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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. PIMP! http://twitter.com/ocremix/status/1402477041
  2. Castlevania's evil, and I'm feeling the evil here. Solid stuff and a unique take on "Demon Seed", which is one of my favorites from the best Castlevania soundtrack of all time.
  3. He hasn't fallen off the face of the earth, just heavily into the nerdcore scene. http://www.myspace.com/myf1 http://www.myspace.com/mythrilnazgul
  4. Awesome; wish I was a fly on the wall! Thanks for lining that up, Susie! Hell if anyone at Google has requests, I'm pretty sure folks here would hop to it. Gimme some more backstory on how you got us in there when you have a chance; I'm always interested. I gave you some Twitter pimpage: http://twitter.com/ocremix/status/1398497237!
  5. Source - Original - Resub - * BlackPanther * Rashad Hill * rashad_hill@yahoo.com * http://www.myspace.com/dablackpantha * 17238 * Goldeneye 64 * Disused Military Depot * ? * ? * I took it kinda hard when I was told to resub this and I almost didn't do it. But I had a few people that I should and then I realized that I'm not that good and that the judges are here to help and not to down anyone lol. So here I am with the resubbed version and I hope all of you guys enjoy. -------------------------------------------------------------- Hahaha! Don't take it hard to be asked to resub. Most submissions don't even get that. Man up and continue to improve. http://www.zophar.net/download_file/12212 - 113 "Depot" Opening strings sounded a bit too distant, but the sample quality sounded pretty decent. Actually once things picked up at :49, there's still not much high-end. Synth lead at 1:31 is still a poor fit, IMO. It's too upfront and too grating. Pull it back and make it less abrasive. Treble on the cymbals was still too much, even though it was adjusted. That needs to be pulled back, yet the rest of the soundscape could have used more high-end to lend a little more clarity. The soundscape also still felt like it was missing one more element to glue everything together from 2:00-2:23 & 2:29-2:41; it was still fairly empty. The brass at 2:41 worked a lot better in filling out the soundfield a bit more. An improvement, but it still needs a couple of production tweaks to get this sounding fully balanced & cohesive. The arrangement ideas were interesting. Hopefully the other Js can really dissect the mixing issues so you can get this sounding it's best. I'd say it's about 80% of the way there, but you're not there yet in terms of making sure the fine details are in place. Don't get thin-skinned & wuss out. We've told you and we're continuing to tell you that your stuff shows good promise. Don't be discouraged, and keep working toward improvement so that your production skills become second nature. NO (resubmit)
  6. I also remember Shariq, Dave & I talking in #judges later about it while attempting to hash out details and then quickly realizing how much we still hated the idea for the specific reasons in the FAQ. Worth noting that genre or taxonomic labels might encourage people to check out ReMixes from games they're not interested in. Feel free to debate where the effect of labels is greater, i.e. encouraging or discouraging listening to more ReMixes.
  7. Even going away from genres completely and doing tags according to moods, it feels exclusionary, but that's just my opinion. I'd at least be open to non-genre tags, but I'd rather do without them entirely. Try everything.
