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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. unfortunately I only know a couple of commercial proggies that add subtitles to avi files... I'll pm them to you if you're interested... A thread about adding subtitles to avi files. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/64557 Plus you'll have an easier time with a .avi file and adding subtitles to it than messing around with ogm files...
  2. To be quite honest I'm not sure myself which sound it would be at the moment since I'm at work; Much different set up here than at my home PC. The best way to learn is to learn the hard way imo, but I'm sure some one else can provide a better answer right now.
  3. settings-->control Panel-->Sound & Audio devices-->Sounds. Should show up on the list... or perhaps you need to turn up the volume for ya to hear... Also hey you can now customize what sounds are playing for specific actions Got the "Self Destruction" alarm used in the Resident Evil ReMake as my shutdown imminent message as well as the short clip of a song used in Resident Evil:CVX, the theme of the twins with the woman singing some words ss my logon sound.
  4. Okay so hey... I just tried both zd soft game recorder and game cam... The first one for one reason or another wouldn't let me see what I'm playing as it records while the second one had some hidden controls which I could not get access for whatever reason... In detail: After setting ZD soft to the preferred settings for both vid and audio, I started to record only to hear the background but not see the target source playing... Nothing but a black screen. When I tried recording while something was moving it would freeze the recording on that screen while the game plays... As for game cam... Following the so called "explanation/tutorial" I still could not access the main controls of the actual program... yeah... assistance if possible please..? ): Tried googling for answers but none "actually" answered my questions...
  5. yeah in that vid comparision the YT version had that "bootleg" vid cassette quality compared to the vimeo version, although on the vimeo side it just seems to be touched up... Perhaps the source clip was of poor/low quality to begin with..? In either case I'll be trying out a few, namely Veoh and Vimeo for now by me making a test vid and uploading on both. Later once that's done, can I ask for opinions on which side is better..? The more input the better I'd say. Also for now I'm borrowing a program a friend of mine gave me called game recorder by zd soft. Gonna try that as well as game cam to see how they work out as well. Thanks for the help!
  6. I do too after reading its FAQ :3 It seems to have what I'm searching for in a better, flexible alternative to youtube.
  7. Signing up as a "director" now no longer allows uploaders to have vids longer than 10 minutes; only for those that applied as director before the change.. and yes while most would prefer small 5-10 minute flicks, I'm being asked to make "playthrough movies"; which I actually don't mind doing for shits and giggles. I'm not about to spam the site with vids like I kinda did in the short lived touhou thread, just would like to make/share some personally made vids with some old buddies. Heck before uploading vids via the net became commonplace, I've been doing it "oldschool"; meaning using a VCR recording and mailing it off to one friend who would send it to another I ask to be sent on a list. Started waaaay back...
  8. If that's the case wtf is up with the fgt time limit placed on youtube..? Does not Google "own" youtube...?
  9. Lately I've been considering making some vids for some close friends on game playing, but thanks to YT's fgt time limit I'm trying to find some more flexible alternatives... Any good sites for vid uploading, aside from owning a personal website..? Extra* I also learned that landing and refueling the jet on TopGun for the NES is possible by using the Power Glove... wtf... Wouldn't mind good software suggestions for recording on the PC, as all I really know is using camtasia, but that's not always perfect for me... Just would like to make high quality (read: actually recognizable) vids without the weird color blurs...
  10. Done it before with Resident Evil, Silent Hill, Kingdom Hearts and Megaman(X) series... So yeah I usually prefer to start from the first game of a series if the story for it is involving enough to warrant going in order. Though to my understanding Persona 1 and 2 are not connected in such a way as they need to be played from the oldest to the latest... Unless I'm wrong..? If that's the case I don't wish to spoil my experience by playing something that may be superior to the older titles unless I've played the older games first already...
  11. So hey I just picked up my copy as I decided to go a day earlier thinking it may already be on shelves. Thank god as I saw 3 others picking it up and the last one is all mine. Still at work but nonetheless glad to have taken a bit of my lunch break to get it. Now here's the kicker more or less... I just realized I'm flooded with titles. Already got Persona 1 & 2, now P3:FES, MGS:2 and 3 to try out, Valkyrie Profile, and last but not least Parasite Eve, (as that friend of mine was also giving ithem away to my surprise). He won't give me any of the gradius games (god damn it) but the other two were fine with me along with the other two games he gave. Now the biggest challenge for me is to balance my time wisely to make sure none of it gets in my more important affairs as well as getting the most out of the games.
