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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. You can turn all sigs off in your account settings.
  2. I got an email from Bloomer about that issue too. It still worked for me though, so perhaps try now.
  3. Aside from aggregating the results to somehow "conclude" the best mix evar (which doesn't seem practical), it's fine. It could be used to see if there's actually been any sort of leaning toward a particular track, game, game series, original composer or ReMixer given how many ReMixes are hosted and how many contributors are in the community. Obviously we'll let Chris know, but for the purposes of actually conducting a study of the community, it seems fair game. I think, whatever the results are, they'll actually show off that there is no commonly agreed "best mix".
  4. You punk, pointing out the conflict of interest! Fine, fine, favorites away. This is the only context where y'all can do it. Don't be pushing it though or tomato in your face!
  5. Of course, BUT most people who want off just reply and say "unsubscribe" and *POOF* it's done. Magic! We're not bots here.
  6. Nah, not you. The original poster. And also, I wanna stress that this survey is indeed magical, so I hope you all take it!
  7. "Outrage! LOAL." That's my official response! Why did you check the box that said you're okay with us sending you e-mails?
  8. GAME MUSIC SURVEY: Help OC ReMix & the University of Wisconsin-Madison! Hey guys, If you enjoy game music enough to take a quick survey (http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=HFyUHjM0BHA8lH_2b_2bgR2j5Q_3d_3d), your answers will help University of Wisconsin-Madison graduate student Chris Russell for his ethnographical study of OC ReMix and game music fans like you! The survey is brief, asking about your favorite game music, composers, thoughts on being a musician (if you are one), as well as where you fit into the OC ReMix community. If you're not a musician, just fill in "N/A" (not applicable) for any questions you don't need to answer. If you're a lurker or long-time holdout, it's OK; share your answers on game music, and swing by http://www.ocremix.org again! 1,600 ReMixes strong, and we're still free. If your responses are good, your answers may be quoted in Chris's ethnographical study of OC ReMix, both in his paper as well as his presentation at next month's Art of Record Production conference! Now Chris is going to hijack my message to tell you a little bit more. Have fun answering the survey, and thanks as always for listening to our community's music and supporting OC ReMix! Larry "Liontamer" Oji Assistant Soundtrack Director, Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix Head Submissions Evaluator, OverClocked ReMix - http://www.ocremix.org Creator, VG Frequency - http://www.vgfrequency.com Staff, VGMdb - http://www.vgmdb.net ---------------------------------------- Hi everyone - My name is Chris Russell, a graduate student in Music Theory at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. In about a month, I will be presenting a paper about OC ReMix at the Art of Record Production Conference, a joint academic/industry conference in Lowell, Massachusetts. I'm hoping to ask you all, the OC ReMix community, to help me represent you at this conference by taking a brief survey. The survey should take no longer than 20-30 minutes, and is intended for all members of the community - whether you've got a ReMix up on the site or not. Please take a moment to assist me in this endeavor. The survey is available at: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=HFyUHjM0BHA8lH_2b_2bgR2j5Q_3d_3d Thanks in advance for your time. Chris Russell Master's Candidate in Music Theory Department of Music University of Wisconsin - Madison
  9. http://remix.kwed.org (Also, if you put in fake name, Facebook, or MySpace info, or anything even along those lines in your profile again, you'll be banned.)
  10. The change in the rules with extensive incorporation of a non-VG source came with Dave's veto of "A Star Freezes Over". Up until then, they weren't contested, so stuff like this and the VGM/Xmas music hybrids are gonna stay. And Follin bias.
  11. Based on what's previously been said, what do YOU think?
  12. Really. I think you've already sent 8. Don't. Everyone trolling Salluz, I definitely don't care about the specifics of what's going on here, because your posts are just as annoying. Figure out a way to ignore him or be civil or you'll be banned.
  13. But yeah, no sharing of game soundtrack MP3s if they're from published soundtracks, which is also a ban-able offense. Slightly Dark only hosts MP3s of out-of-print soundtracks, so it's OK to link to them, but otherwise don't. Game sound format files (NSF, SPC, VGM, PSF, USF, etc.) are OK.
  14. Shariq, can you expand some more with some specifics on how to improve the piece? No problem if not (for those of you playing the home game, we give specifics and advice when we want to, and we generally try to, but it's not a requirement since our only official role is to evaluate).