  8. IN THE EVENT THIS TRACK IS ACCEPTED, PLEASE FLAG IT AS A PROJECT TRACK * OA and DragonAvenger Submission Information * Final Fantasy 4 * Another Moon * http://www.ocremix.org/game/final-fantasy-iv-snes/chiptunes/ OA comments: This was a really fun track to work on, and it seemed to come together really fast. I think DA's voice is perfect for the mood we were trying to convey, which is a sortof mysterious tension with sinister overtones. Projectwise, it's the lead-in track to the Climax of the final battle, so it needed to slowly build. The end leaves you expecting more, which is more effective in the album itself (with the next track resolving), but i think it works well enough to stand on it's own. Lyrics came together really fast, with DA making a few welcome suggestions at the end. The title is a reference to game storyline. Extra thanks to Jay, Connor, and Justin for whispers and effects. You guys are awesome. DA comments: When Andrew originally asked me what track I wanted to do on the project, I give him a few options, Another Moon being one of them. He immediately jumped on it, and I was pretty much along for the ride. He came up with lyrics when I was stuck, which I helped him complete later on. We both worked towards creating an ominous feel, in lyrics, voice, and during the track as a whole. Working with him was really easy, and he was always open to my ideas. The style of the song worked well with my voice, I love the effects that Andrew added. I look forward to working with him again. Lyrics: Something's sleeping In the darkness No one knows what Broken minds think Something's calling From the deep void Deathly intent Grasping midnight Awakened Something's waking Growing fury Second moon now Bleeding skies red Tonight Alive Tonight Something's coming Getting closer I can hear it Calling my name ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ff4 - "Another Moon" (ff4-40.spc) The timing of "second moon now" sounded awkward, but not a big deal. Those claps were way too loud & upfront. Not sure why y'all didn't realize that, but pull that stuff back for my sanity. Otherwise, really strong. Loved the synth section at 2:35. Cool glassy sounds added into the last verse at 3:14 as well. The arrangement was pretty straightforward, but very personalized. Great example of how you can retain the structure while completely enhancing with unique arrangement ideas. YES (conditional)
  9. Contact information remixer name: Sperzieb00n real name: Dennis malmberg email adress: thebest_jedi@hotmail.com website: www.last.fm/music/sperzieb00n userID: Submission information game(s) arranged: super mario bro's for the NES individual songs arranged: the tune that can be heard in all levels when being outside, part of the tune that can be heard when being under the ground. original composer: Koji Kondo source of the original samples: internet (sorry, lost the website), and self recorded comments: the genre is Drum & Bass, made in 9 hours with FLstudio8, in the netherlands. and my reasons for this song? when i was a kid i played super mario bro's almost daily on my nes, but i never got further then the first bossfight eventually the song got stuck in my head, nowadays i can play the theme on a chromonica (you can find me on youtube) and the piano. when i heard 1-up from spor on a DNB party i thought he could have done better, because i thought the song itself didn't sound "1-up" enough in my ears... so i decided to try to make something like that myself. have fun listening. ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/14690 - Tracks 1 ("Overworld BGM") & 2 ("Underworld BGM") :02-:10, :43-:45, :48-:50, :54-:56, :59-1:01, 1:25.5-2:18, 2:25-2:51, 3:34-3:36, 3:39-3:41, 3:45-3:47, 3:50-3:52, 4:17-4:41, 4:44-4:46, 4:49-4:51, 4:54-4:56, 5:00-5:12, 5:22-5:24 That's 146.5 seconds or 45.216% source usage. I'm not counting sampled in-game SFX. We don't allow tracks solely constructed of in-game SFX, thus I don't count SFX usage as music usage. Not a bad arrangement approach. Wholly original sections are OK, but most of the focus should be on arranging/using the actual themes, not the original melodic writing or sampling the in-game SFX . Someone might complain about the Mario themes souding very chiptune-y, but it wasn't direct sampled or verbatim, and it was coupled with the modern dNb sounds. Production-wise, this got blistering. The tss-es caused by the cymbals should be toned down. The melodic stuff could afford to be pushed up a little as well. I'd definitely like to see the balance tweaked a little, since (aside from the cymbals), this lacked clarity due to the high-end being neglected. Still, the dNb brought the power. Use a VBR encoding to get the filesize closer to 6MB and improve the sound-quality; 128kbps doesn't bring out the best here given how much is going on. If Protricity were still on the panel, and maybe Jesse will feel this way, I think the main criticism there would be that the source material mostly feels shoehorned into an original track. It does lack some synergy, so I agree with that to some extent and can understand that POV. Still, some sections had a really cool integration of the themes. Beyond 3:00 though, we basically got more of the same with the arrangement ideas; think about other ideas you can bring to the table to keep it fresh, rather than repeating them wholesale, and let's get some more of the Mario themes explicitly in there to boost up the source usage over 50%. Pretty interesting. Not sure whether the others will like it as much as I did, but it's got good potential. If you can address these various issues, Dennis, this could be good to go. NO (resubmit)
