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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Keeping in mind that Last.fm embeds no longer work, and we won't sell music on iTunes, I'm taking suggestions on where to add OC ReMixes. YouTube's something I've wanted to do for a while (but making custom videos for mixes is tedious, so we'd probably have to cop-out with a basic still image), but there's also stuff like imeem. Spotify's also been recommended on the Euro side. Are there any other major services we're neglecting where we could share the ReMixes? We're primarily looking for a service we can embed on the writeup pages to serve as previews like we used to have with Last.fm. Thanks for your help! Edit:
  2. I do see all the OCR ID #s in the tag "set subtitle". This is using MP3tag. http://www.mp3tag.de/en/download.html May need a better way there. EDIT: Also, is there a special field to tag lyrics. I'd probably just put those in the general comments field.
  3. Contact Information * Crawletas * Rafael Queiroz * rafaelqueiroz@msn.com * http://br.youtube.com/user/Crawletas or http://crawletas.googlepages.com/ * Forum ID: 26908 Submission Information * Game: Sonic & Knuckles * Remix: Fire * Original music name: Lava Reef Zone * * This music is a remix of Lava Reef Zone from Sonic & Knuckles, made with Cubase SX3, Guitar Rig 3 and M-Audio VSTis. I used to play a lot of Sonic when I was younger, and always thought I could improve that amazing songs, so this is not my first remix, but it's one of my best! There's a video of me playing it on youtube, added recently, so you might be interested on viewing it, here is the link: . --------------------------------------------------------------- http://project2612.org/download.php?id=61 - "Lava Reef Zone (Act 1)" & "Lava Reef Zone (Act 2)" Weak changeup at 1:53. It wasn't totally abrupt per se, but it felt like a completely different song started up. Levels were getting up there from 2:16-2:24. The mixing for that section was really mushy and overcompressed. I couldn't tell much apart from the lead guitar. Somewhat a good thing, only because the countermelody was noticeably late behind the melody from 2:01-2:16 & 2:31-2:53. 1:33-3:09 needed more interpretation to stand apart from the original. The melodies were the same, the countermelodies were the same; it didn't stand apart from the original enough at all. Do your own thing more, don't copy parts wholesale. Again with an awkward transition at 3:16. You tried to segue into it, but it didn't flow at all. The brief soloing (3:31-3:46) in the last section felt really aimless, and the timing of the beats & countermelody was off again. Tweak these more minor timing & production issues. But mainly focus on writing more cohesive transitions and developing the arrangement in a more interpretive way. The overall execution was OK, Rafael, but the arrangement was too cover-ish for the most part, and we're talking mimicking several parts 1-for-1. It's not interesting enough. NO (resubmit)
  4. Hello! From TaylorMicha * Your ReMixer name: TaylorMicha * Your real name: Joshua Luke * Your email address: joshua.ebay@hotmail.co.uk Submission Information * Name of game(s) arranged: Tales Of Symphonia * Name of individual song(s) arranged: Lloyd's Theme * Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site): For the Nintendo GameCube, by Namco * Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. I thought of this, not surprisingly, sitting on the beach, with one earphone in, and listening to mp3's on my mobile phone, when Lloyd's theme came on, I thought how nice it sounds with the sea in the background, so sure enough I dusted of the Piano, removed all of my brothers possesions from under the cover (>) and got to work, Sure compared to some of the WONDERFUL remixes on oCRemix it doesn't sound like much, but its my first "remix" and my first ever submission, so I poured a lot of time into it, to get it sounding just as I liked, I used a very old piano we have in the house, which ive just had serviced, as it was terribly out of tune, I remastered it on the computer to give a bit more life to it, especially the lows, and put it some nice effects, chopped it, and changed it a LOT! I had to rerecord it several times, over the course of the 2 weeks it took to finish this little track, I listen all the time to the great mixes on this site, especially FF7 VotL I thought id have a try myself! And besides, one of my favorite games of recent years is Tales of Symphonia, so its only fitting my first submission is from that Happy remixing, TaylorMicha --------------------------------------------------------------- Give the mix a creative title. This ain't gonna do it! Tales of Symphonia Original Soundtrack - (104) "Lloyd" Lovely atmosphere, with a nice melancholy piano. Unfortunately, the ocean SFX sounds pretty pasted in; didn't even sound stereo. See what you can do to make it fit the soundscape more. At :56, the arrangement just loops. Anyway, I paneled it because it's lovely, but there's little interpretation to speak of beyond adapting the piece for piano. 3 loops and it's over. That not gonna get it done either! Needs more everything! Get more interpretive and develop the arrangement into something unique compared to the original. NO
