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Everything posted by NeoForte

  1. I'll get this someday... but on a related note... THERE'S a 5TH ROCKMAN ZERO ALBUM?!?! Holy crap I gotta listen to that
  2. I admit it was kinda slowing down in the middle but I've always liked this comic a lot. Just so awesome seeing a demented version of FF1 in a way heh. The ending fit the comic well. Just sucks it's over now :/
  3. HQ video of battles and the town is here: http://www.filb.de/forum/showthread.php?t=4388&from=1306
  4. Yes...yes they do http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbdVZMfXKR0 Battle and Town footage
  5. Now if they only take note and apply Golden Sun's battle speeds~
  6. Vocophobes?
  7. I know! OCR-tan(s) vs the.... Vocaloids!
  8. Ok so I saw all the bosses and the final level and all I gotta say is wow...Can't believe how many boss fights are basically rip offs of Sonic 1 and 2 bosses. Oooo so they have a 2nd part to them....sorry but no. PS: BTW if you wanna spoil yourself, the Final Zone http://img30.imageshack.us/img30/5448/6300.mp4
  9. Awesome! Guess time I start working harder~
  10. LOL This has got to be one giant complex April Fools joke by SEGA...it has to be lol...
  11. in the defense, person was using 360 pad to tilt but still....
  12. Ok screw this game. They made the TV boxes stop sonic....just wtf?
  13. Dark Void for DSiWare had me do it too
  14. NO no f- you SE, give me my FF5 remake then you can talk about 7 all you want >.>
  15. http://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2010/100323e.pdf Wow, it's late but just wow. I'm really looking forward to E3 this year
  16. Actually this is a 2D game. It just seems to be using 3D models as sprites (kinda like DKC or Mortal Kombat). So I guess they are giving us a HD 2D game.
  18. I still have my doubts really. With MM9 we knew Inti Creates and the minds behind classic Mega Man were behind it. With this, we're still in the dark about many things. Also considering Sonic Teams' track record recently... I am keeping optimistic though. I'm just hoping it's a lot better than Sonic Rush games.
  19. LOL, the differences in our coloring is so big, I suck in comparison . Still I had fun doing the pictures~ PS. I sucked at backgrounds...
  20. Sorry I dunno where my artwork is atm. Since my old HDD was formatted by mistake, most my things were on CDs and DVDs. Since those atm are in a box (moving this week) I cannot show you any of the finished work. Hopefully by this Saturday I can. Though it seems I still hold some of my old Scetches I did messing around with ideas. Here's a few:
  21. Let's see... Since I saw Kaiba last year I haven't really kept up with much anime (seriously, those of you that haven't seen Kaiba check it out now!) I should rewatch Big O and FLCL again; haven't seen those in a long while. Only anime I've seen since Kaiba have been has been Hidamari Sketch season 1-2 (slice of life show about 4 girls in a art magnet school), Haruhi season 2, and Allison and Lillia. Man so many other shows I need to see.
  22. Wtf EA....wtf EA... http://kotaku.com/5445824/dantes-inferno-the-official-novelization-of-the-book PS Sorry for the bump~
  23. Stupid me thought this was a FFXI remix project. But hey FFIX is my favorite Psx FF so awesome
  24. Zelda, Mario Galaxy 2 and Metroid in the same year. Awesome! But knowing Nintendo Zelda is probably gonna be pushed back till 2011~
  25. Yea this isn't till probably next year for any real official announcement. From the translations he was talking about what the next DS would have to have, Higher Resolution and MOtion Control.
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