  10. Nutritious Justin Medford NutritiousMultimedia@gmail.com http://NutritiousMultimedia.googlepages.com 16520 Final Fantasy VI Martial Law, Serpent Trench This is not part of any project (amazingly enough). This remix was created in response to a post in the request forums for a new take on Martial Law. It's a very memorable theme from FFVI for me and very fitting for the point in the storyline where it's played. I tried to capture some of the same feeling as the original with the duets near the beginning, but also bring more dynamics to the piece with more full-on orchestra later. Eventually, I was starting to exhaust my ideas for takes on Martial Law and felt like the piece needed to have a contrasting section from the first half or so. Serpent Trench seemed to be a great fit for the mood I wanted to set in the next section, so I'm pleased with how the themes turned out together. I actually finished this mix about 6 months ago, but due to rendering problems (audio dropouts, pops, clicks, etc.) I never was able to get a clean render. I finally revisted this mix recently and was able to get a clean finished product (as far as I can tell). Hope you enjoy, Justin ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ff6 - "Under Martial Law" (ff6-121.spc) & "The Serpent Trench" (ff6-119.spc) I don't think I've ever heard an arrangement of Under Martial Law in the community before. Pretty easy YES, although my one big crit is the mixing being indistinct. Probably a delicate line to balance, mixing this too dry or too muddy, but the verb could have stood to be pulled back some. Still, it's serviceable enough, and thickening up the texture did downplay the lack of realism in some of the sounds; nothing sounded obscenely fake, but at the same time it doesn't sound played live. Make no mistake though, this was pretty strong. Good pacing & dynamics; the arrangement turned out pretty interesting. Nice work, man. YES
  11. Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=18521 Contact Information * ReMixer name: Suitmonster * Real name: John J. Brandon * Email address: jjbrandon@gmail.com * Website: None at present. * Userid: 24383 Submission Information * Name of game(s) arranged - Chrono Trigger * Name of individual song(s) arranged - "Secret of the Forest", and a leg from the "Chrono Trigger" main theme. * A link to the file: * Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site) I'm sure sufficient information exists at OCReMix.org, but the original composer is Yasunori Mitsuda. * Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site) - Available through OCReMix.org, if by some chance there are Philistines who are not already intimately, nigh-sexually familiar with it. * Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.- I've always enjoy the source song, but I did not set out with intent to ReMix anything. This work started by writing an original piece, and while fiddling on the ivories I found that "Secret of the Forest" fit nicely, so I adapted, pushed and shoved until I got a terrible, horrible, stinky remix, and then asked for advice from the WiP forums. After months of reworking it and many emails from supportive ReMixers (huge thanks to Mustin in particular), I managed to come up with something vastly superior to my original shameful effort. I worked on that remix for a while, and submitted a version for the judges to chew on back in August. I received constructive feedback, but (as expected) my mix did not make the cut. I took that feedback to heart, and made several changes. Concerns were mostly with the production quality, and some instrumentation alteration was suggested. Percussion in particular was overhauled. The link above is the resultant resubmission, for your consideration. * For comparison, the original version submitted in August and rejected in October may be heard here: ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ct - "Secret of the Forest" (ct-111.spc) & "Chrono Trigger" (ct-102a.spc) I encourage everyone listening to compare the two versions. The arrangement's basically the same, and was pretty personalized as mentioned last time, so I thought that was a go. The production still holds this back, IMO. Still don't like the drums at :25, but the older style was better. These were just muffled, distant & muddy-sounding. Sounds like some rim hits would work better, something sharper. I did like whatever the percussion was at 2:34 though. Production-wise this was a step down from first version; a lot more cluttered. The leads did have more body and personality, but the soundscape just sounds devoid of highs and the parts weren't well separated. Still enjoying the arrangement ideas, but fixing all the production/mixing is still gonna be the key to get this where it needs to be. NO (resubmit)
  12. Amber from Nerve.com's feeling it: http://nerve.com/CS/blogs/61fps/archive/2009/03/23/what-s-in-my-mp3-player-super-metroid-quot-in-your-prime-quot.aspx
  13. After WAY too long out of commission, I'm back to Folding. Very sorry I haven't been running it as it's for a great cause. Hope to be contributing some good results once again!
