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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. I'm not hearing this at all. Can someone else co-sign or elaborate on that? It sounds perfectly fine to me, plus this is the first complaint about dissonance (as a minor point OR a dealbreaker) for that section despite all the votes.
  2. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  3. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  4. No, I had two tabs open while adding the information.
  5. Cool. Will have it fixed the next time we sync the site with the database.
  6. I'll be honest, I'm listening to the theme again, and I know it well regardless, since I grew up on this game, but I don't recognize much of the theme in this arrangement besides the source chorus from 1:11-2:05 & 3:09-3:23 here. I couldn't point out the melody if my life was on the line, so it's already a NO on arrangement grounds to start. Clearly, NutS hears something I don't, so him or any other J should definitely let me know what, if anything, I'm missing here. The track sounds cool. Peter; I agreed with NutS' production and instrumentation criticisms for the most part and see where he's coming from, though I didn't mind the bass as much though (the instrument timing felt stylized for this approach), and the dissonance was an acquired taste, IMO. If someone could clue me into the arrangement-side of this, I may flip my vote, but I'm definitely struggling to connect the core melody to this interpretation. NO (resubmit)
  7. We had fun with the Double Dragon callout, and now it's time for the next one! With only one OC ReMix so far, the Quest for Glory series has been lovingly selected by our Patreon sponsor, Dracaemelos! Again, the guidelines: 1. If anyone in the next 6 weeks submits a passable Quest for Glory arrangement (brand new OR old), we'll post it! 2. If we get 5+ solid total tracks by the community by June, we'll aim to release a quick EP soon after, since there are also not many fan arrangement albums for anything in the series. Here's Dracaemelos with some of her personal source tune picks: And here are YouTube playlists of the full soundtracks for all 5 games in the series! And don't forget Dracaemelos's link to the Quest for Glory MIDI archives. Good luck! QUEST FOR GLORY I: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3Sb39vV7dddCWw3VvSO01q-1kqkodWZX QUEST FOR GLORY II: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLK_A9QubJojj-jDJjOX40VGqDM6xdYWir QUEST FOR GLORY III: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3Sb39vV7dddImrixm-Re0YAe_A6Dq64O QUEST FOR GLORY IV: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF740BC090E33790C QUEST FOR GLORY V: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL06C8AC8B4528D7E0 FAQ How can you do this, Larry? I'm Larry. What if my submission isn't posted immediately? If it's not a direct post decision from Larry (bypassing the judges panel), the judges will vote on the submission, but skip the normal wait time in appreciation for answering the callout.
  8. Yeah, I'm borderline on this as well. Would have loved even more interpretation, as well as using other parts of the source tune, but what's here is different enough from the feel of the source's main melody to make it over the line, IMO. Still, some untapped potential there as far as the interpretation. YES (borderline)
  9. The first time I heard this, I was put off by how relatively thin the piece was. For example, I'm not quite sure the dropoff from 1:00-1:22 works for an extended period of time with what feels like partially filled in percussion. That said, I think my perception's more affected by the relatively low volume of the piece than the spareness of the textures. The levels could use a bump up, and it's drier than I think it should be, so I could see/agree with criticisms of the lack of fullness, but I'm OK with what's here. On an arrangement level, this really grew on me over repeated listens, and is certainly a creative and transformative approach. I didn't get any direct '80s vibe from it, but liked the energy of the piece nonetheless. There's decent enough variation of the leads and textures over time, even though there's repetition of some ideas, and I thought the arrangement ultimately clicked once I was used to the structure. Fun use of the Mission screen theme as an interlude and dropoff focus, including parts of it that Double Dragon II player like me has never heard because the theme never played for more than a few seconds in the actual game. This may get dinged on the percussion or overall sound feeling too thin or bland, and I could be persuaded to change my vote, but it's reasonably well-mixed and full ENOUGH that I'm currently able to leaning more on the arrangement being pretty interpretive. YES (very borderline) EDIT (4/18): I listened several more times and talked myself out of it. At :47, the lead should be more upfront. At 2:06, I felt like I was hearing the same thing retread, but it changed up at 2:15. At 1:00, it seems like the track's really missing something to drive it forward, and the main drum's definitely not enough. The percussion's well-written, but feels too empty for the denser sections that, IMO, need to sound fuller and more sophisticated in order to have effective dynamic contrast. Still dig the arrangement, but the sections with more instrumentation are too empty because the percussion there doesn't do enough on its own to fill things out. Hopefully another J can speak on how to potentially address that. That said, it's a good start so far, and I'd love to see this posted in some form due to how strong this already is as a concept. NO (resubmit)
  10. For nitpicks, at 2:26, I know the percussion was a slightly different texture than before, but boy did the presentation feel samey with the wind lead and overall energy. Then at 3:01, the string work felt like it was repeating again. The rise in the tempo for the close around 3:45 was odd, but not something I'd dock the piece for. I see what people criticizing the lack of dynamic contrast are saying on some level, even if I'm more with Palpable that the overall development was fine, and Nutritious had great points in his NO. That said, I had DragonAvenger's overall POV. I'm not impressed with the realism of the instrumentation, but the tone and quality's solid enough to get by, and the arrangement of Dragon Roost is certainly interpretive. I felt the issues that could be addressed would merely make a good thing better, but that the bar's just a bit too high if something like this doesn't pass; that's not an argument I'd die on a hill on with this specific example, but the issues here aren't dealbreakers for me at all. YES
