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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. The DoD month that Dr. M's came from was pretty stacked and this mix was just an alternate! The 1st place, 2nd place, and one of the ties for 3rd are all on OCR, as well as OA's DKC2 project mix, which placed 10th. To top it off, Doc won that month with the Scaredsim collab. Great stuff from DoD per the usual; don't sleep on it. Keep 'em coming, Hugo!
  2. I dunno why everyone was being so nice to that brass sample, pointing out the flaw, but saying it wasn't a big deal. It sounded downright brutal compared to everything else, and was extremely fake-sounding, exposed, shrill and repetitive. It just blared out on top of the track and didn't even sound like it was in the same soundscape as the rest of the instrumentation. It dragged this down to NO. Get rid of it, it just cheapens the track. If you can program strings well, go for some emotive, resonant single and layered strings with instead. It's a suggestion. I can see where the others were coming from regarding the track dragging; it could stand to be shortened. But as long as the lead was fixed/replaced with something that fit the track, I'd pass this in a heartbeat. I can understand this being more a piece that served as something to kick back to that subtly evolves for a long time. However, it DID drag some because the melody was basically cut-and-pasted ad nauseum with that awful brass work, same volume every time. The lead got boring and repetitive even though there was so much great stuff and ear candy happening behind it. The drum programming and subtle mutations going on were great to listen to. I also loved the original countermelody on piano (first used at :47), which fit seamlessly with the source arrangement, even if it was drowned down too much during some sections. You may want to consider making it more audible throughout the track. Arrangement-wise, this was some good usage of the source with a constant presence. Just swap the brass lead for something good, and work with any other crits from the Js that you think you can use, and send this on back. Don't think you need to blow up what's here, Brad; the overall arrangement is solid. This just needs tweaks to push it over the bar, and we definitely want to post this. NO (refine/resubmit)
  3. Decision was long closed, so I'm coming in way after the fact, but I finally got around to listening to this myself. Nice sampling of the Bernard Purdie drum lesson, BTW, that was strong. I'v enjoyed his stuff ever since I heard Gwilym sample an interview of his for some original stuff he wrote back in the VGMix2 days. Again, I had 0 problem with po!'s arrangement approach, i.e. the A-B-A-style source usage in just the beginning and ending sections. As far as the "formula" of using the source tune enough, I'm just looking for over 50% usage so the source usage is dominant. The methods you use to get there generally don't matter to me as long as you get there. po! had it here, and everything flowed nicely. YES
  4. As soon as I heard this, I knew OA's previous ReMix was the reason this happened. Yeah, I can see what's up with the balance issues even with this revised version. The supporting instruments sound too far off in the soundscape. Still not a fan of that snare either. I wish he'd find a different one; he basically uses the same one no matter what the situation. On drums, you're a one-trick pony. This production definitely wasn't a dealbreaker though, by any stretch, and the arrangement completely makes up for any shortcomings there. The arrangement was strong, mostly keeping the melody intact, but spicing it up with variations on top of variations. There shouldn't be a debate here. Let's go! YES
  5. No, we don't want remasters and edits. Dave best explains the policy here: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01251/
  6. No. But that's because this is part of updating EVERY ReMix with better tagging. If we happen to get stuff with better encodes, that's great.