  5. ReMixer name: Mr_EAD Real Name: Peter Nielsen Game arranged: Tetris Song: Tetris A Remix Name: Blockhead mosh-pit Alright so I was just sitting around messing around with my guitar one day and i was like, "man it'd be cool to make a remix of Tetris with powr metal" so i did. Nothing too fancy just straight ahead tear your face off metal! ------------------------------------------------------------------ http://www.zophar.net/download_file/15776 - Track 2 Really cool stuff in the middle. The usage of the actual source tune should have been more melodically interpretive. It's too 1-for-1 as is; you should show off some variations of the theme there. The soloing was pretty strong and used some of the source as a foundation to keep the arrangement grounded. What really dragged this down were the intro/outro sections. They were quiet, the synths were low-quality, and the theme wasn't handled interpretively enough besides the sound changes. Perhaps drop those, then expand & interpret more with the guitar arrangement of the theme. You complete in Dwelling of Duels at all, Peter? If not, get in there! NO
  6. Remixer: 1makes2 Song Title: The Shocker Song source: Spark Mandrill, MegaMan X Genre: Dance/Trance ok so here is a song that i have been working on for a while. its a spark mandrill remix with a dance beat. this song was not ment to be fast, up in yourface or lightning speed rock. it is slower than the source and is more relaxing in a way. some of the people on the wip boards crit that it had two intros, but i like to think of it as an extended bridge, as to really build up the suspense. i dont want to shorten the intro. anyway ive asked a judge or two what they think and they said i had a fighting chance to get this accepted, and had no production criticisims, so here it is Enjoy! Michael O’Shea Soundforu@hotmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=mmx - "Spark Mandrill" (mmx-14.spc) Strong piano opening. Hell, I would have been down for a whole arrangement like that. Crystalline sounds at :17 ended up sounding a bit piercing. After some buildup, we got a synth line coming in at :59 that sounded very mechanically sequenced. Sounded like the attacks were slightly behind, which was awkward. Melody finally came back at 1:28. Very straightforward aside from the modulation, but wasn't getting much sense of interpretation beyond that and the genre adaptation. There was some decent stuff going on in terms of the supporting writing, but it was quiet enough where it didn't really integrate with the melody. More melodic variation would make it more interesting. 2:31 went back to the piano, which was also melodically straightforward, but had some good new piano supporting part-writing working with the melody. 2:59 went back to some original electronica that was fairly solid, before going into the chorus at 3:28, which had more interpretation than the melody by doing more with the rhythms. Cool transition at 3:56 for the finish; piano briefly played the melody, but got more interpretive with it. Cool way to end it! Honestly, there's not too much I'd say to do other than get 1:28-2:24 sounding more interesting and interpretive, then I'd be ready to sign off on this. The mixing could be tweaked a little, but I'll leave that to other Js to provide the specifics you need. Solid stuff, Mike, I'm enjoying it. Touch it up a bit to have it clicking on all cylinders. NO (refine/resubmit)
  7. Submission link: Source track link: - Also on YouTube, (0:38)Contact Information # Your ReMixer name - Skummel Maske # Your real name - Thomas Bullock # Your email address - kordeth@hotmail.com # Your website - http://home.hibu.no/~124408/skummelmaske/ # Your userid - 21629 Submission Information * Name of game(s) arranged Gradius III * Name of individual song(s) arranged Crystal Labyrinth * Your own comments about the mix This was my first entry to the Dwelling of Duels competition back in May '08. I hadn't really listened to the music of the Gradius games before this, so I scoured Youtube and websites looking for a track that had a nice, strong main lead. The result is a guitar-driven rock track with some sweet guitarmonies playing around an already interesting lead. After the DoD contest, it took half a year to get around to do some proper mastering on it, but it was worth it. --------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for providing a copy of the source. Seems exclusive to the arcade version. Gradiua III - "Crystal Labylinth" The guitar tone was a bit weak, and the mixing wasn't not balanced. I always harp on snares, and this one didn't bring the power. It was too quiet, but also didn't have enough oomph in the tone. The lead guitar didn't sound like it was fully in the foreground; the supporting guitar was also too quiet. During the soloing from 1:18-1:36, you could barely hear the source tune in the background. The guitar performance should have been tighter, but was still pretty capable. You've just gotta get the sound louder, fuller and more cohesive. Solid base here, Thomas. This was actually my first time really checking out your stuff in depth, and you've definitely got the potential here to get something posted as you continue to improve. NO (resubmit) P.S. Gimme your digital camera!
