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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. For the sake of those ignorant of Terry Prachett, who is he and what makes him very significant for this post..?
  2. Apparently Top Man makes trench coats for both men and women... www.topman.com Problem is either they are too short for my taste or look too feminene...
  3. New trench coat, new gloves-with-metal-knuckles built into them, new dress shoes (old ones are really scuffed from... work), new attache' case, stronger chain (old one can be easily broken if you're crafty), John Lennon styled shades that fit me, concealable night stick (for when I leave late at night from work), second Wii for me to mess around with, maybe some crimson and royal blue neck ties to match with my black and white dress shirts... Oh yeah and some new gloves for boxing Though chances are I won't get all of those items... I can settle with a new laptop with linux and some friend codes for me to play with others off-topic* Isn't there a directory of friends codes for me to peruse at..? I'd sure like to try playing some games against ya some time
  4. I was actually considering that since that way I can experiment with Linux on the go Still, chances are I will have two lappys, one for linux experimentation and the other windows for work.
  5. Any one know where I can buy some barebones laptops..? Perhaps with a good graphics card or at least reliable mobo..? Google doesn't help much at all...
  6. Ganon in alot of ways is the epitome of greed and corruption within the series. Sure he had in alot of ways a good life without even bothering the mainlands of Hyrule, but of course that's where greed comes into play. Considering OoT, can't one say each piece of the Trifcrce carries a curse of sort..? For example, what would be the side effects be affecting Ganon once he was only able to attain Power..? Amplification of passionate emotions and desires; especially greed, yet with the nasty case of constant pain like chronic migraines of ther uber vairety..? If this is so, would it only be for those with evil intentions that would attain so much power equal to the amount of pain that obtainer can stand or even survive..? If this is true as well, would capturing the other two pieces bring relief and salvation from that pain as well as unlimited power..? This would explain alot as to why, with all that power that ganon wielded, he would still fall to Link. Since Link had Courage, it would nullify Ganon's Power, while the Master Sword tips success in Links Favor... Zelda's inheritance of Widsom double teaming aside Link even more so... All speculation sadly... but it would explain the constant reincarnations of the Links and zeldas while Ganon is never truly dead or freed and how they are always meeting up one another...
  7. Look on the bright side, if it doesn't work, hell you're gonna make it work without giving up quality by going XP Pro
  8. Replace Ryu Hayabusa with Zelda/Sheik and modify a Ninja Gaiden title to where it works for the Wii and story line for OoT, then you got an instant winner I'm very serious about that. !!
  9. I know what you're saying I just chose it in the case that when I expand my system it may end up needed that extra power
  10. You do realize who CW caters to... right..? no thanks, and no offense but... I do not need to see ads from KFC or for DC in general popping up every times it needs to go to commercial break... Instead... just air it on HBO where it wouldn't be edited for "family" viewing... Note* for the sake of clarity of my comments... I've lived in DC for most of my life before finally leaving it at the young age of 17... I never felt better after finally leaving behind the garbage that roamed the streets as well as those that invaded the neighborhood where I lived...
  11. Well excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me for not doing normal work with my systems
  12. Considering your set up and giving all specs on your pc, what is your powersupply..? I'd personally go for something like 500W or 700W for something like your rig; considering you got something like four (4) hard drives...
  13. That could work, but ultimately I don't see that happening under Shiggy's eyes... Then again if any one who played through LoZ:TP and remember that example one of the forest gods gave Link in reference to the corruption of power... It could happen... Also I was half glad and half disappointed this thread suddenly did not degrade to envisioning "I, Zelda" with thrown in silhouetted rape scene but I digress... I can't help but think in alot of ways, there's a... fourth party involved, where they wanted the three major characters in constant chaos; namely Zelda, Link, and Ganon in order to stave back a greater evil from awakening... If the endless loop is ever broken, who's to say would be awakened by such a disturbing change to where he/she/it would take advantage of the broken loop and have a greater source of power beyond that of Power, or even the three put together... Meh kinda reads like a bad fanfic but hey... you never know...
  14. Note all the "possibilites" that could have happened to Malon during those decaying times... I was surprised she's even sane and healthy let alone still at the ranch as a worker safe from the monsters roaming Hyrule at the time... Note at the time I had a partial mindset of "Berserk" as I was playing OoT and wondered how she was basically "untouched" throughout those seven years... *Somewhat off topic Would any one of us honestly play a LoZ game where no matter what you're doomed to fail saving hyrule from evil, in particularly from Ganondorf/Ganon? I'm refering to the time where the whole world becomes flooded just because the hero failed to appear. Chances are we will never actually see it play out in a title. Even if it did, knowing what the outcome will be, it could & would be bashed for just creating storyline plot instead of progressing, *if any* story line...
  15. Give it a try and report what happens... If it does it again it could either be just an issue with Windows XP or perhaps even the possibility that the hard drive is not working properly; leasr likely but very plausable...
  16. To be honest I've never had the experience of transfering so much data between hard drives; especially since I usually store them neatly in the first place either in seperate, mobile, hard drives or dvds. I can't say much on bluray as I see it as this generation's betamax regardless of that, you may as well try transfering while AVG is running, as it could be a protocol from avast! to read the files as its being transfered just fucking up horribly to cause a hardboot... May not even have an issue with AVG
  17. Avoiding VP bashing, just... "avoid" avast! for now and try out AVG or any other AV out there that you may feel comfortable with... *personal note - From experience I've had a much better time with AVG as it does what it's suppose to do, though perhaps not industrial strength as a few others, it does the job just fine. - Also it would help to see what the error message actually says. have you posted this issue on avast! forums..? One more question, why not go smaller by transfering 5 gigs worth of data..?
  18. How long have you had Avast! before this hard booting started up? Is there a possibility that a file that's part of your massive transfers could be infected or corrupted..? Also if you had avast! for a long time has it done something like this before..? Assuming you're now using AVG and uninstalled Avast!, has your PC hardbooted anytime while you're doing your transfers while running AVG..?
  19. Maybe it's just me, but in the case of just one game having multiple remixes, could it be consolidated into one block with small text links instead of just each song having a row despite its source from a single title..? Otherwise it's pretty awesome
  20. Pretty much... I like how its more cleaner than the original SNES one and I don't recall how much different it is from the PSX version. Just wanted some FM on the go Still mad as hell they will never port over FM2 & FM5 though... FM3 supposedly is super hard to find as well...
  21. did you guys forget the mercury that can be had within the old tube as well..?
  22. Am I the only one here that enjoys the Front Mission games..? (or rather the few that came to the US) Bought myself Front Mission DS and I'm enjoying the hell out of it as well as FFXII Revenant Wings
  23. Glad to hear it's fixed now, though I've been keeping my mind entertained with Front Mission DS. (Got to have me some Wanzers)
  24. Well I was lucky... After thoroughly investigating my PC, I was not affected only because I only downloaded the extra content not installed it. I've pretty much canceled the installation of that content Meh if it did happen to affect me instead I have my WinXP OS cd at the ready
  25. Okay finally they officially posted fixes to the problem. I will be editing my earlier posts so the official answers are focused on
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