  14. I've taken the group over; we'll definitely be approving new vids to the group left & right!
  15. Just adding to this, if it would be possible to use up most (if not all) of the horizontal space, that could look good, but feel free to experiment with the borders. I just think the side borders make it less interesting, so it'd be better to use all of the space. Also, though some of the fastest ones are just too fast, I like the idea of the scrolling text. I'd just say use a non-generic font, but I love the idea. In terms of informative tidbits for a general video, DrRZ1024 had the right approach in his video highlighting OC ReMixes by year: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=9EF1AD14608E9019 I'd love to brainstorm on what you think the best info to include is; I already have my own ideas, and I'm sure Dave has his prefs on what's very critical. I'm liking the ReMix link right at the top of the description, and I'm thinking the ReMix information used in the annotations would be in the video description instead. It's a lot of text/info, but the video description provides plenty of room, so we ought to use it there. I think the proper credit is way too fleeting and not fair enough to the individual musicians if it's just in an annotation. We'll figure out together how to standardize the video naming, descriptions and tags, but this is looking awesome, and I know it'll be a big help in spreading the word. José, Moguta & Soul, y'all have been a big help. When I started this thread, I was looking more along the lines of finding something that just streamed audio like Last.fm. However, I've wanted to use YouTube since it started, so figuring out how to do videos is going to be much more helpful in the long run. Thanks so much!
  16. The intro & outro sound like a collab with mutagene. Cool stuff.
  17. Why do you never pimp your URL in your video descriptions? It's like you don't want to help people find you. You have to make it easier and more straightforward. Obviously, the lecture kicks ass. Always a great way to spend 6-10 minutes. In other news, pimp: http://twitter.com/ocremix/status/1365877592
  18. Contact Info: This is a Collab between: Blue Magic (Damon Campbell) Shi (My Dad, Shepard Campbell) email: bluemagic1984@hotmail.com http://www.angelfire.com/blues2/bluemagic/ Submission Info: Sonic Adventure 2 Pyramid Cave theme (Keys the Ruin) Comments: Ad lucem ~ Towards the Light. Despite its short length, this mix ended up being the most difficult one I've done so far and I've been working on it since 2006! At first, this mix was supposed to be a little contest between me and my dad. I was going to test my FL Studio skills against my Dad's skills with Reason and his big, kick ass, studio. The plan was for us to both remix the Pyramid Cave theme however we liked and submit them both to OCR seperatly. Unfortunately, he started having some things come up with his job and he could not dedicate the time to our little contest. So, I ended up scrapping the project (cause the early version of this song sucked sucked to me). I started working on other songs and forgot about this mix until my Dad emailed me one day. Turns out, he got FL Studio 7, saved a copy of my flp file and he did some work on it himself. He totally redid the bass line and the ethnic percussions and inspired me to get back to work on this mix. So, now I nervously submit this mix to you guys. Thanks, Damon Campbell -------------------------------------------------------------- SONIC ADVENTURE 2 ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK multi-dimensional - (08) "Keys The Ruin ...for Pyramid Cave" Maybe it's just me, but I wasn't even picking up much 1-for-1 in terms of the arrangement. Seemed to have a similar vibe, I guess with altered rhythms, but wasn't making out the melody well at all. Definitely need someone else's ears for the connections here, but breakdown would definitely help. Can't comment on the arrangement at all. I will say that the ending was flat. Also, I've heard Binster put out a killer 2:15-long track with nary a repeating idea. If you're gonna repeat stuff, 2:15 doesn't get it done in terms of sufficiently developing the concept. The bowed strings definitely sounded extra thin and fake. Not sure what's up with that lately, but no one in the inbox can seem to produce realistic bowed strings today. The acoustics don't sound organic, but they were at least sequenced better and more expressive. Ultimately though, the percussion and bowed strings didn't adequately fill out the background, and the mix felt too sparse as a result. This needs more body; you've gotta properly pad it out. It could be because the project was old, but in any case, the execution just wasn't at your usual level. Listening to your 5 other mixes, you've created much more cohesive arrangements and this is nowhere near the level of those. Sonic 3D Blast "Day & Night" is probably the closest match to the style of this one and that mix was executed so much better overall. The sounds were richer & more realistic, and filled out the soundscape more effectively; you need to bring that attention to detail to this piece, get each part sounding good on its own, and properly glue the elements together. You know I like your stuff, even when I NOed "The Delay", so I'm not trying to bag on you at all. But right now this is a WIP. De-WIP it. NO (resubmit)
