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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. We're surrounded by eunuchs and trashy twigs! D:
  2. Hey pot I'm kettle~! Love ya Also I agree with Makai. Too good to pass up
  3. Resently thought about trolling but then I thought back and felt the person who'd take the bait would recent my actions and may make an inane post. Regardless I get a laugh What I'd really like to see is how far they would go to complain. There are tons of stereotypes in games if one chose to look real hard for them; one would even be able to find some that don't even exist because of the desire to complain and get attention. in other words just the word "feminists" says it all.
  4. Oh god the gamers are gonna feel this one The imminent shitstorm of yoda as a broken character breaking SCIV is upon us.
  5. I just read the article on what exactly is the game about and I still don't understand it... The fatter she gets the harder she is to be captured... lol wut? Ridiculously overblown which only serves to work against these "feminists" which pretty much sums up how important their outcries are when it comes to games of all things... How about the problem of the burgeoning numbers of single mothers in American huh..? Why aren't they making an outcry on that problem... maybe for ppr...?
  6. Would have been easier to answer if ya were using a windows based PC imo Only thing I can think of a dvd ripper program for Macs would be Xillsoft, gonna cost ya $50 though... edit: Here's a link for more info if u want. http://www.xilisoft.com/dvd-ripper-mac.html 2nd edit: Next time make a search for "DVD Rippers" 3rd edit: reread your original post. for windows: Magic dvdripper works for me just fine. http://www.magicdvdripper.com/ won't say much else though
  7. There are such people who're masochists who love the pain of grinding. A sub group inparticular is the WoW community, the sad thing for them though is that there's no real story for them, if a shallow tome even exists for them...
  8. I meant in just a comical way. Cid has his merits of course but still I can't help but think of him as a joke character. Almost like how in Persona 3/FES there were joke weapons. A toy baseball bat with spikes is one of the most powerful weapons in the game, For goodness sake SOCK PUPPETS were one of the most powerful glove/boxing weapons in the game. :lol: In Cid's case, he just makes me laugh
  9. The Dark Elf was only hard when you didn't prepare earlier on before it morphed. What you'd want to do is to have Cecil cast Protect asap and Tellah Shell. Soon after Slow then haste on Yang/Cecil/Tellah. I can't help but think of Cid as a joke member of the group Beyond that just keep having Cecil stick to basic healing while Tellah/Yang and Cid wail on the cheap asshole
  10. I actually loled hard when I got wiped out. I should have been angry and pissed off but... I just loled real hard... Got back there and kicked ass right after though...
  11. Can't go wrong with Mephisto getting the job. When some one needs a computer build job done right, they hail Mephisto to get the job done with expertise. Whenever I'm too lazy to do it myself I'd get Mephisto to do the job painlessly. When you neeed a pc build job done just get Mesphisto to do the job.
  12. In other words you got all flustered on the internet forums and did something else. Brickbuster90 did offer ya a good option though As for the series... I some how see it as a sign that hollywood had been eyeing the animated scene for a good while... (no shit eh?) Heard there's suppose to be a Transformers sequel, there are already threads about the Cowboy Bebop live action as well as the DB movie; not to mention the Avatar live action movie mentioned here. Next thing you know, One-Piece live action versus Pirates of the Carribean threads will be all the rage some day. D:
  13. Ya know Bleck I can't help but think this guy and the guy who did this are one and the same. If only because after a check I've noticed a plot device that was used in the first iteration and then the third iteration... Their style seems similar...
  14. Thats the thing I almost never look and only went by others who ventured forth into the dense jungle that is fanfiction.net. I'll take your words Bleck and take a look.
  15. Hmm.... deep from the bowels of an old email account, light shining upon a dusty letter. Within it had been an address to a particular tale. Like so many interpretations of the First Testatement, it led to a reinterpretation of a beginnings not wholly unknown by those who lived through it and cherish the memories as time marches on. This is the beginning of Rockman... http://www.fanfiction.net/s/366295/1/Rockman_the_Robot_War Probably the only thing I would ever consider worth a read from that site, if only for nostalgia and thoughts on how it formed within my childish mind back then... Mind you I didn't write it myself...
  16. If you're going to get "The Orange Box", do not, I repeat DO NOT GET IT FOR THE XBOX360.... Go for the PC version and you'll thank me later...
  18. damn you pez you nearly got me to spray mountain dew on my monitor! :lol: I will venture to say I believe there is such a thing as very well written stuff by fans, however I can only think of two mentioned by some old friends and I think a poster here. Neither which suffers the cancer that infects fans writings. but back to the nicknames.... Pick a name from the Megaman/X/Z/NetBattle/StarForce series. so very easy.
  19. I will agree with injin in that there some questions left alone I'd like to have answered, and yet I feel thats the beauty of leaving it up to the viewers to dwell upon if they choose to. In fact one can surmise the possibility of say... Azula some how breaking out and wanting revenge on the entire world. Go all Kefka-like in where she gains trust of a powerful leader only to take over and some how become a god. Not through war but through deception and blitzkrieging defense that would probably still be in a slow reconstruction due to the recent coming of great peace. She's already, based on my views, passed the deep end and beyond. With a focused madness, who can say what may come...? This is just one of many possibilities that a viewer can create and simply play with it. To provide answers just takes away the fun of making up possibilities...
  20. But wut if it becomes larger with the new name..? D:
  21. Thus it all boils down to presentation of the plot, how it tells it while keeping things balanced enough to (a) keep viewers entertained & ( making the viewers want more; all the while not ruining the pace, plot as well as providing a proper closure, even leaving some loose ends is fine..
  22. based on his reaction I dare not read what he quoted.
  23. So back to the nicknames... what exactly are you looking for..? I've chosen this name on account of Big O series being a favorite of mine; however I wanted to put a spin on the name as well, thus the intentional mispelling. (not to mention I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE names with numbers in them) Also I've got other reasons as well for choosing the name that's closely tied to the character Consider choosing a name that you could relate to closely in some ways.
  24. Well... Any one already had their fill of comic/graphic novel book movies or there's still room for yet another...? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4blSrZvPhU Seems interesting enough and I've only heard of them, never read anything...
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