  7. Contact Information Remixer Name: Iggy Koopa Real Name: Erik Xian E-Mail: iggykoopa@gmail.com Website: (none) User ID: 8972 Submission Information Game Arranged: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island Song Arranged: Ending (http://ocremix.org/song/274) Remarks: This is a piece I wrote after about a month of listening to nothing but Sigur Rós and I believe it shows rather clearly. I was aiming for an ambient/dream pop sort of sound with this, but I'm fine with whatever it is now. The song is in 6/8 time rather than the original 4/4. The tag says "2010" but it's lying; it's really 2009. And that's all I have to say for now. Decide whether it's worthy, judges. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Yoshi's Island - "Ending"
  8. Contact Information Remixer Name: da2Dbm Real Name: Daniel Azof Email: da2dbm@gmail.com Userid: 20548 Submission Information Game: Donkey Kong Country 2 (SNES) Songs Remixed: Stickerbrush Symphony Source: Hot-Head Bop Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KR3hE0_6Nk Donkey Kong Country on the Super Nintendo was the first video game I got to play and I immediately fell in love with the music and atmosphere. Imagine my glee when I received Donkey Kong Country 2 the following Christmas. Being a pirate lover, I was in heaven while playing DKC2. Whenever I hear the music from this series, I can't help but feel happy reminiscing of these childhood memories. This is my attempt to take my two favorite songs from this game and remix them into a nice trip down memory lane. I was always fascinated at how dangerous these levels were, yet the music was so calming. This is my attempt to recapture their essence and share to others my love for these songs. - Daniel --------------------------------------------------------------- The overall soundscape was decent, but the production needs some touching up, because there was distortion in several louder areas, including the intro. 1:06-1:25's section seemed too aimless; there was nothing interesting or engaging about it. Interesting dropoff and transition at 1:52. Not the smoothest, but serviceable. Some gated synth stuff as the lead at 2:14. At 2:20, the percussion was constantly distorting. Arrangement-wise, I didn't hear anything particularly interpretive as far as how the themes were handled. The meat of the track doesn't have much; we just get some brief flashes of it (e.g. 1:45-1:55), but nothing sustained. The source usage was generally verbatim with the originals; this needs to do more to stand apart from them. NO
  9. Remixer alias: HoboKa name: Alex Shtokalko Game: Seiken Densetu 3 Source: Political Pressure Remix: Midi: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/SD3Dark.mid Description: So, Rozovian recruited me for the project - albeit I've never played the game before. So I decided to remix a rather sparse yet foreboding track...yeah my usual style. I implemented orchestral, percussion and DnB elements, as well as some ambient stuff. It begins as orchestral and it slowly transitions into a distorted DnB/ambient style. Had some veterans check this track out and they told me to submit it, so hopefully you guys think the same thing lol. And thanks for being patient with my slow learning curve and so forth, regardless of the outcome. ------------------------------------------------------------
  10. Remixer name: Guifrog Real name: Guilherme Arcoverde Website: www.myspace.com/guifrog Country: Brazil ----- Game arranged: Diddy Kong Racing Song arranged: Taj's Challenge (source link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sbp-SZ62OEw) Ribbit! As you might notice, I pretty like to mix world rhythms with electronica. This time, I chose the indian beat to create a nice dancing tune! In Hinduism, Shiva refers to one of the 3 gods that control universe on a certain aspect; he's the "destroyer" or "transformer", while Brahma's the "creator" and Vishnu, the "preserver". Shiva can be represented in various kinds of symbolism, one of them being Nataraja, which can be translated as "Lord of Dance". So, in order to maintain a cycle, Shiva performs his dance to destroy an old and overused universe, allowing Brahma to start the process of creation. There's a moment on this remix that I tried to represent Shiva's dance, which is the percussion solo, that gets more and more aggressive as it goes. Once it ends, a few keys re-appear to make a transition to the chorus, that comes in like Brahma's new beginning. You can see the song kinda spins in a cycle, but a key's never exactly the same as another. And I need the song to end, so I re-used the :36 part with a few adjustments =P That's it... Hope you like it ^^" --------------------------------------------------------------
  11. Submission Information: Name of the remix: Journey of a Dream Name of the game: Super Metroid Name of the song: Brinstar Overgrown with Vegetation Area Your own comments: This is my first remix on OC-Remix. It's a combination of spacy and ambiental pads mashed up with some breakbeat / arpeggiators. It shows the vasteness of space on one hand and the fast moving you have to do to travell through it on the other hand - Like a horizon. It sounds like some old Trance tunes of the 90th in combination with a modern drum'n'bass breakbeat. Even if the tempo is only 140bpm. Some artists and songs, that inspirated me where: Brainchild (Symmetry C), Robert Miles (Children), Evol Intent and Spor. ReMixer name: DJ The Fishhead real name: Helge Lahann email address: TheFishhead@gmx.net Your website: http://www.myspace.com/fishheadmuzic Your userid: 31954 -------------------------------------------------------------- Super Metroid - "Brinstar Overgrown with Vegetation Area"