  8. http://www.ocremix.org/info/Judges_Panel#Why_are_there_so_many_rejections_in_a_row.3F That's why there are so many NOs in a row. As for YESs by the panel, those are definitely available once a mix is posted. Those threads are always available on the mix's writeup page. I need to do some judging.
  9. The DS sound test names, like them or not, are official; we're gonna use those without exceptions. We do have an alias area for songs that I believe is currently not live, AFAIK. djp would need to implement that visibility. Songs would still be searchable by alias.
  10. Good deal, but not great. The comic is the best thing I've ever read, so it was a shame that so many important details had to be glossed over. Regardless, they ended up going pretty faithful with it with the time they had. When Alan Moore said that Watchmen wasn't designed to be a movie, I understand where he is coming from. It's a uniquely comic book style experience.
  11. What's wrong with the intro? Sounds perfectly fine to me.
  12. Link to remix: Contact Information: ReMixer name: Sengin Real name: Andrew LaChance email: sengin31@gmail.com user ID: 20227 Submission Info: Game arranged: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 Songs arranged: Hydrocity Zone Act 1 and 2, Ice Cap Zone Act 1 Additional Info: This has been a long time in coming. I started this in Finale over a year and a half ago just because I was in the shower at 3AM and felt like I had something to contribute to Ice Cap. Well, after getting a bit into the arrangement, I realized that Hydrocity Zone had the same key as Ice Cap, and not only did I like Hydrocity better, but there also aren't nearly as many remixes of it. So I added it in. After working on it and taking breaks due to a lot of things, I decided to take it in a much more Hydrocity direction than Ice Cap, and I am glad that I did. I originally intended to do most of the mix in piano with drums backing and little other instrumentation, but while the piano part stayed, a I decided to infuse a lot of Latin sounds to the mix. The mix flows from laid-back parts to fiery sections (in contrast to the water (Hydrocity) and ice (Ice Cap) source tunes). I was able to work in a couple of time signature changes near the end as well to feel more free, rather than staying in the tried-and-true common time (just subtle changes though, mostly changing between 4/4 and 15/16 measure to measure). I would also like to note that ladyspritzy on the OCR forums wrote a poem named "Thaw" based on my remix, and it can be read here (http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=460331&postcount=34) if anyone should wish to read it. I would also like to thank Rozovian for reviewing my WIP a bunch of times. (Oh, and 128 kbps ABR saved my behind on the 6MB limit, phew). I hope you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed creating. --------------------------------------------------------------- http://project2612.org/download.php?id=61 - Hydrocity Zone 1, Hydrocity Zone 2 & IceCap Zone 1 Piano sample lacks realism, which drags down the whole track. What happened at :29? The countermelody and pads sounded off-key with the rest of the track. Regained its footing a bit at :57, but there was still dissonance caused by the supporting instrumentation. The percussion also sounded a bit flimsy. The piano at 1:28 comping was all over the place and mixed too bright. 3:32's section was interesting (cool Latin vibe), but plagued with the same production issues that hampered the track. Loads of the samples are just too thin and fake-sounding, plus the textures are too cluttered, so parts are tripping all over each other. EQ these parts and carve out breathing room for each one. 4:24-5:13's section was a mess. Everything was cluttered, there was some minor dissonance, and most importantly there was nothing to focus on. Not a bad closing section in terms of mood. It could have used more overt melodic direction, but I did like the dropoff in the dynamics. So yeah, the sample articulations & mixing both need tons of work, you need to eliminate the dissonance and also give this more melodic direction. Just a shade above the form letter, because the execution was VERY rough, but clearly you put a lot of effort into this and you tried to present something interpretive. Keep at it. NO