  11. Blocky timing on the leads at :12. To me, it sounds passable enough on that level, but I certainly noticed that. I've definitely taken issue with the humanization of Rebecca's pieces in the past, and NutS points out valid issues, but I thought what was here was ultimately fine, even if not as polished as it should have been. Perhaps it's because of the overall sample quality, or because of the instrument set compared to other mixes of hers where I went NO, but I thought the instrumentation here was solid enough where I, as a listener, though the tone of everything sounded realistic enough. I thought the source intertwining that started at 5:41 was pretty effective, actually, and while some of the theme switches in the beginning could have been smoother, there wasn't anything particularly jarring about the flow of the medley or any of the theme changes for me. Melodically, things were close, but everything was personalized in terms of the instrumentation and overall adapted well for this genre. I could definitely see this getting more NOs, and I'd love to hear improvement on the sample usage as well, but I'm cool with what's in place now and think it gets by. Good luck with the rest of the vote, and definitely come back to this with a little more TLC if this doesn't make it as is. YES
  12. Yeah, this is a sweet cover with solid mixing and some good power, and I like the guitar work. But there's very little that distinguishes it from the original song besides richer instrumentation. The tempo and textures are basically the same, and all of the structure and part-writing is the same as the original. There's just nowhere near enough modification of the original song here, including being repetitive and just ending on a loop point with no resolution whatsoever. It's an awesome cover, and I wish we could have both V.G.O. and Girlz Melon represented here, but it falls outside of the arrangement and interpretation standards we're looking for. If there's anything y'all have that's more interpretative and personalized of an approach rather than a super-close cover, definitely submit that; would love to have you officially posted somehow! NO
  13. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  14. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  15. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. <3
  16. Onto negatives first, this was mixed too quietly, and I had to double the volume I typically listen at in order to hear everything at what I'm used to. If someone wanted to vote conditional or NO based on that, I could understand. The orchestration was otherwise expressive and reasonably well-mixed compared to our standards. The Guile theme was creatively adapted here, and the Ryu theme cameo from 2:33-2:52 interwoven with Guile's theme before taking over as the focus until 3:19 was well-written. There were times late in the track where I felt the percussion style dragged on a bit and this could have used more breaks from that, but it's a small nitpick and nothing that negatively impacted the judgement. Matthieu did a solid job varying up the textures and intensity, even within a relatively flatter dynamic curve. The choir part in particular added some good depth to the soundscape. Good work all around, Matthieu, and nice job comfortably adapting and combining both themes in the orchestral setting. YES
  17. Hi. This is my first ReMix Your ReMixer name Ganaé Your real name Matthieu Loubiere Your email address Your website www.ganaemusic.com Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile http://ocremix.org/community/user/32916-gana%C3%A9/ Name of game(s) arranged : Street Fighter 2 Name of arrangement : Spitfire’s boom Name of individual song(s) arranged : Guile and Ryu’s Theme Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site) : Isao Abe, Yoko Shimomura Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site) Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. I’m not really good in english but I’ll try to explain my inspiration process. I’d just bought new orchestral samples few month ago and I seek an epic track to test it. I listened Street Fighter OST and I found that Ryu and Guile’s theme were very close. I tried to mix them and I find a way to make it epic. The name Spitfire is from the editor of the orchestral sample I used. Enjoy it. --------------------------------------------
  18. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  19. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  20. Melodically straightforward but very well adapted. I actually thought Joel's vocals were initially too far forward in the soundscape, but they're totally fine. I also felt the ending could have used a longer taper or delay effect on the last note, as it ended abruptly, but it's just minor nitpicking that doesn't affect the call. I'm surprised you don't remember this theme; I loved it back in the day! Nice job giving it a boost of energy! YES
  21. Hello OC Remix! I've been a fan for years, and I would like to submit this remix of the Chrono Trigger theme for you all!Your ReMixer name: [Theølogy]Your real name: Matthew J. BentleyYour email address: Your website: facebook.com/theologyofficialYour userid: 33154Name of game(s) arranged: Chrono TriggerName of arrangement: Emotions of TimeName of individual song(s) arranged: Chrono Trigger Main ThemeAdditional information about game including composer, system, etc: SNES, Yasunori MitsudaYour own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc: I was gonna start playing Chrono Trigger one day after years of not playing it, and the main theme played and hit me in a way I've never been hit before. I then decided to not play the game, and instead to remix the theme. I have been in cahoots with some artists from Anjunabeats lately and my sound has evolved more than ever, and this this is my first VG remix with that new and improved sound. I am very excited to be submitting it to OC because I have been a fan of OC for years. This is also one of the first tracks under my new artist name, [Theølogy]. Enjoy!
