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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Remixer: Dr. Manhattan Submission information: Game: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Song: Hidrocity Zone Acts 1 and 2 PS1: I didn’t changed the tags i used for DoD, hope that’s ok. PS2: I'm having some connection problems, so i apologize if you reveice more than one e-mail. Thanks! --------------------------------------------------------------- http://project2612.org/download.php?id=61 - Hydrocity Zone 1 & Hydrocity Zone 2 The brass samples were hurting in terms of realism, although the brief stuff at 2:39 sounded pretty solid. I've heard really fake brass in ktriton's "Hyrule Wimbledon", so I can co-sign on a track where a key instrument is blaringly fake and there's a quality disparity. In the case of "Hyrule Wimbledon", the rest of the instrumentation sounded really good, and the brass sequencing was OK even if the samples weren't. This would be the same case, except the textures here were on the sparse side and definitely could have used another element to prevent the brass samples from being so exposed, and also flesh out the background. I've heard your Ys 3 mix, "The Freak Winged Boy", so it's obvious you can create a track that really fills out the space effectively, but this one didn't do the same IMO. We'll see if the others feel the same way. Arrangement-wise, I'm loving the interpretation. The bass work was pretty low-key, but really cool to focus on; great stuff there. Right now, the background created by the drums felt too empty for much of the track, and some of the simpler drum patterns didn't give enough energy to rest of the piece. I'd love to hear you tweak this with one more instrument added, some sort of effects, or just pushing up some other background elements to better fill out the soundfield, so I'll go conditional YES on it. Otherwise, fun stuff, so I hope we see this on the site in some form. YES (conditional)
  2. Hey This is "Monkey Kong"´s Submission of our ReMix: Dolphin Ride. Contact Information * Your ReMixer name: Monkey Kong * Your real name: Daniel Rosenqvist, Anton Dromberg, Lucas Grönlund, Anton Fluch, Axel Johansson, Ian Eiderbo * Your email address: danielrosenqvisten@hotmail.com * Your website: www.myspace.com/monkeykong * Your userid: 27438 Submission Information * Donkey Kong Country * Aquatic Ambience * Composer: David Wise Game system: Snes * Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site) * Comments: Bassist and bandleader Daniel Rosenqvist: When Monkey Kong first was formed, we kinda just ripped the songs off as they were, but I felt that just playing covers straight from the game wouldnt be so much fun or much of a challenge. So I was really nagging the others in the band about us doing more rearrangements and spending more time with each tune. We found our inspiration when we found the Dolphin pad you hear in the intro. We turned off the lights and jammed the whole form of the track in complete darkness! (except for the lights from the keyboards) I was really happy when the track was done, (I think it was in September 2008) because it was our frist "rearranged" track and I just felt proud of the whole band. ^^ We named the track beacause of the flow of the song. I've felt we have learned a lot and we are always improving and learning new things. The track was recorded in November 2008 and mixed in February 2009. I played this game so much when I was a kid, I could ride that swordfish around for hours...thinking it was so cool. And I must also take this opportunity to settle things once and for all: Snes owns Nes. A huge thank you to our good friend Ian Eiderbo for playing the lead guitar on the track and also live at Dreamhack, thanks man! And a huge thanks to Erik "The Ricecooker" Risberg for mixing the track, he knew right away what I was looking for. Follow the flow because now you're going on a Dolphin Ride. For updates, check out our myspace: http://www.myspace.com/monkeykong ----- I've talked to several OC ReMixers and they are not sure whetever this would fit into OC ReMix, but many have said we should try and after reading the Submission Standards I belive that we uppfill both the criterias of: -Modify instruments, dynamics and rythm -Adding original solos If djpretzel wants to give credits to a specific part in his writeups the credit list is: Anton Fluch - Pads Anton Dromberg - Piano/Organs Daniel Rosenqvist - Bass Lucas Grönlund - Guitar Ian Eiderbo - Lead Guitar Otherwise we dont have any specific asks for our writing in the writeup, except for mention of myspace adress if possible. I also want to clearify that we want to make a demo cd to sell when we warm up for PLAY! A Video Game Symphony and that this track will be in it. It will be clear on our MySpace that the track "Dolphin Ride" is available for free though but we will take small charge for the whole CD. I'm a huge fan of the site and has been for a long time. /Daniel Rosenqvist --------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=dkc - "Aquatic Ambiance" (dkc-08.spc) Source didn't kick in until 1:04 after an extended intro, though there were some fleeting references and the chord progression was there. This was a cool arrangement with some measure of interpretation in adapting it for the band setting here, but I wasn't getting much interpretation until 2:36's piano-led section offered more. 3:22 got a bit heavier, though I felt the lead got buried; melodic arrangement was also pretty straightforward. 