  19. Hi, Here's my submission for the OCR judges! Remixer name: Mutherpluckin' B Real name: Henrik Lidbjörk E-mail: lie.b@runtimerecords.net Website: http://lidbjork.homelinux.org/nintendo OCR user ID: 10308 Game: Mega Man 4 (by Capcom for NES), Dive Man's level Song title: Sky Diver, Inside Her Comments: This one's a sort of '70s rock boogie version of Dive Man's theme from Mega Man 4, inspired by things like "Easy Livin'" by Uriah Heep and stuff from the Sensational Alex Harvey Band. The synthesiser is a Tweakbench Pressure through a distorted tube amp; guitars are all through my homemade tube amps. ----------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/14305 - Track 6 ("Dive Man Stage") http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4yCXPVASxg - "Giddy Up a Ding Dong" Some of the drums (and the one vocal clip) are sampled/covered from The Sensational Alex Harvey Band's version of "Giddy Up a Ding Dong". Pattern's basically 1-for-1 and prevalent throughout the mix, which to me violates part 3 of Acceptable Source Material: So already, I'm gonna call that a no-go. Altering the pattern while retaining the feel of the Alex Harvey version is more than fine, but using it verbatim throughout most of the track is above the amount of non-game song usage I'm comfortable with. That's going to be a sticking point on Henrik's subs, because he loves sampling drums from mainstream songs. Onto the rest of the track, I'm liking the arrangement direction. The soundscape's noticeably missing high-end, and the mixing left the background feeling too empty IMO. The bass writing sounded good but could have been a little louder in places. Not feeling the mallet percussion; the timing sounded stiff and awkward. Going into a third iteration of the verse & chorus at 1:40, the arrangement ideas were sounding too samey and limited. I'd like to see more variation throughout the verses. There was a little at 2:27. The key change at 2:39 also went in the right direction, but felt bland given what else could have been done. I saw someone in the WIP thread for this complain about some sour notes, but I didn't think anything sounded bad. Altering the drum pattern to be original yet in the style of "Giddy Up a Ding Dong" would be needed for me to think about passing this. Beyond that, the drums need more variation and the verses could use a little more interpretation beyond the first time to keep the arrangement fresh. I know you're going for a vintage sound, but I think the mixing could also use some tweaks without sacrificing that old-school sound; hopefully other Js can give some solid crits on that. I'm always a fan of yours, Henrik, so hopefully you're willing to take another look at this and see what you can do with it to push it over the cliff. NO (resubmit)
  20. RoeTaKa After working on the original fan sequel to Chrono Trigger called Chrono Crisis for some time (still in production) I've been wanting to show off some of the tracks. I thought it'd be a cool oppurtunity to submit one of the remixed tracks here which is Lavos's theme. I took the simple theme and blew it out of proportion into an orchestral track, with eerie choirs and an adreanaline filled tension. One of my inspirations at the time whilst producing this track was from listening to the Gears of War OST, many of the songs were awesome and one of the techniques I tried to replicate in the beginning was a chromatic legato affect on the violins which just...sounds bloody awesome to me, also the feeling of orchestral mixed with acoustic drum kits. The length of the track is based on its value in the game and the ending is tied so it can loop, I was considering editing this version for the sake of a longer song but I thought it might detract from the emphasis I was trying to show here and to me, I think that's more powerful. Hopefully I can work on remixing once again in the near future and start showing off my capabilities. Thanks guys! And Kudos on SF2HDR --------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ct - "Lavos's Theme" (ct-205a.spc) The low string articulations sounded at :13 sounded flat & mechanical, and the vox could have used more presence. As is, I thought the mixing choices downplayed the melodic parts and left the piece not sounding focused enough. Wasn't feeling the snare drum choice at :37, but it was in the background enough to be pretty minor. Once :37's section kicked in, it was more obvious how indistinct the mixing left the piece. That could be a purposeful choice given the connotations of the title, but it wasn't working here IMO. I can't tell what the lead at 1:05 is, more low strings I guess, but it's a flat lead and shouldn't have been a foreground element anyway. 1:30 shifted back toward the most known section of the track before moving over into some haunting vox at 1:43; liking the concept there. As the piece picked back up for the finish, can't put my finger on why the strings and brass samples didn't seem produced quite right. Am I the only one thinking the balance for most of this hurt the piece? Aside from that, the sampled instruments, although they sound pretty decent, just have a fakeness/lifelessness that drags this down. The arrangement concept is good, so perhaps give this some production tweaks. Looking forward to another J articulating the issues here better than I can. NO
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