  12. Here is a submission for you to consider. This is my first submission, if I've done it incorrectly, let me know. Thanks. -- Hizzle House ---------------------------------------------------------- ToeJam & Earl - "ToeJam Jammin'" Interesting style. It's definitely too spartan, which may be intentional, but just comes off very, very empty. Minimalism and emptyness aren't mutually inclusive. 2:16 finally added more meat on the bones; before that, things felt too simple and plodding. Arrangement-wise, there was interpretation, but it didn't feel developed enough, basically because there was always so little complementing the melodic variation. If the overall style were like 2:16-onward to keep things more fleshed out, this could work, but it needs more substance. NO (resubmit)
  13. ReMixer name: DJ Velly Forum userid: 27583 Name of game arranged: Chrono Trigger Name of song arranged: Frog's Theme I've been working on this mix for a very long time. It's the largest music project I've ever compiled, having spent countless hours tweaking and adding extra layers. At first I was a little skeptical about whether I should even bother with this source tune, since it's already been done eight times on the OCR site. Still, none of these mixes were in my style (whatever that is!), so I figured it was worth a shot, given how much I absolutely adore this theme. And I'm quite satisfied with how it's turned out. --------------------------------------------------------------- Chrono Trigger - "Frog's Theme" Really disliked the opening breaktbeats; they sounded like premade loops that were taken from somewhere else. Basically no source usage until :38. The melody there was so quiet compared to everything going on. But at :53, the source tune came in full force. The melodic variations were there, but some seemed more for the sake of not sounding 100% like the original than sounding like a natural interpretation of the source. Not always a comfortable fit, but still some capable ideas. Production-wise, this was too cluttered for my tastes, and should have sounded cleaner, but it was nothing that was a deal-breaker. Rough around the edges, but ultimately it's got the bread and butter arrangement & production qualities needed to get above the bar, even though I'm not feeling this all the way. Keep improving, Josh. YES (borderline) Hahaha! I only now looked at the mix title. That kind of stuff doesn't actually affect my vote, but that'd definitely a rare instance of a very n00b, form-letter-sounding title making it through. No offense, it's just kind of...yeah. LT Edit (11/14): Vote changed to NO.
  14. Contact Info: snazzypadgett Will Padgett will.padgett@gmail.com willpadgett.net 20724 Submission Info: Legend of Zelda series Overworld, Hyrule Field, Underworld theme, Prelude of Light, Gerudo Fortress, Song of Storms I'm well aware of the gratuitous amounts of Zelda remixes in this community, and the only excuse I have for presenting another one to the panel is that this piece was written for my high school percussion section to perform. The experience was both lovely and frustrating, as the Gerudo Fortress theme's syncopated rhythm proved too challenging for accurate performance, hahaha. Anyway, two years later, I was inspired to play my sheet music into my DAW and the result is...better than high schoolers I am excited to introduce a percussion-exclusive piece to the community, and it will be happy to hear something very familiar in an unorthodox instrumentation. Hey, I've even got sheet music if anyone wants to have it for their own percussion section. All it costs is a tip of the hat to Mr. Kondo himself! -- -Will --------------------------------------------------------------- A bunch of stuff I think some of the production choices were underwhelming, but there were a lot of range/dynamics with the volume. The resonance of the mallet percussion helped make sure this wasn't empty sounding. There were several spots that felt pretty empty and really could have used one more element to fill things out without detracting from the mallet percussion as the focus. 2:35-3:30, for example, felt like nothing much was going on in the back besides some very spartan, bland drum writing. The drum wiriting doesn't have to be super intense and loud, just interesting, like the patterns you had at 3:48. Spice up the percussion writing from 2:25-3:30. The arrangement was alright for the most part. The transitions were abrupt in a some spots (e.g. 2:25, 2:35), so it felt like there was medleyitis, but I'll live. The sequencing/execution wasn't the most polished, but it was serviceable and the overall sound was unique compared to anything else I've heard on the panel in my 6 years. I'd say spice up the bland drums in the middle that I mentioned, and then follow any crits you get from other Js on the production side. This definitely would have made it several years ago, and it's got its charm. I'd love to hear another version of this with some tweaks, but I'm fine if this passed, ultimately. Despite getting some things wrong, there's a lot that's right and refreshing to hear. Don't be discouraged if this doesn't pass, Will; you have a good future if you keep at this. See what else you can do with this one, and keep 'em coming. NO (borderline/resubmit)
  15. BACK IN ACTION! http://ocremix.org/images/template/ocr_mascot_153.png http://ocremix.org/images/template/ocr_mascot_154.png http://ocremix.org/images/template/ocr_mascot_155.png http://ocremix.org/images/template/ocr_mascot_156.png http://ocremix.org/images/template/ocr_mascot_157.png Anyone who wants to get in on this is appreciated! More to come...? (Oh snap.)