  15. Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=14885 1st RESUB: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=16616 * Bastian * bastianbux@yahoo.com * http://myspace.com/bastian Submission Information * Legend of Zelda and Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past * Overworld, Princess Zelda's Theme * Composer: Koji Kondo Third time's the charm? I spent a couple days working on the mix, re-recorded a few parts, recorded a couple new parts, and finally did some EQing for the first time on a song. I might have nailed it this time around. -------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/nsf/zelda.zip - Track 1 ("Title") http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=loz3 - "Princess Zelda's Rescue" (loz3-22.spc) On the production side, the piano introing this still sounded very fake and should have been improved. On one hand, the lack of realism of the sample made it a reasonable idea to keep it, and the higher strings later on, quiet. On the other hand, those parts really should have been louder, because they're marginalized as is. There was some sort of hand percussion or something brought in at 2:31 that created a quiet but odd noise every beat. Not sure what it was supposed to be, but it ended up sounding like an audio deformation rather than a legit instrument. There were some light distortion from about 2:53-2:55 that later grew into BAD distortion around 3:13. Gotta watch those levels; I'm not chastising, but that stuff shouldn't be happening. You did a better job bringing in the voices and instruments in layers instead of starting off with the full boat early on, but the build still needs to be more pronounced. In other words, you're maybe 75% of the way there in executing that change, but you need to make it even easier to pick up on that build. I'll tell you what, I think the vocal panning and EQing could still be better refined, but continued to improve; again, you're clearly going in the right direction. The improvement compared to the last version is more subtle this time, but it's there. I don't think you necessarily need to re-record or restructure anything. The final section does escalate, but still has too much of a retread-ish feel compared to the other two iterations. If the dynamic curve were more pronounced like the writing implied, I could conditionally pass it. Perhaps adding a prominent countermelody could be the ticket to the last section not feeling like the same stuff over again as well as further bolster the energy and escalation of the finish. Basically, some similar crits from last time, but you've managed to address them to some extent. As is, I'm borderline NO, but I think whatever advice we can give to nudge this up, we should offer it. Further suggestions on how to get the production sounding more appropriate as well as arrangement suggestions that aren't too involved would be great. Definitely don't be discouraged, Bastian. Use the Works forum to post this up and get some good feedback. Holler at other active ReMixers. Feel free to message me to take a listen before you attempt to sub this again; I'll let you know how it's coming along. But what I like over the course of these resubs is that you're tangibly improving this piece on each go, and the experience is hopefully helping you build up your overall skills.
  16. ReMixer name, real name: Patrick Burns forum user id: 10666 ReMix name: Rare Respite game: DKC2 song: Jib Jig (named Rigging on some spcs) composer: Dave Wise PROJECT SONG: This is for the as yet unnamed Donkey Kong Country 2 project Taucer and Bahamut are organizing. I absolutely love the Lord of the Dance soundtrack, and I was trying to imitate some elements of it. It worked out well, I think. I added a little Brahms reference on the end. ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=dkq - "Jib Jig" (dkq-05.spc) Lossy-sounding in terms of the production. The woodwind lead at :49 was too loud and piercing IMO; less so for other woodwind spots, but they were there. Nice guitar work at 1:33 with a cool transition into the bowed strings at 1:52. I would have probably toned down the boat creaking SFX, but not a huge deal. The resolution at 4:21 was "proper", though it came out of left field to me. On the whole, really solid and creative arrangement variation, even if the production sounding lossy and the woodwinds piercing my ears took some steam out of this. I'm gonna go conditional, mainly on toning down those volume issues. If there were any suggestions on making the production sharper without making it too dry, I think it could use that as well, but it's not a dealbreaker. YES (conditional)
  17. Contact information: * Your ReMixer name: Schiefer * Your real name: Thiago Schiefer * Your email address: tschiefer@gmail.com * Your website: www.myspace.com/thiagoschiefer Submission information: * Name of game(s) arranged: Chrono Trigger * Name of individual song(s) arranged: Magus' Theme, Chrono Trigger, Boss Battle Theme 1 * Your own comments about the mix: It's a metal-oriented medley out of these three Chrono Trigger themes. I'm sorry to send the file as an attachment, but the only other option for me would be to host it at 4shared, Rapidshare and the like (and it seems it's not encouraged to do that). I hope you like it! -- Thiago B. Schiefer Myspace: www.myspace.com/thiagoschiefer ------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ct - "Battle with Magus" (ct-224.spc), "Chrono Trigger" (ct-102a.spc), "Boss Battle 1" (ct-118.spc) Loads of empty space here. Once this picked up at :23, one noticed the instruments were poorly balanced (push up the melody) and that the soundfield was empty despite the overall resonance of some of the parts. The string articulations at 2:46 were unrealistic, and the sample sounded flimsy. Arrangement-wise, there wasn't much interpretation beyond the genre adaptation, and the three themes were pieced together with no meaningful transitions either, so there was no cohesion. There's a reason the end of "Chrono Trigger" is often used to end an arrangement; that's because the resolution is strong. That's practically a gimme-level move to make. I'm not saying you're not allowed to use that and them move onto another track, but you actually have to write something that allows you to coherently do that. Just stringing together a new track after an obvious resolution section at 3:29 was really sloppy. Basically, this was a decent rock cover medley, but we're looking for more creative interpretation. Take a listen to some of the recent rock Chrono Trigger mixes on the site for a better idea of our standards in action. Also, fill out the soundfield and work on cleaning up your production to let the performance shine more; what in place now undermines the energy you're going for. NO
  18. I wouldn't have changed any of the samples or tones, just tweaked EQ and volume to work on the balance. The way the notes blur together with the bassline brought in at :34 sounds bad IMO and marginalizes the source countermelody, though it's corrected at :49. When the synth lead arrived at 1:10, the beats and bassline countermelody were too loud in comparison. The beats being so loud needlessly played up the repetition of the groove, IMO. I also thought the treble was much more exposed at 2:05 (compared to :36) and sounded too hot; that could have been pulled back. Can't sign off on it yet.