  13. Contact Information: # ReMixer name: NUllmanifest # real name: Loren Price # userid: 26834 Submission Information: - Name of game arranged: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time - Name of individual song arranged: Great Fairy's Fountain - Comments: This song has been stuck in my head for weeks so I decided to make a more relaxed ambient version and thought it might be ocremix worthy. -------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/12209 - (40) "Great Fairy's Fountain" I absolutely love the mood of the piece, but once you get to 1:50 and the buildup is finished, the rest is on cruise control and ultimately too repetitive. The overall construction isn't too complex, and the melody could use more interpretation, but it's still well-put together. You have things you can do like use the countermelody somewhere or alter the ambiance. Offer some more variation. NO (resubmit)
  14. Holy shit, guy. That's way too long of a post over "Midna's Lament". All you had to say was that that's the song name given in Brawl. To answer your question about Twilight Princess soundtracks, there were two promos, basically the same thing: http://vgmdb.net/album/4333 http://vgmdb.net/album/9315 Nintendo Power's an officially endorsed magazine, so calling those official track names sounds reasonable to me, especially since there's no other source. You went to too much trouble debunking that digital album as unofficial, when the album art was clearly slapped together by a fan. I'm not sure why this was in Site Issues, as it's really not our problem, so I've moved it to Help. BUT since we didn't have that source tune in our database, it'll be added soon. Thanks.
  15. Submitted by KyleJCrb on behalf of the Summoning of Spirits album - LT PriZm - "Simplified Design" Source: Take Up the Cross LT Edit: PS1 Version Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c52f0_VzCfk ----------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=top - "Take Up the Cross" (top-132.spc) Nothing wrong with the arrangement. Very much a more conservative/expansive approach, but effective in giving the source tune a unique flavor, IMO. Weak points: 1:48-1:58 - Both dissonance & rigid sequencing of the piano 2:56-3:04 - rigid sequencing of the bowed strings I'm sticking by that. Intentional or not, it sounds like a pointless occurrence, and it's not helped by the piano sounding extremely fake. Brass stab at 2:47 sounded a little out of place, but not a big deal. The sequencing of the bowed strings from 2:56-3:04 sounded even worse than the piano. I've got no issue if this passes, because most points of the track sound strong and well put together. There's a lot of great power here, and Pascal generally knows what he's doing. He's at Ubisoft for a good reason. However, the brief points that sound bad just made this sound so beginner-ish for no good reason, and took me out of the song. I'd love to pass this; it'll probably pass and I'm cool with that. But I'm just can't get behind moments of needlessly sloppy execution that create large quality disparities in a track. Can't do it. NO (borderline)
  16. Submitted by KyleJCrb on behalf of the Summoning of Spirits album - LT Christian Pacaud - "Dark Corner" Source: It Can Waver and Fight LT Edit: Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjA3Rmt6Mw8 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tales of Symphonia Original Soundtrack - (421) "It can waver and fight" The opening rhythms here will leave a lot of people wondering what the hell is up with this. And maybe I just don't have the patience today, but how exactly is the actual source tune used in this? It's difficult to piece together quickly. Anyone mind taking a stab at it? I'll be coming back to it later. The drums were a dealbreaker IMO. Not sure why the chosen snare was so flimsy, but there was just a lot of dead space here when those drums were in play. I'm always a fan of CPac, but regardless of the arrangement, the background needed better fleshing out. NO
  17. Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=19601 So I bugged Fishy about this and he let me know it was rejected with some concerns on being too liberal and production issues. I've spent the last few days making some changes to the mix to bring out a lot more of the source - especially through the verses. I also brought out some of the source parts in the bridge so it would be a bit more apparent which part of the source I was utilizing (I think you'd call it the bridge from the OST: it's both the bells and the violin lead at :36). Also pushed back vocals and increased the reverb on them to sit more in the mix. I was originally trying to go a bit more the "dry" route with them, but it sounds like I overdid it. I forgot to include lyrics last time, so for your reference: You're waiting for someone to come along You're waiting for someone to care You're waiting for someone to carry you You're waiting but you know he's there You wonder what's been missing for so long