4:08 went with some original material over the chord progression, before heading back to a very liberal take on the theme at 4:58 that was mostly original. Piano sequencing was decent, but exposed the sample as fake too many times. The track was reasonably put together, and it did have a good balance of source usage vs. original sections, but the Aquatic Ambiance melody wasn't very interpretive for much of it IMO, which makes that a difficult pass for me. The mood was different, which was a positive, but something about the constant tempo and overall energy and execution was making this drag out, and I just wasn't feeling it. We'll see if anyone else feels differently or can better articulate what I heard, but I'm going to let this one marinate. No issue if this passes, but if I went YES, it would be a weak one, no offense to the band. You guys are a group to watch, and I look forward to hearing more from y'all! EDIT (6/25): Really dislike some of the exposure of the piano sample at the end, but taking another listen, I'm ultimately down with this. Aside from the valid production crits, I think the arrangement could have been structured in a more interesting way. However, what's there is still solid and what we're looking for. Let's go! YES
  3. Remixer name - Theory of Nonexistence Real name - Dustin Lagaly Email - omfgitsdustin@gmail.com userID - 19501 Game remixed - Final Fantasy IV Song remixed - Theme of Love Composer - Nobuo Uematsu Source: My remix: http://ton.escariot.net/songs/remixes/ILoveThisRadio.mp3 This was the winning entry in PRC130 a while ago. A laid back arrangement of the Theme of Love from Final Fantasy IV. The prize was an OCR hoodie which was awesome because at the time, it was almost winter and I was a broke college student with no winter clothes (I'm still a broke college student, but at least I have a hoodie now). This mix has kind of a radio theme with a transistor radio (original, I know) and at the end, it breaks and I attempt to fix it the old fashioned way. By beating it like the red headed step child. Enjoy! ToN You can leave the links in. --------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ff4 - "Theme of Love" (ff4-04.spc) Texture was on the thin side. I've heard GaMeBoX pull that off with his Project Chaos mixes, but I wasn't quite getting that here; it's almost there, and some might feel it's already there though. I know this is meant to be a track played over a radio, but I would have pushed the leads up, because they sound too far away, leaving the soundscape dominated by the beats and bass. The core beat never varying hurt this too, all the more exposed due to the sound balance I just mentioned. Arrangement-wise, I think you went off in the direction of original writing over the chord progression too long in the middle. For a 2:31-long track (I'm not counting the ending, that's just extra), I needed more than 75.5 seconds of source usage. Here's what I heard: :00-:13, :33-1:23, 2:20-2:28 = about 71 seconds or 47.02% source usage That's pretty much it, gimme some more variation of the core beat (doesn't need to be drastic), tweak the balance and integrate the source a bit more. That said, if another Js points out a direct source connection I'm missing, I'd just suggest the first two things. Really cool, chill concept, Dustin; hope to see this posted in some form! NO (resubmit)
  4. Contact Information * ReMixer Name - Scytheslayer * Real Name - Brian Morrissey * E-mail - luminousquest@gmail.com * Website - www.ameliastudents.com * Your userid - 28340 Submission Information * Game - Metroid (NES) * Song - "Dark Space" (Metroid Title Screen) * Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site) * Comments - I have always had an affinity for the music of Metroid, but especially this piece. It always jumped out of the speakers to my ears and I would sometimes not enter my password just so I could hear the entire theme before I started the game. -- Brian Morrissey Youth/Worship Minister Amelia Church of Christ www.ameliachurchofchrist.com www.ameliastudents.com ----------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/14324 - Track 1 The highs were a bit piercing, and I'd argue the mixing of the low strings made things a bit too muddy, IMO. The realism of the high strings wasn't good, but they weren't as exposed as they could have been. Aside from the mixing, it's a pretty good sound upgrade and definitely has an enhanced mood, but structurally, there wasn't much difference from the original. Much of the part-writing was verbatim with the original. You're headed in the right direction with the mood, Brian, so I'd love to hear this with more elements of intepretation. Cool first sub! NO (resubmit)
  5. Nah, different threads are fine. Mashups just go in the correct forum, i.e. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=19
  6. Yes, replying to threads clearly means mixes aren't judged or posted. I'm sure if we just limit our human interaction more, we can pump out those mixes! Not all work is judging/posting mixes, but if you pay me, I can do that.