  12. I thought the whole upper-class nascar racing would have hinted how boring it would have been.
  13. Meh I wouldn't sell a game even if it's worth millions to some nutjob. Nor would I shell out millions as I value the entertainment side over the demands from some fanatics... Especially since they are PS1 games, making a "back up" in the case the originals die is hardly difficult... Nonetheless, I'm picking them up tomorrow morning
  14. For free yeah as he's too lazy to go about trying to sell it, a bit wasteful as I know he has a lot of stuff but he never tries to sells it. Either he gives it away or just throws it out. Mr Money Bags so to speak... I'll take up on his offer What will suck though is that despite me having a PS2 to play them on, I lost my old PS1 mem card. I'm gonna have to settle playing them on my PC just like with my RE2:DSE and Metal Gear Solid...
  15. So yeah I got a close friend that's planning on giving me Persona 1 & Persona 2 both on the Playstation. They worth getting them or should I just pass up on them?; also would it be best if I go ahead and get Persona 3: FES soon as it's released this coming monday..?
  16. 24 here and while the name is reminiscent, I vaguely remember them. How ever the first vid reminds me of KH2 in particularly while the other two reminded me when music vids were actually trying to be creative.
  17. A very misleading statement as it's not true that "every one on the PC version cheats". For your high ping issues, have you tried servers that are within your current area of residence..? I've tried going to far eastern servers and had 350 s my ping more often than not. Just stuck with the eastern coast of the US and always get a 40 ping... Continuing with the ping issues, how is it that ur ping is better on the 360 than on the PC?
  18. Definatly PC, that way I won't have the option to poke fun at you mandatoraly for letting your self get locked out of a lot of custom content. *I'm looking at you 360 halo players lulz* Plus the cheaters/hackers are not as prevalent as they used to be back in the old days. For the most part, most server admins are competent and are on top of bullshittery; usually taking care of the garbage asap. They never stay long enough to empty a server unlike the old days...
  19. Rather than making it "Story Time with Schwaltzvald and his Grimly Tales", I'll just find a Genesis rom to see for myself if it makes me feel the same way when I tried it years ago...
  20. Wouldn't mind paying for it if I knew how and where/to et cetera. While I didn't say it's okay to pirate it, it seems vague on whether I was wrong to post it. If I'm truly wrong in the post then no doubt it will be deleted by a mod. As for you golga (going by pronunciation) try adding more to your posts plz kthx
  21. This time... Just forget torrents... http://www.doujinstyle.com/touhou.php Basically it has the biggest (as far as I know) touhou community... Touhou 6 is there as well as 8 along with others... *note - the download speed is notoriously slow... expecr overnight waits... Also I feel it's okay to post as they are the "doujin" games that were made, not commercial games
  22. IMO it has alot to do with the Boss theme. It's odd but some how it's catchy as it's spawned many arrangements and remixes... Here's some examples to explain to those that do know what I'm talking about. Forgive me if this is percieved as spam, but it's the best way I can explain it... An earlier post of mine has the metal/hard rock variation... The original theme: The infamous McRolled version of the same song... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nhizo7KrZrw Wacky Vocal version: Those Japanese http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKRCJjzmuLg&feature=related Finally an Orchestral version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E67D-5qm6Wc&feature=related Just a fun track to mess around with.
  23. Here's another example of the series, my personal favorite Touhou Six ; "Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil" It's easier that Touhou 8, for me at least http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Touhou_Project On the Touhou Project
  24. I would have imagined Coop being the one considering he's an aficianado of sorts on shmups; though I've never seen nor heard of him playng bullet hell games like "Imperishable Night".
  25. I just tried it last night and god damn... Makes the hard mode of Ikaruga feel like a simple game of catching/throwing a ball. It's not so much as dodging the orbs and enemies (got through them with a lot of close cals..) that I'm being bombarded with, it's the motherfucking kamehameha waves I'm being blasted halfway through the boss fight. Here's an example... fuuuuuuuuuuuuuukkkk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cANmleJ1Ye8&feature=user I love the challenge though... I'll beat that bitch somw how... Also I've been collecting the music as well
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