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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. Number of buttons used/actually required..? Not to mention high definition is not so much graphics (looks like older 2d fighters except better art and clarity with the exception of polygons in the BG) as it uses a higher resolution that the Wii is capable of handling.
  2. Am I the only one getting the "limited edition" version on the PS3 which also available for the 360 I believe? I have to wait a bit more due to me ordering it from amazon. Just as well since I tried looking for it in the local shops, all sold out D:; both the regular and limited edition.
  3. I've seen DJP on PS3 if that matters to you, though I'm pretty sure he got an XBOX360... I'm getting it for the PS3.
  4. Weird I've placed a direct link to the original image I used for the boss month sig thread but here it is again nonetheless.

    Heck I've got tons of pics of the characters.

    Just ask any time. :)!!

    edit: for easier navigation considering the post doesn't show the links in orange like on regular threads do.

    Reimu - http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b94/Schwaltzvald/ragecausingasshole.jpg

    Flandre1 - http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b94/Schwaltzvald/Konachancom-42900flandre_scarletred.jpg

    Flandre2 - http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b94/Schwaltzvald/122928469127.jpg

  5. ~!Now if you're getting the XBOX360 version I'll be disappointed in not being able to challenge you... offtopic* I wouldn't mind seeing a pop up or some chime whenever some one sends me a notification as I didn't notice it till much later... Gollgagh can I assume you meant the one on the left side..?
  6. Which one? The original from PS3FE; Reimu from IN; or the Toony Sephiroth I threw in because I thought it was funny and expressed my rage at Reimu.

    If it's that one I'm surprised any one noticed :lol:

  7. You may first want to them; them; them; then soon after you got attention you can try serenading them.
  8. I would be amazed if they managed to fix that lag delay. Bad enough I would get some free matches on SFIV and would get lag spikes from out of nowhere; imagining that happening to me if I ever get a PSP would make me want to almost chuck the hand held out the window... Also nothing like eating something and its Shoryukening your gut while in a tournament; causing you to either drop out and keep your dignity or... well... yeah... PSP would save so many... quarters... if it did right with the timing...
  9. If you've never played the previous titles and don't mind some grindaen, there's Disgaea 3, though I do recommend Deadspace if you've never played it. Not sure where exactly your interests lay as I'd personally try a variety of titles. I even got Wolf 3D off PSN along with Savage Moon for some "Tower Defense" gaming. few other titles in my set... Valkyrie Chronicles Cross Edge BlazBlue:[Calamity Trigger] (Getting the special edition through preorder with amazon for the same price as the regular version.) Silent Hill: Homecoming StreetFighter IV Siren:Blood Curse (always hated going through scenarios involving helpless little girls) Sega Ultimate Collection Resident Evil 5 (got it cheap from a friend for $10) Forgetting a couple more though this should be enough...
  10. What the hell? Any one here with a PSP know anything about this article..? I've already preordered the title before this article came out but this added info intrigues me...
  11. May as well try here
  12. Was it something like ?I ask because when I looked at some official gameplay of the actual creature it looked way too easy and slow to be killed by it...
  13. So how's Win7 Prof compatibility with XP Software..? Already got another PC built (it's replacing the old Win98SE comp I've been using as the main modem/router point) Even got the parts making it capable of using VT
  14. Danny Elfman - Terminater: Salvation
  15. T2:JD is probably the only real good movie with robots fighting and blowing shit up along with many other factors... FUCK NOW I GOT TO GO SEE THE MOVIE TONIGHT, YOU HAPPY?! WRECKING MY SCHEDULE LIKE THAT... Also James Cameron doing "Battle Angel" surprised me.
  16. damn you're fast but yeah just caught the news while having some dinner.
  17. http://www.tmz.com/2009/06/25/michael-jackson-dies-death-dead-cardiac-arrest/ http://www.cnn.com/2009/SHOWBIZ/Music/06/25/michael.jackson/index.html
  18. Emo Peter Pan got me He pretty much pits it equally with inFamous.
  19. I already got the triple pack for MGS but man I seriously can't wait to see SH Original to come around. May even finally push me to get a PSP...
  20. Vehicle use isn't so bad, as it's more due to most players being absolute dipshits. Heck on a good day in ETQW when you actually got competent drivers at the helm, it's awesome, especially when a couple try their damn best to get away from anti air attacks and manage supressing fire while the ground forces rush in. Most of the vehicles are for the most part supportive as it in the end takes a Strogg/Human to complete the objective or defend. They aren't the end all be all especially counting how many times I've shot down copters/airships Also the Icarus flight pack is very useful for the strogg covop members to get around unseen quickly and getting into awesome sniper positions. Once again though Im getting off topic somewhat. For Wolftenstein, I'm hoping to see better mappings as the originals tend to be plagued with open pot shot areas and I'm hoping to see more variety in the soldier's aesthetics; imo they all did look the same except for the covop guys...
  21. In many ways Quake Wars mirrors if not improved a bit on the original ET game... Instead of Allies vs Axis its humans vs Strogg...
  22. Got a few chuckles but upon further research on a couple of titles, mainly SH-SM, as good as the eye candy is I felt disappointed in some ways...
  23. Hey Ghostbusters for the Wii/PS3/Xbox360 is out today. Saw it at one of the retail stores around my area. Also based on a couple of articles supposedly the 360 version is better than the PS3 version graphically speaking but other then that it seems to play smoothly on both systems regardless. Nonetheless I'll probably rent it on the PS3, but for you new 360 owner, there's something of interest for ya.
  24. Well.... There's the ever popular nerf armor But seriously, I've only heard good things about Pelican products... Can't say I actually use them though as I actually take care of my hand helds as well as consoles...
  25. When it arrives in August, you can consider getting Raiden IV...
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