  7. That all depends on my free time, not the rate of subs.
  8. I disagree with dPaladin on internet debate, or at least how I'm handling it here; I can't speak for anyone else, and I might not even be referred to. Just noting I'm not trying to just put the best face on OCR and misrepresent anyone. Even going back to the ReMixer exodus way back, some people have flat out hated the formal implementation of standards, and it's cost us the activity of some mixers; I just think we've moved in a more consistent, beneficial direction. No problem, po, I didn't think you were being a hater, I was just saying it's tough to see the standards as something that can encourage creativity if you see any measure of rules as stifling. Dave covered it a lot better than I ever could. Also, re: the Js criticisms and suggestions, they're mostly going to be geared to the standards, because people are submitting it with the specific intention of OCR posting it. Responding to subs with that POV is simply our job in the process.
  9. Haha, I just can't read is all. I'll throw another track and if it's too late, it's aight.
  10. My challenge: http://snesmusic.org/hoot/kingshriek/IncredibleCrashDummies.7z - Track 10 The Incredible Crash Dummies (1992, GB)
  11. It's fair to note though that your post there had nothing to do with what I quoted. Saying YOU know mixes don't have to be made to OCR spec and that they aren't bad wasn't the same as acknowledging that we on the panel are cool with that too and don't put down submitters based on that. You seemed to acknowledge that we knew that earlier in this thread, but then IRC was a complete 180. Regardless, I got my mea culpa, and I'm good. With no sarcasm/holding it over you intended, THANK YOU. Who knows though, maybe we faked being constructive and supportive to submitters for months in advance in every decision KNOWING we'd get called out for being unsupportive, OCR-standards-or-it's-crap douches. See, we plan ahead. The conspiracy continues...
  12. Again, I'm not mad, but if you're going to talk trash about me & the rest of the judges "under heavy pressure" and for everyone to read, it involves me. When you get disproven after links to 36 decisions in a row (because you don't actually read Judges Decisions), the LEAST you can do is admit "OK, I was just saying whatever. My mistake." Right now, you're just giving me a weak excuse, but I'll have to take it, because that's all you're willing to say. "I was under pressure", whatever that's supposed to mean. Say what you will about the process, but it's clear as day if you READ the decisions that we're not implying to everyone that rejected subs are bad music, and we also don't relax or tighten standards depending on the who the submitter is, unlike what Starla said. The beauty of it is that we don't need you to believe it in order for it to be true. As long as you have conspiracy theories on how we operate and assume bad faith, we're gonna have this problem.
  13. We could do the same thing with VGL where people PayPal'ed the OCR account with their ticket money, then we'd simply use that $ to buy the tix. Who is going and has their $ ready now? Show of hands plz!
  14. There's nothing inherently wrong with someone making an OC ReMix because they want the e-fame or e-penis or whatever you get from having a mix posted. Jared Hudson, SGX and Star Salzman have said they like the praise and exposure the most. Some people think that's not an allowable way of looking at it, and even I don't prefer it, but there's nothing wrong with that. As long as the music is enjoyable, the listeners generally don't really care what the motive is. Some of those people Wes mentioned have modified tracks to get on OCR (e.g. AeroZ, OA, Nutritious and Willrock have resubbed mixes before), but not necessarily in a way that runs contrary to their creative process or personal enjoyment. If anyone has, they really shouldn't have. I'm always an advocate of making an arrangement however you want, and if it's eligible for here, that's great. Unlike whatever Doug has insisted on, we make it pretty clear when something's a good piece of music that happens to be outside the standards. When Js make suggestions for resubmissions, we hope the artist feels they'll improve the song in a way they're personally happy with, that they only take suggestions on that level, and that they pass on whatever doesn't work with their vision for the piece. I remember years ago pretty soon after I joined the panel, Darangen resubbed a mix and lamented to me that he was unsatisfied with it because it was becoming less of what he wanted. I had to make it clear that we're not implying you have to turn a piece of music into something you're personally dissatisfied with; that's stupid. We're not clients, we're not paying anyone to make the music, and we're not asking for something to be built with very specific specs. We only want artists to tweak a mix or make a mix with OCR's guidelines in mind because they want to make it that way, not to conform against their better judgement. I can't go with the implication that the standards are a bad, stifling thing that's mutually exclusive with fun. It just seems like the natural progression of "the rules are limiting my artistic freedom" is throwing out all rules and saying this place should be run as "goodmusicwebsitewithnocommontheme.com", which is over the top. Obviously there's limitations involved in making an OC ReMix. Discouraging MIDIs and direct sampling does limit some options, sure. But if using the source material a lot, producing it reasonably well and not creating a pure cover is too limiting of their freedom, then this isn't the place for them. I think most people look at the OCR guidelines as encouraging their own creativity, not discouraging. Coming at the standards from a negative point of view assumes that no one has ever used them as a positive creative influence and channeled that towards making a piece of music that they like.