You wonder why you can't compare The offers of this life will let you down So take the hand that leads you there Now is the time To give it all you've got Now is the time For letting go Now is the time You've only got one shot Now is the time No better time than now There's only one out there who has the strength To hold you up from day to day Only one can take you from this place So rise above your fears and say No better time than now Merry Christmas -Justin LT EDIT (3/13): Hey Larry, Here's the promised breakdown of No Better: :00 - :15 Reverbed bells playing the bell part from original :15 - :46 Piano takes over the bell part from OST :15 - :46 Woodwind section playing violin melody from OST :46 - 1:14 High Strings take over OST violin melody 1:15 - 1:44 Delayed bells/glockenspiel take over the OST bell part again, albeit looser this time 1:44 - 1:59 Strings and bell switch to OST violin melody 1:59 - 2:26 Delayed bells/glock back on OST bell 1:59 - 2:26 Solo Cello takes over OST violin melody, joined later by woodwind section 2:26 - 3:00 This chorus section is the weakest link to OST, there is the bell part there, but it's not a major part of the section 3:00 - 3:10 Reverbed bells return for OST bells 3:10 - 3:30 Bells/Glock take over OST bells 3:30 - 3:41 High string stabs & Glockenspiel covering the bell part which occurs in the OST bridge (it's around :37 in the OST where the bells switch patterns) 3:41 - 4:02 Glock continues playing the OST bells bridge pattern 3:46 - 4:02 High strings switch to the violin melody in OST bridge (:40 - :55 in the OST) 4:02 - 4:14 This transition section is not connected to OST 4:28 - 4:44 Strings and woodwinds playing OST violin melody 4:44 - 5:11 same as 2:26 section 5:21 - 5:52 Piano again on bells from original Hope this makes sense. I totally understand if this still isn't enough for OCR, it's just hard for me to let this song go since I spent so much time on it. Thanks, Justin ---------------------------------------------------------------- Tales of Symphonia: Knight of Ratatosk Original Soundtrack - (114) "This isn't the time" Alright, so I didn't delve much into the arrangement last time around, since the production was really messed up. This is an improvement. It has issues with clutter and the high-end might be too loud in places, but this was OK overall. So onto the arrangement. Here's what I got before I stopped timestamping: :00-:05, :15-:47, :47-:57, :57-1:10; 1:25-1:29, 1:32-1:40, 1:42-1:54, 2:00-2:04.5, 2:07-2:10, 2:14-2:18... One thing that confused me last time was saying the chorus vocals were tied to the bells, when they were more tied to the strings. So "Now Is the Time" (2:24-2:28 of the mix) was derived from the 4 notes of the strings (:44-:53 of the source). Well, I see what you were going for there, but the notes aren't similar and the rhythm's not either. It's ultimately too liberal. Unfortunately, going through your breakdown from the previous sub and taking into account the things that I could recognize (most of the added bell accents and most of the high strings). If the vocals weren't so liberal, this would be an easy pass, as the overall package now sounds strong enough. It's still a great track, solid performances, I'm feeling it, and it's a great contribution to SoS. But it's a NO-go as far as the standards. You were dealing with melodies & rhythms where it was easy to go off the rails trying to adapt them, and that's basically what happened. Lots of good supporting parts that explicitly used the source, but when it came to the vocals, they were not similar enough to be significantly recognizable. Now if a majority of Js are sure it's kosher based on theory, then sure, but I just don't see it happening. That said, make sure you and your wife collab again on another mix. NO
  18. DO IT NOW! GET TO THE CHOPPA! Happy birfday, ex-Js!
  19. I'm game for anyone doing something of Tim Follin's. You have to make something, THEN run it by me, but you don't need (and never needed) any permission to start. I'll hit you with some music to listen to if you're still interested. On topic, there was a lot to like about this mix. I could see how the voice clips could annoy some, but I thought they worked well. The opening instrumentation was serene with a bit of a melancholy feel alongside that, and I really enjoyed how the instrumentation changed up during the different iterations of the source melody. Good, varied & creative approach that paid off nicely here, and a solid sophomore ReMix. Definitely looking forward to your next material.
  20. Or what. (Yeah, we'll go live with the fixes soon. Danke.)
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