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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. 1: I'd have to actually see or know first hand of my opponent's handicapped status to really put that into account of my personal pleasure of beating the crap out of him. 2. Take it as an opportunity for a warm up for a "real" match despite thinking the cpu would fare a better training experience; besides after beating him/her in record time I can just kick the player out or leave myself to find someone better. 3. Got to release my nasty sadism somewhere ya know
  2. How the hell is that even realistic..? I've always hated that stupid arguement of the "You win" button because you do not see that normally happen. I hardly call spamming projectiles, in particular in the SF4, the end all be all of winning tactics. Especially if ur resourceful enough to get closer slowly. Winning can be fun regardless of who ever thinks otherwise on how you do it. Hell if I find out that spamming fireballs at you would piss you off then I'd gladly do it in order to throw your game off. Same goes for if I find out me using Rufus's Vulture kicks or Messiah kicks fucked you up all the time I'll do it until I actually get bored of you and kick you off the lobby/you ragequit or you wise up.
  3. So yeah I decided to give Sakura a try.. God damn she' fun
  4. I fukkin loled hard PH was good, hell if there was anything that was bad about it, it's having to yell through the mic like an asshole all the while riding the subway system during the early morning where everyone look wasted, suffering from hang overs or just still sleepy. The dungeon's (including the last one) had its moments and didn't bother me at all. Bellum was a rather fun fight.
  5. Either this report is slow or M$ did just end that extra bit of service earlier this month.
  6. I can't believe I forgot Einhander
  7. Recently after trying out another shmup called I decided to make a search for anything in particular and I stumbled upon Ether vapor.Probably old hat for some but I just found out about it myself last night on said random search. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64Gz2xQUMxY It makes me think of a cross between Starfox and Gradius with R-Type mixed in it; especially the boss fight. Gonna give it a go once I get off from work Edit: Damn I thought Coop would be all over this
  8. Almost picked it up but instead went for the $50 PSN card http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y138VtaG3i4&feature=related Gonna order it on amazon if I don't see it again at the local retail shops... imo looks interesting enough.
  9. Her Zircon, while the Touhou series may not appeal to you, perhaps this will... Check the youtube link

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64Gz2xQUMxY :)!!

  10. I don't really mind it if it's in a generic plastic case that you can get in bestbuy or target; what I DO care is the condition of the disc :wink:. Also depending on how you accept the cash may make or break the deal as I hate Paypal with such vehemence it makes Kefka nihilistic views all warm and loving... :lol:

  11. Not to mention you can basically graze most projectiles with a headbutt or ex through them with both covering more ground as well as delivering devastating damage when it connects.
  12. Turtling is probably the worst thing a Vega player can do, as that only invites worse things to come... Of course after stupidly pressing the commands to toss away the mask and claw. I can see them as a taunt saying, "you're such a noob I don't even need these" but more often than not, its likely to backfire...
  13. What's weirder is that I can do Vega's (Finally ) but not Guile's... Difference in frame-per-input or just wonky detection for certain characters..?
  14. All this time I thought the general consensus amongst gamers between competitive gaming and professional gaming had been between a get-together party of friends while big-named sponser events involving a select few or selected teams all vying for a title and the usual prize money being separate... Competitive gaming can get real ugly faster than sponsered events and is usually crowded by the fanatics that have no sense of self control in terms of competition. Not to mention the knee-jerk reaction on slinging "ur mom" or "you fucking troll" phrases being very much expected... So yeah how about that Blanka, what the fuck's up with his ultra combo..? I can't figure it out yet the input command is the same as Balrog's Violent Buffalo; not to mention I land that almost all the time compared to Blanka's UC.
  15. If you need assistance in finding them, just ask :)!!


    It's weird knowing there's no longer private messages on this site more or less :lol:

  16. Got Ikaruga for the GC way back, Gradius V as a gift two years ago but I haven't heard of "Under Defeat" or "Border Down"; I'll have to check them out . Also I do see what you mean Coop and I do agree that those games are quite refreshing. However as you just said, they only ever come around once in awhile. I do miss the classic side scroller games like R-type and the Gradius series. Sadly I think the one I have barely touched is the Raiden series but that's only due to availability than me actually getting into it. Heck I even tried out Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer and enjoyed it despite how much it's an "acquired" taste in terms of shmups. Just that they simply aren't as popular except as a niche genre I'm with ya Coop on greater/fresher things to come out, however until something does. I simply enjoy whatever comes out that avoids one of my own personal pet peeves, which are titles that provide little challenge or do so purposely. Unless of course it's a parody or joke game Also perhaps I should note this, if I can play Quest 64 (THATS RIGHT QUEST 64) 3 or 4 times all the way from the beginning to the end and some how some way find something I liked about it... Maybe I'm in some way far left side of the gaming spectrum that is difficult to turn off.
  17. Just make a search for Gensokyo.org or just Gensokyo in general. From the site just look through their posts they ought to give links to the patches. As for the heavy use of "lolis", if it makes any body feel insecure about playing the games involving them, there's always the Cho Aniki series as it ought to balance out the predominantly feminine cast of the Touhou series. Last new game I've heard was Zero Chō Aniki. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero_Cho_Aniki
  18. Trend or not I've yet to find anything else that provides such a challenge and polished more or less. However if ya got something coop do share
  19. The most recent of patches on the shmups section are Mof and SA so yes they are out. laMP v1.1 patch has also been released with some fixes since feb 28, 09. SWR along with some other titles are being voted on for the next english patching; including the old PC-98 games. Last I saw SWR is leading in terms of being the next translation patch project.
  20. Here zircon have some fei long highlights --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3ucbSRueIE
  21. There is patchcon: Defend the Library with an english patch out recently for it.
  22. To those unaware its the yukkuris, basically they're an attempted Shift_JIS portraits of the two major characters of the series gone horribly wrong. The joke's gone so far as to create a pseudo-national geographic explanation of them involving various explanations of their existance ect... I don't mind them as they're just part of the weirdness of fans out there.
  23. Never beaten Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening for the gameboy without using the weird map glitch where if done right, would get you past over certain areas.
  24. I can understand some fans wanting ZUN to use better music samples and such; but I have to disagree. So long as the instruments being used actually sound okay, even if midi-ish, it leaves the actual track open for many possibilities for remixes or awesome covers. Exhibit A - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdTP5lImb-I Exhibit B - Somewhat of topic, but that just shows what possibilities there are with ZUN's music. Just like how there's tons of fan art that look better than what he's drawn. I'd rather have it be somewhat rough on the edges and see what other people can do with it. All the more reason that I'm looking forward to the new game.
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