  15. That's my plan. This would be a much more consistently tagged set of mixes.
  16. Might just wait for 1900, or do an 1850 one, but I'm still waiting for some album art. I wanna do it right.
  17. Just bumping because he punked out. I'm not mad, but if you're flat out wrong, you need to own up. You know I'll keep bumping this until I get my concession, Doug.
  18. I'm still a bigger fan of the original remix, "Slick Uniforms", but I still have good memories with this one. The overall feel of this actually had sadder quality to it compared to "Slick Uniforms". Back in '04, I had just joined the judges panel and my laptop had broken, so while I waited for it to be fixed, I spent several weeks up in a computer lab in the neighboring dorm in order to use the net and continue judging. Whenever I was working on assignments, I didn't have my music collection at my disposal, so I'd download a few tracks I really liked and cycle them in Windows Media Player, this being one of them, the OCR version. That computer lab was often just being used by me, so I got to play the stuff pretty loud, and I enjoyed the solitude anyway. Good memories chillin' to this; thanks, Quinn!
  19. kruai on Twitter had IMO the best English translation of the title, i.e. "This country sickens me". So for anyone wanting to know what this meant, there you go! Despite my NO, which was more on a policy level, I thought this was a solid piece of music. Haven't heard anything from Nurykabe in a while, but I do hope he sends something new our way.
  20. I haven't submitted anything myself, even though I have a musician/producer's credit on the oil ocean WT-40 mix that I did with AE. Ransom Rath (real name/remixer name) ransomrath@gmail.com www.ransomrath.com www.planetskill.com I don't have a user ID, because I tried to register my forum name and account (username ransomrath), to an email address that, to my surprise, had had the password changed for it without my knowing. So, I haven't been able to approve myself for the message boards. Bummer. Anyways, here's my submission. Sonic 2. Metropolis Zone (electrock mix) The makers of the Sonic 2 HD project contacted me about wanting the oil ocean I did with Alex (AE) for their game, even though it had vocals, and we recorded that song to perform at Magfest 05. They wanted the instrumental. I told them it wasn't up to me, but I'd talk to Rival about it. I haven't yet, and instead, I DID work on this, since it's my favorite song from Sonic 2. I was relatively proud of it, and I'm starting to work on more game mixes, so I figured I'd submit it to you guys! Hope you enjoy! and uhh... can someone approve my ransomrath username for the message board? I'd kinda like to be able to post. Thanks! Ransom Rath ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://project2612.org/download.php?id=37 - 12 "Metropolis Zone" I thought "Oil Ocean (WT-40 Mix)" was a great example of how to keep the structure very similar, but alter the rhythm and feel with the original drum patterns, original lyrics, and an overall different feel compared to the source. I definitely like the track, it's a great source tune, and it's nicely fleshed out and well-produced, but the overall structure was too close to the original without enough interpretation. Obviously it works really well for a project like Sonic 2 HD where it's basically keeping the original theme and souping it up with beefier sounds. But aside from some brief grace notes here and there (e.g. :17-:20, :59-1:02, 1:41-1:44), there wasn't much to make the arrangement stand out as interpretive compared to the original. I was waiting for more ideas to get added to the picture after the conservative first verse, but once you've heard the first :49 seconds, that was basically the layout of the arrangement, as it goes for a few more iterations with some subtle differences. Those are basically the things we're looking for with the arrangement as mentioned in the submission standards. There was some of that, clearly, but definitely not enough for a pass. Having met Rath at MAGFest 5 and seeing him tear it up with PlanetSkill live, Rath could easily make something that could pass with no problem at all if he wanted to go that direction. So really it's just a case of whether making an alternate, more interpretive cut would be something he wanted to do. If not, there's no reason not to be happy with this; nothing wrong with this as a kickass cover. It just needs additional interpretation to get approved. If that's not in the cards, that's fine; looking forward to your next work! NO (resubmit)
