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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. So yeah some nice flames... Sorry to say, I've arrived to the conclusion that all gamestop employees tend to be douchebags, especially that one time I requested a particular title and instead being given an assholish tirade about how another title is better over the other. madden shoveling douchebags... No matter how nice or good a person they are, they give that aural feeling of douchebagginess at that shit hole of a shop... That said... Where exactly will this thread continue... Any new info on the Castlevania Wii game? Any new developements on the upcoming title for the next DS installment..?
  2. Macs aren't renowned as a gaming platform. Unless you plan to play just WoW don't expect to have ease in playing games as most windows based pcs have. May even be forced to use Bootcamp... May as well go with a windows based PC if you plan to game and save your self the hassle to run multple apps in order to play one game...
  3. That's all..? I don't know about you but that never came up as a problem for me. Besides it was a nice break from the main action as well as a challenge.
  4. It's really not as bad as many others make it out to be as I enjoyed the hell out of it. It was a solid game and to my knowledge back then was the only Castlevania that had villagers turned into vampires fighting ya as well as maids/butlers as well being minor vampires attacking ya. It just gets a bad rap for the skeletons riding on the motorcycles, because it can't actually be the difficulty which I'll admit aside from annoying moments it was not as hard to where it got me raging mad. I would even agree to the statement that it's better than Lament of Innocence and Curse of Darkness. That being how going throughout Dracula's realm didn't all look the same dam way. This along with those god damn pools of blood poisoning me at the worst time...
  5. If if makes ya feel more comfy you can try applying to the corp I'm in. Mix of both industrial/mission/FW to simple pvp excursions. Mind you though you can stay temporarly if ya like. PM me if you're interested Heck I'll even supply you with equipment if the CEO is too busy. I'm pretty much a more flamboyant experimentor of fits/modules/rigs... Still trying to push my Rokh to be more powerful; as of now it's an awesome fleet supporting sniper. As for me I specialize in hybrid turrets but I have some mastery on all turret weapons
  6. I still play it, had a lot of close moments ever since CCP introduced Faction Wars. Nothing like leading a bunch of frigate ship pilots while giving support via heavy fire power in a battleship with the BC's guarding you against specialized ships. Mainly... find something you enjoy doing and build upon it. Personally I prefer specializing in heavy weapons use and invention. Not to mention experimenting with wild to downright stupid modules on my ships. Also if you get bored, it just means you've yet to really go further into more dangerous territory... Time wise I just play every once in a while, ala quick skirmishes or a couple of mission runs with friends.
  7. So do I *sniff* So do I...
  8. No I'm afraid it's dude, however with a heavily emphasised beauty from his mother while having power similar if not close to his father. But hey you can just get the guys who work on "The Venture Bros." and get them to redo the art for Castlevania fighter game
  9. That doesn't affirm vista being actually better in any rate, there;s nothing wrong with wanting to stick with a dated os to begin. As time goes on, it gets less focus by those who break into the OS while the next big thing becomes targeted. Give something very appealing or worthwhile target, apple os/unix based oses would crumble just as easily; put aside the fanboyisms please... no os is exempt from crackers/abusers. Only reasons most alternative oses are not having chronic issues with crackers/hackers is because it's not as widely used. They are not being used as often as choice for big business or even govt. For the few that do hey thats simply trying to avoid attention from breakers or find an essier way to manage data, not exactly to oogle at a different way of using a desktop.. Had things been different and Apple's or even Unix based OSes were the dominate ones, they would be facing the same issues as Windows does now. PS vista blows dead poodles
  10. Is it REALLY that bad..? Just sounds really simplistic.
  11. That's a real shame...
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJy9rnlPeyM felt obligated
  13. chances are no psp... unless there's a planned hacked port to the psp...
  14. Try reading more clearly I did say if I'm gonna have one meaning actually consider buying a bad title. nice failure to think before you post
  15. Could just be a diversion... Something to have players get used to seeing them in fighting form, only to reveal some awesome new adventure on the Wii, and the fighting game is only just a demo... Ah well... If I'm gonna have one (possibly) bad title for the Wii, it may as well be this...
  16. Seems like it will
  17. Zeromus..? Chances are it'll be Golbez/Cecil Though who exactly would be up against Kefka; under the assumption that it will include the first ten FF games...
  18. Possibility of more titles assuming MM9 actually succeeds..?
  19. Specifically speaking... Think Sony Playstation's take on Super Smash Brothers Brawl except of course being exclusive to the Final Fantasy series and probably limited to just the basics of a fighting game.
  20. You were not defending Microsoft, you were defending what reality is and preventing others from twisting it to suit their views and needs
  21. Make it $250, throw in a couple of extra perepherals, maybe a 10% discount for any released titled (new or not) along with heavy promotions on third party developers. Then we'll talk... In the end though even if this does not happen, I'll probably still get it for MGS4, Siren - Blood Curse, and RE5/SH5 (if they any good) along with the ability to play home made BR discs... It does make one wonder what exactly will happen in the supposed ten year life cycle on the PS3... Will there be newer editions to the hardware ala slim PS3..?
  22. NES: Megaman 1-6 (especially 4 as it's the hardest with only the Megabuster) Castlevania & Castlevania III - Dracula's Curse (god damn it come out on VC) Mike Tyson's Punchout Super Mario Bros 1-3 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles-arcade version port (with sister or friend)(must also comeout on VC) SNES; Super Ghouls & Ghosts Donkey Kong & Donkey Kong 2 Super Castlevania IV (especially the second time around as it goes on hardmode) Super Punchout Final Fantasy III (VI) Nintendo 64: Castlevania64 - Legacy of Darkness version Zelda 64: Ocarina of Time (every heart piece/skulltula/side stuff) Bomberman64 (damn gold cards haunted me the entire time & multiplayer was awesome) Gameboy/GBA/DS: Megaman5 Warioland 1 Kirby's Pinball Kirby's Dreamland Tetris & DS version FF: Tactics Advance Fire Emblem (US) & FE:Sacred Stones PC: Half-Life Quake II Quake 4 DOOM Trilogy & 3 Age of Empires 2
  23. Pro tip: Stay the fuck away from Northeast, Southeast and Southwest of Wash DC. You're gonna get shot... Northwest at least is presentable though not a whole lot in a way of sight seeing... Just stay around the capital along with the Verizon Center. (awesome time there during the FOSE Convention - work related :3 )
  24. I just posted about that issue earlier Nonetheless it does suck... Thank goodness to personal ingenuity
  25. http://www.simprograms.com/?p=692 Get ready to bring out some... "specialized apps" when you're screwed... Shame too as I'm interested in messing around with it...
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