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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. I'm pretty much around here, kinda busy as of late and didn't notice this response. I tend to do a variety of things such as live recordings; lessons, messages for coworkers and instruction for "certain events" and "procedures". Plus I do the side thing of editing music; bunch of cassette tapes still have to go through and the odd ball request to re-record music from old vinyls from the older members of my family so they can keep their originals intact ect ect They just like the way vinyls sound to them...
  2. So I take it the series is dead to all..?
  3. Gaming, and some sound/music editing; cleanup mainly not in any real way of remixing as some of the artists around here do.
  4. Recently went to my local shops and none of them carry cards that I've ever heard good reviews/news, (heard a lot of horror stories involving the rocketfish brand which are rather "abundant" around here though) Money's not an issue but I rather not buy an overpriced doorstop...
  5. I'm all for it being able to play BDs without having to hunt down codecs just to make it play; at least until the alternative media players get up to date for the media... especially anything involving quicktime/realplayer files. (why are we still using realplayer?!)
  6. From Ars Technica and more detailed info at Technet Any thoughts on the fixes/updates/upgrades..? This bit here caught my interest quickly
  7. Aww cmon you don't reaaalllly hate moi now do you..? As of late hard bosses, aside from Koishi being a real bitch what with her "flaming pillars" of death, they are rather difficult to run into these days...
  8. I've once took a 3 month hiatus from EVE, was still able to go back onto my account soon as I paid again...
  9. To simplify things as much as I can... - Service Packs are basically software updates/upgrades that dramatically change the operating system enough that it's usually better than it's original iteration. Service Pack 2 is best known for adding quite a few popular features and fixes. The last service pack for Windows XP is Service Pack 3 (SP3) in which a total of 1,174 fixes have been included among other features. Doing the upgrade may solve a lot of your problems as Microsoft sends out software tools to clear out malware every few months or so. (though not all will fix every thing) I'd also recommend switching to another web browser as IE (Internet Explorer) is rather notorious in being as unsafe compared to others like opera's browser or Mozilla's Firefox web browser. However even those alternatives are not always safe choices as it all depends on your habits and where you usually go... Take a look at them and give them a try.
  10. Curiously though if I read that log right... Why are you not using Service Pack 3 and still on SP2..? Probably not related to the extra scripts running but... why..?
  11. Sounds like I'll have to watch it.
  12. Fixed it for ya as you had an extra h. Gonna check it out soon. Edit: Youtube doesn't do the track much justice as it lowers the quality of it. Nonetheless it's pretty good Very much reminds me of FFVI
  13. Should have joined up with me man, could have joined us in some POS demolitions...
  14. Aww cmon they recently revamped the tutorial so it's more friendlier for noobs, though I can't say much about seeing as I haven't had the need to create a new alt just yet. Still... the learning curve is still quite high up there admittingly as the tutorial (as I recall the original iteration) doesn't tell you about other aspects of EVE O... Here watch this old vid of as some of the info still applies today. One of many lessons that will be learned the easy way or the hard way.
  15. not to mention even if you were, you're be hardpressed to ever really use them in 0.0 space without becoming a very juicy irresistable target. Like this one guy who brought a Gallente Fleet issues Megathron into one of our ops. OH MAN WAS HE EVER PRIMARIED INSTANTLY
  16. Not sure about OC's financial status but I think I can at least pimp you out on a decent frigate with best named weapons & modules. I will give you this warning though.... STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM THE EC-P8R GATE. TRUST ME... When you're in a system with the fond description of "GET THE POD GET THE POD!!!" you know you're fucked. Unless of course you are in the same alliance as I am or Author was, in which case its a 50%/50% that you'll be greated by friendly corpmates and alliance members watching over u as you pass on through; or get obliterated back to the stone age. :lol: What makes the EC-P8R Warp Gate so interesting is that it's one of the few gates (that I know of) that dramatically jumps from the "Space of Law and Concord Protection" to "Who ever is currently camping the gate is the law of the system. There's no gradual "High Security Space" to Low Sec then to 0.0 . Low Sec is technically the wastelands as no one truly controls low sec except for roaming bands of pirates and extortioners that squelch on any deals. Null sec basically is what it is, empty space unless who ever have sovereignty over the space; be they TCF, Defy, Triumvirate, Kenzoku, The Red Alliance ect. At least in those spaces, if you're a member of their corps, you can fly to a POS (player owned station) and find safety in the shield it provides. This is something not available in low sec at all.
  17. NJ if ya do actually become engrossed into it as OC and I have, just look us up.
  18. Any one thinks there's potential in ?I'd say there is as I had of the earlier games... Fond indeed.
  19. You weren't with the OWN Alliance guys that got booted out of Deklein were ya..? Lately all I've been doing had been doing demolition ops along with the basic ratting moments.
  20. Got to love his way of expressing how he felt about it, as I fucking loled at it.
  21. It's trying to be the next rickroll but not saying so. I'd call it a forced meme but that's just me...
  22. I don't see why they wouldn't have it localized for the rest of the world; or at least here in the US as we got practically all the other contra games available here.
  23. It's called an image board, try a few as there are plenty of those images if you're interested in some base examples to practice on.
  24. I got some good lulz from it.
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