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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. Oh hey over coat poasting in your box now.

  2. It's beginning to look like training up for minmatar ships will be something of a requirement for large fleet exploration teams when venturing into "wormholes" Especially since - Caldari Ships = Heavy Prime Minister Cars Minmatar Ships = Engines with a little carbon fiber wrapped around them. Quote from the eve forums from one of the developers. Basic info on wormhole mechanics in the game
  3. Heard about it but haven't seen it. I'll check it out this weekend though
  4. Especially if you can manage a small corp/alliance that solely bullshit and can make actual cash by selling timecards Think about it, extorting other corp alliances as well as doing specialty mercenary jobs for other corps/alliances makes for good isk that can be enjoyable as well as pay off game time subscription for free. It's just one way though imo that can be enjoyable.
  5. Yep, I meant to say patch but considering how much is being added and change, tech 3 ships and wormhole exploration especially, I liken it to an add on or expansion pack.
  6. IMO you probably should wait till they've implemented the latest addon package they're releasing this March 10th as they are revamping the new player aspect of the game. Click here for more info about it. Here's a brief excerpt
  7. For Starters: - If you lose a ship, thats not too big of a deal considering there are ways to make up cash to replace it along with the modules you use. However I'm speaking in general situations. I've lost a battleship with some nice highend equipment (worth a loss of say... nearly over 200 million ISK on my end) and that can get to be a real pain in the butt if you use such ships & modules frequently. - Clones basically allow you to a few things. - It can allow "clonejumping" in which you can be in one system and quickly "jump" into a new body that may be well over 30 jumps away. However it takes a whole 24 hours before you're allow to do that again. - It allow you to return to a particular station should you not only lose the ship but lose ur pod that your body is in; Think of the pod as a lifeboat of sorts... - You can have multiple clones where each body is set up to excel in various roles; one can be for total combat, another for mining and industrious purposes so on and on. There's alot of implants that let u modify your body to suit your needs. I know of a couple of pilots that have bodies specifically enhanced to use electronic warfare better than the average pilot, which can be very useful in times of war. As for skill training, yeah the benefits behind them is that you become more proficient the more you train a particular skill. Many ppl can share the same skill but some will be better at it than others statistically speaking; as im leaving out the human factor of skilled piloting
  8. Pretty much makes charging people for downloadable maps moot doesn't it. It also helps to buy games that are not as draconian with others making free content as M$ seem to be with their games; or at least don't expect any from M$ so disappointment isn't as painful.
  9. This only seriously applies to console versions of games like TF2. Heck I think they (in this case sony) is charging something around $5 or $6 on just costume changes for SF4. Not sure if the PC version charges anything.
  10. Expect alot of deaths if you plan on using the Kestrel In any rate whatever you do, do not go up against the Uni. They seem to be worse than Goonfleet in the sense that killing any of them is unsatisfatory as well as you'll get shit loot. Not to mention war deccing them is like smacking an african beehive and the hive is about the size of a house...
  11. What are you talking about because Ages of Empires was awesome back then! I remember back in high school one of the comp labs there, all the computers there had a copy of AoE & AoEII and every day during lunch it would be packed with ppl having lan games. D:
  12. I find it that if you ever go on the defense you're royally screwed. Don't be scared and bum rush him as much as you can without letting up and not allowing yourself to turtle up; Managed to beat Seth down easy on hard mode with Vega & Balrog, same with the others if only a bit different with each character.
  13. Okay so after some odd number of fights online, I was amazed at the only Gen player I had fought had potential, sadly I put him down with Vega(Claw). One Geif, a couple of Kens but mostly I've had to put up with Akuma clones, some good, some hilariously bad... Is Akuma/Gouki becoming the next "Ken" in regards to being heavily used..? Not even one Dan, Sakura or Gouken...
  14. May as well get a PSP if you want media playback. Borrowed one from a friend who didn't have much use for it, but I found it useful when I've downloaded vid reports both work and news related. Plus flash carts are meant for games... Unless you're homebrewing games but still they're just for games...
  15. lol, yeah you can buy it from a shop or... Just get it through other means much like how I got the touhou series

  16. Uh... this...? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQjePgIybNc
  17. PS3 here as well PSN-id: Schwaltzvald
  18. Oh man I forgot that was on the 360 as well as the PS3. Speaking of ES, I saw this on the wikipedia article on it.. wut..?
  19. No kidding I didn't mention any because 1.) I got a PS3, and 2.) the one's that I've played on one of my friends' 360 blow dead poodles... I can mention someone like say Laharl from Disgaea; The plot is imo interesting but I actually didn't notice it too much because I was simply enjoying beating the ever living shit on whatever enemy I came across; course the game pretty much condones that and more but I find it rather funny that the plot seems to take a back seat temporarily for the gameplay. It worked I say. Persona 3:FES/Persona 4 are rather good so long as you can get over the seemingly heavy Japanese overtones and the pseudo-dating-sim game within the games. The weapons for the most part reasonably realistic (if that is much a huge concern with you) which the exceptions of a couple of characters; sock puppets and the aluminum bat joke weapons being the most powerful yeah for the most part I'm just mentioning Atlus published games as they are for now, in my view, as the more prominent ones besides the FF series. Oh yeah also Valkyrie Chronicles from sega Edit: Essentially I'm just suggesting niche games but hey you never know until you try via rent or borrowing.
  20. I can think of one other guy, but in your eyes he may not count on par with the likes of Megaman or Ryu H.; although he did pull a "Jesus" so idk... I'm kinda surprised none of the recent 360 rpgs got your attention considering how plentiful they are and other members here seemingly able to enjoy them. I assume you've already played Chronotrigger so.. You can try... Chrono Cross? Romancing SaGa II is a rather interesting game in that you're playing through generations of a family lineage against 7 supposed "heroes". I'm sure others can contribute more choices that meet your criteria.
  21. Ever tried Phantasy Star series from sega..? heard a lot of good things from others that have played them... What exactly do you mean by a satisfying rpg..? Details plz...
  22. Depends on what you're doing and the current situation with yourself/corp/alliance. For the most part if all you do is minining/"regular" business that can fluctuate between maybe a couple of hours to whatever you'd consider alot. I see the more active being the PVPers and pirates that mug/ransom/kill the occasional odd ship floating by. Personally I'm on in between days but spend no more than perhaps 2.5 - 3 hours or less.
  23. you could just get free game time with that kind of cash if you can keep it up while doing whatever else you want. As for Overcoat's statement, I'm rather glad my ceo sounds european, makes things easier for me to communicate elaborate ideas I have had in mind. Nonetheless that's awesome OC
  24. Yeah getting caught in a Rokh unawares is rather unnerving during times of war; it can't be helped though. When you get out into 0.0 space, simply have a bunch of friends that want to at least do some guard duty while you get whatever materials are needed. Hell make a bargain that they'll get some left over equipment made. And 0.0 makes the rewards in ES look like shit at times, but that's usually balanced out by the near lawlessness... or shitty management of Alliance Standings Nothing like podding your allies just because they're red or neut to ya when they saved your ass the other day.
  25. In reality, I've never actually played the original Killzone game so I almost equate it to the Halo-isms. Nonetheless I'll probably be the 1% that wouldn't be raging Oh yeah I guess that'd make me the fourth.
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