesting. Also some of the characters while having decent backgrounds/stories are kinda meh. But really if anything you should stick it out for would be the battle system. It's great! Sure it's pretty straightforward and kinda slow at the beginning but once you have all characters and full access to the Sphere Grid, that's where things open up. The battles can be really challenging (especially stuff in the Monster creating Colosseum thingy). If you can ignore the story I think you'll be at least entertained with the battles. Just stay clear of FFX-2 though. While the battle system and job system is like FFV but more refined....story wise....oh god the story...
  18. Yea this is coming to PC and 360 as well. Make no mistakes about that. I'm pretty excited about this game, maybe a bit more than 13 o.o Also about it being weird having 2 FF games announced so soon, think back when FF9 was announced, they also announced 10 and 11 as well.
  19. Wow I didn't think we would see this cause of all the different licenses but cool nonetheless Well it's still a rumor till we get the copies of Nintendo Power in our hands but still pretty cool: http://www.joystiq.com/2009/05/16/rumor-tatsunoko-vs-capcom-coming-to-us/
  20. http://pkstation.com/portada.php?subaction=showcomments&id=1241931603&archive=&start_from=&ucat=4& Theres the full vieo of the segment with ZAAAAAAANY JAPANESE COMEDY!!!!!!! You can hear New Bark Town's remixed music, sounds nice New news from inside source in GAF, seems pokemon will have slightly astetic looks to them that can be passed off from parents to child. Can't say more on it cause even he doesn't know how it works fully but it's suppose to be really in depth.
  21. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=15785899&postcount=651 Pokemon Follows you, looks like D/P/Plat.....so awesome T.T
  22. I been hitting up TF2 recently so should be fun playing against you guys....well with you/against you hehe. I joined.
  23. Hey Arek! Happy Birthday!
  24. Huh didn't knwo this game had a thread here. My friend got it when it was released and honestly I didn't like it as much. Sure had nice music and was cool seeing a HD shooter but it felt off to me. Dunno how to explain it really. The hard difficulty was a nice welcome. I also thought it was too generic :/ Personally I wish Einhander was out already ><
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