  22. Open's up pretty cool, though the tone of the beats at :24 sounded thin. At :47, I liked the phasing effects on the lead and thought the other instrumentation was interesting. The weaker link was at 1:11 when the beats behind the melody -- which were meant to drive the piece forward -- sounded very flimsy. Texturally, there's a lot of ambient padding in the mix that's creating mud until 1:34, but the writing was good. The dropoff at 1:58 really exposed the lack of body of the breakbeats, and then continued like that with underwhelming energy all the way until 2:34. The lead pattern brought in at 2:34 dragged on for quite a while; I guess the ear's supposed to be drawn to the beats and textures evolving underneath until 3:21, but it doesn't supersede the fact that the lead drones on. The transition at 3:21 was abrupt, though I liked the brief writing there. Back to the same melodic treatment and thin percussion from 1:11 essentially repeated at 3:25, which felt like an uninspired retread, then copying the chorus from 1:35 at 3:48 heading for the finish. This needs richer beats and clearer mixing, but I imagine the musician Js will have much better and more specific commentary they can offer. The treatment of the source tune has potential, Braulio, but more melodic interpretation and/or instrumental variation from 3:25-4:12 would majorly help this, as well as trimming the fat of 2:34-3:21. NO
  23. OC Remix petition Contact Information: Artist name: The Gatherer real name: Braulio Díaz email: facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/The-Gatherer-220675211599121/ user ID: The Gatherer Submission Information: Game arranged: Final Fantasy X Name of arrangement: Ronso's Rite of Passage Name of Individual Song Arranged: Servants of the Mountain/People of the Far North Original Composer: Masashi Hamauzu link to original song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Nd4pvnkPUY The idea for the song was that I wanted to change the original mood for the song. The song has a soft tragic feel to it, and I wanted to make the song to feel engaging. Since nobody has made it yet, I decided to give it a try. Final Fantasy X is my favorite rpg so I really hope that I made justice to the original song.
  24. Onto the negatives first, I wish the recording quality/mixing was sharper and cleaner. The performances are also (arguably) too loose in places. That said, I thought this was a good example of a structurally/melodically close cover that personalized the performance well through the live instrumentation and different textures, additions of doubling and original writing and the slower tempo. Once the beats came in at :58, the arrangement only moved further towards having a different-enough sound from the source thanks to the addition of the beats. Again, the feel here was loose and the mixing isn't pristine, but there's a good deal of charm in the presentation, and I felt everything pieced together very capably with the arrangement. Nice work, Kyle, and good luck with the rest of the vote! YES
  25. Hi OCRemix submission-listeners,Long-time listener, first-time submitter here. I've been a fan of Hiroki Kikuta's work on Secret of Mana for a long time, and I finally decided to give this "Into the Thick of It" remix a shot. I thought it might be fun to turn this quick/airy/light overworld theme into a slower groove with a bunch of acoustic instruments, and I ended up with a pretty weird combo: guitars, ukuleles, saxes, vocals, trombones, drumset/shaker/claps, and an alto flute solo to mirror the lead in "Did You See the Ocean?"Thanks for listening!-Kyle------------------Submitted Track:Contact Information:Your ReMixer name KylokYour real name Kyle OkalyYour email address Your website http://www.kyleokaly.com/Your userid 32955Submission Information:Name of game(s) arranged Secret of ManaName of arrangement Thick JamsName of individual song(s) arranged Into the Thick of It / Did You See the Ocean?
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