  21. OCR, 8 Bit Weapon & Nokia! The Reset Generation ReMix contest! It's time for some summer contest action! It's not the usual OC ReMix compos though, we've got swag on the line for this one! Legendary chiptune musicians Seth Sternberger & Michelle Mitchell, aka 8 Bit Weapon, have been putting out some awesome music & products lately. Along with several albums (their latest being Electric High) and the recent "8 Bit Weapon: A Chiptune Odyssey" loop & sample library, some of 8BW's proudest work was gaining the title of video game composers with their soundtrack to RedLynx and Nokia's awesome puzzle/strategy title Reset Generation on the Nokia N-Gage. In Reset Generation, old school gamers choose from a cast of classically influenced characters like Plumber, Hedgehog, and Babe Gunner to rescue a princess while taking out all other would-be heroes. Besides being able to get the game free at ResetGeneration.com to play anyone using their PC or N-Gage, fans can download the entire soundtrack to Nokia's Reset Generation free from 8BitWeapon.com! Because Seth & Michelle are so supportive of game music & the OCR community, we're teaming up with 8 Bit Weapon AND Nokia to hook up the artist who can do the best job of remixing and interpreting the Reset Generation soundtrack! Besides getting their ReMix posted to OCR as our first N-Gage mix, 8 Bit Weapon has delivered with an amazing phone hookup courtesy of Nokia. The grand prize... a brand new Nokia N81, a US$399 value, with 8GB of memory including Reset Generation installed! Contest Rules The rules are simple. No MIDI format submissions, no chiptune-sounding submissions without some modern sounds & production techniques, no covers with little interpretation, no traditional remixes heavily sampling original audio, no mashups. If you're new, read up on OC ReMix's standards and compare recent ReMixes to their original game tracks to understand what we're all about. Beyond that though, you can arrange the source material for any genre, any style, any length, any number of source tunes, any number of artists, and any number of entries. In short, make a kickass Reset Generation OC ReMix! Reset Generation's tracks are all in the 8-bit style of classic, old-school game music, so you have a lot of flexibility with your arrangement! We've already provided the link to download Reset Generation's MP3s, but 8 Bit Weapon has also provided you the 21 MIDIs of the Reset Generation soundtrack (also attached) in case you need references. You have from now until the middle of July to complete as many entries as you want. But once we hit 11:59PM EST on Friday, July 10th, 2009, we're done accepting contest entries! All contest entries need to be emailed to admin@ocremix.org, subject "Nokia & 8 Bit Weapon!" Be sure to mention who was involved & what songs are being ReMixed! Our illustrious judges will be chiptune assassin 8 Bit Weapon (Seth Sternberger), the lovely ComputeHer (Michelle Mitchell), OCR founder djpretzel (David Lloyd) & OCR head submissions evaluator Liontamer (Larry Oji), who'll be judging every track on a simple 1-5 scale, so make sure your entries are creatively arranged and capably produced for the win! WHAT CAN I WIN?!? (Winning collaborators will be responsible for divvying up their prizes) 1st place! The Nokia N81 phone (a US$399 value) with 8GB of memory and Reset Generation installed! An 8 Bit Weapon t-shirt, to show your chiptune love! A signed limited edition of 8 Bit Weapon's latest EP, Electric High, in a real 5.25" floppy disk! Your choice of an OCR t-shirt along with a pair of OCR stickers, so you can fly the colors! Your choice of 1 more prize out of the OCR prize pool below! Cakewalk SONAR 7 Producer Edition (NFR) Sony ACID Pro 6 (NFR) Sony Sound Forge 9 (NFR) Novation V-Station Virtual Instrument SONiVOX Playa Hip-Hop Virtual Instrument A bundle of loops by M-Audio Project Gotham Racing (Microsoft, Xbox 360) Unreal Anthology (Midway, Windows) 2nd place! An 8 Bit Weapon t-shirt, to show your chiptune love! A signed limited edition of 8 Bit Weapon's latest EP, Electric High, in a real 5.25" floppy disk! Your choice of an OCR t-shirt along with a pair of OCR stickers, so you can fly the colors! A limited physical edition of OC ReMix's Final Fantasy VII album, Voices of the Lifestream! 3rd place! An 8 Bit Weapon t-shirt, to show your chiptune love! A signed limited edition of 8 Bit Weapon's latest EP, Electric High, in a real 5.25" floppy disk! Your choice of an OCR t-shirt along with a pair of OCR stickers, so you can fly the colors! If you want to win a badass free Nokia N81 phone, the limited edition of 8 Bit Weapon's latest album signed, some fashionable gear and MOAR, you've gotta get crackin' on your ReMix! Let's get it on! Links Nokia! 8 Bit Weapon! ComputeHer! The Nokia N81! Reset Generation! Reset Generation MIDIs! Reset Generation Soundtrack! Reset Generation on Wikipedia! RedLynx, developers of Reset Generation! Electric High, 8 Bit Weapon's latest album! "8 Bit Weapon: A Chiptune Odyssey", 8 Bit Weapon's new sample & loop library!
  22. Which ones were you missing?

  23. Hahahaha! Did Bladiator bang your mom back in his bachelor days or something. That's one of the douchiest replies I've seen on these boards in a while.
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