I'm digging the dark, deliberate weight of the bells, liked the textural changes at 1:20 & 2:56 for the choruses, and appreciated the backing guitar going meedeley-meedeley-meedeley the first time and then screeeeeeech the second time, during those choruses. Some Js claimed the drums plodded, yet to me, the overall textural complexity amidst the slower tempo meant the drums as written were working very well. From 2:54-3:48, the drum kicks with varying intensities was a very subtle yet nice touch, so the relative drum-writing sophistication was on point for me. Loved the final winddown at 3:48, with the warmest most upfront tone yet for the guitar lead yet and beautiful cymbal work. There were so many low-key yet overt ways the textures were varied up over the course of the piece (if you're paying attention). Whatever ways this could be improved would just make a solid thing better. Nice debut, Pipko; definitely a lot of be proud of here! :-)