  16. morning, strangers. hope all is well. at magfest, i heard josh whelchel talk about the indie music cancer drive. i thought it sounded pretty awesome, so i asked if i could be a part of it. he thought it was an excellent idea - so, i wrote a piece to go on the two-disc effort. i had literally just finished playing mass effect (i started this remix on the 2nd of february), and the main theme, which is particularly prevalent throughout the last stage of the game, really struck me as being an incredibly epic and awesome concept even though it was so simple. i knew i had to remix it. one of the things my work with novo interactive (an independant XBLA game studio) has taught me is to look beyond the box when it comes to what genres i'm comfortable working in. i have gotten into a groove lately, producing tracks with heavy ethnic influences that are mostly classical, with electronic and jazz influences - and i wanted to break that groove and try something way beyond my comfort zone. i've never worked with a beatslicer before, and so i said to myself, "self, let's do some slicing and experiment with some different ideas". i had a two-bar drumloop stuck in my head, so i wrote it down, slowed it way down, and started playing with pitch-shifting and stuttering effects. i used several gated and rhythmic pads from omnisphere's extensive library, a nice bass from the same company's trilogy VST, a few FL synths, and a 2mb soundfont of a trumpet i had found a while back on hammersound...and a really awesome piece came out of it. so, seven channels plus omnisphere (where i had eight patches on the internal mixer). the song is based on the main theme heard throughout the ME2 soundtrack. it comes around most notably in "The End Run" and "Suicide Mission", but it also appears in "The Normandy Reborn" (altered), "The Lazarus Project" (right at the beginning, then in various forms throughout), and a few others. these are all available on youtube - i won't link them, because i can't guarantee that they'll be there when you'll be judging due to takedown notices and that kind of stuff. if you need them, i can give you the mp3s, but i'm sure BGC can supply them if need be. you'll notice that there are two versions of my song there. i realize that my primary submission (the one titled simply intrepid) is a liberal take at best of the theme, using only the melody and some rhythmic elements to tie it to ME2. so, i created a "v2" that uses the exact melody and chord structure of the theme as it appears in "The End Run". the form is exactly the same, since the chord structures between my arranged version and the original are very similer (Cm Eb Bb G7 in v1 vs. Cm Ab Bb Fm7 in the original). the main reason i changed it is because i just didn't like the sound of the Fm7 leading to the Cm every time. sounded a bit boring. the G7 - and the B natural that it brings into the piece - allows for more creative voice leading throughout the instruments. i'd ask that you judge the first version, and if it is too liberal (i think it works, but then i've studied the score a lot more than everyone except for BGC on the panel) then look at the second one as my 'revision'. i asked shariq about this in IRC an hour ago, and he said that it was ok. regardless of which version is accepted, i'd like the title of the track to simply be "intrepid". the reason i'm submitting both at the same time is that i'm hoping that one of these versions might be released when the interview that you're doing with the composers of ME2 is released, similar to the Christopher Tin interview, or the Deus Ex remix thing that BGC was involved in. i just didn't want there to be miscommunication regarding the status of a redo, if need be. ok, longest sub email i've ever written is over. thanks for listening, guys. let me know if there's anything i can do to assist in this. submission information your remixer name: the prophet (think we can get that changed in the remix artist realm as well, now that my forum name's been changed? thanks!) real name: bradley burr email address: bradley.burr@gmail.com website: http://prophet.escariot.net userid number: 8761 (that changed recently, i used to be higher than 12k, i think) name of game arranged: Mass Effect 2 (aka Jesus: The Sequel) name of individual songs arranged: "The End Run" additional information about game: all on the site already link to OST: you'll have to go through youtube, for reasons listed above own comments: see above BRAD ----------------------------------------------------------
  17. See above. Either issues like that or it's from an unreleased project.
  18. I'll take full responsibility for that. When people send stuff that's not encoded the right way (bitrate too high, size too large, etc.), I'm already too busy to juggle contacting everyone about fixes along with everything else on the table. So you, frankly, get lost in shuffle, and that definitely holds it up. But the squeaky wheel gets the grease, so I'm glad you posted. Your mix wasn't encoded with the right settings. Email me (larryoji@ocremix.org) with a copy that's at 44kHz stereo, not 48. Also, feel free to bump up the bitrate if you want, now that the size limit is 8.00MB instead of 6. Once you can send that, we'll get the mix up soon. I think Pot Hocket had this stereo issue too, so I definitely appreciate the overall reminder. I'm going to have to do a fundraising drive to pay me $400,000 a year to quit my job and do OCR full-time. Then I'd do everything super duper hooper looper fast.
  19. Agreed with needing that functionality at some point. Took me 2 seconds to find your ID #.
  20. I've mailed some mods as well, so we'll hopefully get this taken care of. Thanks, Improb.
  21. Tim Follin - "Pathways from Nowhere" [Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future]
  22. Correction, it was http://c64audio.com, which hosted a collections of free arrangements back in the day. Now, it's a label.
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