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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. There's been plenty of Megaman/Mario Romhacks (not clones but actual romhacks) that it would make one wonder, except considering squeenix's past behavior I suppose it's not entirely surprising. Dick move above all else for them to wait till it reached the closing stages to send a big fat C&D message. off-topic note* I didn't think anybody else still used ICQ
  2. You're thinking of Advance Wars - Days of Ruin though in that game it was more of a fucked up fate that the earth gets shitted all over by a global meteor shower rather than nukes hitting every thing on the planet. I enjoyed the game well enough
  3. You guys need serious dedication like the seemingly fanatical touhou community; especially when they've done things from , rts, to Why not simply stick to making an awesome graphic novel/manga/comicbook with each chapter done by different artists to keep things surreal and interesting..? From different perspectives and leave it at that..?
  4. I just don't see VC coming at all on the 360. It's a great gem of a title but it's not as high profile as MGS4. However I do see the possibility of 360 owners getting a "complete" edition of the game if Sega ever does decided to make it available on the 360.
  5. I don't recall ever hearing about someone being exhumed from a Sega Saturn but I've heard of the game called :V
  6. Mainly opinions from me here :L Can't speak for GTA IV but Fallout was meant for just the PC Especially in regards to getting around some flaws within FO3 that can't be worked around on the 360. Multiplatform games are a good thing, though that doesn't make the PS3 any less of a viable choice. The PS3 SIXXAS trumps the M$ Controller because of a good d-pad. Microsoft's 360 controller's dpad is fucking horrible (imo) Internet Browser on the PS3 is pretty good. While it feels like it's not as optimized to view youtube (if you look at ur account or any listing it shows all the youtube vids in one horizontal line rather than grid like on the PC. other then than it handles most if not all websites relatively well. edited for easier reading...
  7. Actually around 10 or 11 days an average person would be dead without sleep. Heck the longest any person had gone without sleep was 14 days and 13 hours as it was held as a Guiness World Record before they decided to back away from it for health reasons... There was also a contest called Touch the Truck where the last person touching the truck would win it; the winner stayed awake for 81 hours 43 minutes and 31 seconds. That's a little over three days...
  8. As for game ownership on the PS3 it depends on what your taste, while not as large as the Wii/360 library it seems to suffer a lot less in terms of garbage shovelware in this regard. personal choices: Valkyrie Chronicles (recently they added new content for it) Little Big Planet Street Fighter 4 Sega Genesis Collection Deadspace RE5 Disgaea 3 Folklore Siren BC (only if you missed out the ps2 original but otherwise for shits and giggles) FLOCK! (for that "slight" feeling of marble madness involving pigs and other animals) Ninja Gaiden Sigma (why the fuck did xbox owners get the original 3 games in their snes iteration is beyond me nes versions were superior and on the Wii) MGS4 (rental imo but hey that's up to ya)
  9. alright thanks for the info :)!!

  10. Man the bad ends I just envisioned :lol: Seriously though...
  11. Oh hey while old news (reported on January 27 of 09) Dead Rising 2 will be on both the PS3 and 360; however the 360 "will be getting exclusives in showing good will to the console" Then again this also follows my recent search of Capcom's plans
  12. yeah a lot of the parts are going to be brand new (his money) as well as Ive heard about seagates going DOA alot lately. Been looking at Western's HDs. As for the mobo I'm gonna find out since it's just new so it ought to recognize them along side the OS. Won't be for a while though as he's weedling the cash out as he sees fit :/

    Weird guy not all collected up stairs but otherwise competent in knowing what he wants.

  13. no no Im just wondering, does Windows XP SP3 recognize TB drives? If it was an old bios I can understand maybe flashing it. But aren't they recognize by default OS wise..?

  14. So yeah before darksword showed his infamous side...

    Hey got a question for ya, shouldn't Windows XP SP3 recognize TB hard drives..? I was asked to build a pc and he requested that I put in the largest hard drive he selects (in this case a TB drive) Been also trying to figure out whether a particular Intel model of a mobo supports TB hard drives as well.

    As for the OS it's what he wants for now till things smooth over with Windows 7.

    Motherboard in question right here --> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813121314

  15. Hey got a question for ya, shouldn't Windows XP SP3 recognize TB hard drives..? I was asked to build a pc and he requested that I put in the largest hard drive he selects (in this case a TB drive) Been also trying to figure out whether a particular Intel model of a mobo supports TB hard drives as well. As for the OS it's what he wants for now till things smooth over with Windows 7. Motherboard in question right here
  16. Fuckin loled hard :lol:
  17. I got that too when he did his review on Siren: BC (imo watered down version of the original on the PS2). If a player manages to get through the earlier parts and had the patience to try doing everything and finding every single clue/archive, said player may be able to see what made it great in many ways of being cryptic while instilling that stifling horror that grew in many ways within the mind. It didn't rely too much of startling/pop-up scares as in fact the whole damn place was crawling with the damnable monsters to begin with. Most of the characters endings ranged from "pretty damn cool", to "poignant" to down right "fucked up". Wished they released Siren 2 over here...
  18. I loled at this I can't wait for any possibly good memes to come out of the movie.
  19. Is it a sin to find an excuse to beat Castlevania IV in two loops in one sitting every other day..? More recent sin.... Recently went back on "Embodiment of Scarlet Devil" which originally did not have a visible hit box. With the recent graphical update patch (created by fans) there was an option to have a permavisible hitbox.... I ONLY DID IT ONCE ON HARD MODE TO SEE WHAT IT WAS LIKE! I WAS HAVING A BAD DAY AS SAKUYA WAS MOPPING THE FLOOR WITH MY ASS AND THE FLOOR WAS SANDPAPER. Switched it back to non-visible hitbox as it was originally meant to be. (imo..)
  20. You guys have to see the "Dick Tracy for the NES" review. If that didn't give you a sign that he's just "in character" of the AVGN I don't know what will. Bible Adventures review was fucking funny along with some chuckles with his Michael Jackson's "Moonwalker" review.
  21. This sounds like the cheap "goryias" (sp?) in ALttP Dark World first dungeon where u simply shot at them and then move in position that causes them to walk into the line of fire/arrow. In that game though it seems only slightly more complicated but easily done...
  22. I think that's one of the issues I've been having in terms with the Gradius V Boss, It feels different with a keyboard versus a ps2 controller. Sure it's possible to defeat it but it just gives me a lot of trouble reorienting myself between the two controls. Hell I can say... Beat Satori Komeiji in SA on hard mode and feel like it was a fun challenge where as most seem to get scared shitless on facing her on normal mode (or so I hear a lot on other forums some time ago), while get shitted all over on by the last boss on Super R-Type for the SNES. (although I only noticed the flaws on that game just recently but even flaws never stopped me from trying to be awesome...) *cough*Berserker Merlin*cough*
  23. Finally got Marisa on IN on lunatic mode Currently now though my hardest boss is on Gradius V>:L
  24. Amazon perhaps..?
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