  19. Source info was sketchy, but let's just judge this as is - LT Contact Info: Remixer Name: Cyguration Real Name: William Usher E-mail address: Cyguration@vgcore.com Website: (None) User ID: 25762 Submission Info: Name of game arranged: Mirror's Edge Name of song arranged: Theme song Link to the original: http://www.lastfm.de/music/Chris+H%C3%BClsbeck/_/Lombard+Street Comments: It was such an amazing piece I thought I might remix my own version. --- William D. Usher Senior staff writer VG Core Network ________________ http://www.VGcore.com Cyguration@VGcore.com LT Edit: Solar Fields did music for a different trailer where the last few notes seem to be the source melody here. AFAIK, Hülsbeck has been speculated by people guessing at this particular trailer below, but the Last.fm-linked track clearly isn't the source tune. I added a YouTube of the trailer/source in question: ---------------------------------------------------------------- The samples didn't sound terrible, but all of the sequencing sounded too mechanical and the instruments didn't fill out the soundfield, IMO. The drum sequencing in particular was too rigid and, though the (unrealistic) vox and piano padded things somewhat, there was a lot of empty space. The woodwind and ethnic chants were decent touches. The overall mixing was also poorly balanced and too indistinct. Everything sounded lo-fi and once the percussion picked up at 2:29, you quickly heard parts mudding together. There were also way too many clicks/pops scattered around the track that need to be eliminated (e.g. 1:30-1:46, 3:07-3:47), and the ending cutting out during the fade was sloppy. This was a decent base, William, but the sequencing needs to be refined, the percussion can't sound so lifeless, the parts need to be better balanced with one another, and you need to properly flesh out the soundfield. Hopefully the other Js can give some more pointed crits, but those are the overall issues holding this back. While I don't necessarily think you can get this to pass with more work (and that's not meant as an insult, that's just gauging your stuff as is), I think you can learn a good deal in working on this further and become a solid contributor if you keep at it. NO
  20. For the WIP boards, that better be the only standard. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Question #1 is not applicable to me. Criticism. If it's on the panel, 99% of the time I'll be critiquing it. I just enjoy helping people create good music. People hollering at me on IRC might get a response, but I'm always busy, so I spend my time judging. Some people seeking more judge presence on the WIP boards don't seem to understand that the judges have lives and can't be judges and WIP reviewers at the same time. If you have the mindset and familiarity with the standards like a judge, you'll be able to help people more, but also appreciate the music more. That's why we encourage using the checklist, comparing vs. the original piece. It's gives nearly every problem a mix will encounter, and can help you hone in on those issues to make your critique better. Wise up and use the checklist as a reference point, read judges decisions, and try to understand why mixes passed and failed. Lack of participation, but this thread is partially for feedback on how to work on that. I'd never push for an idea like official WIP critics, because that adds another leave of bureaucracy that we absolutely don't need.
  21. Luckily, I don't care what you like, as you obviously have no standards. "I want to have my music posted here because this place is popular and people will hear it" is not the standard.
  22. You can all stop enjoying the game now. It's a huge piece of shit according to this stoner: http://hoahoo.blogspot.com/2008/10/megaman-9.html So, does "it wuz ha4rd tp pley" mean game, set, match? YOU decide!
  23. Well, I can see the desire to control the promotion of your music, but unless you caused him to change the video information since yesterday, I didn't see him actually claiming credit for the music. It seems he just enjoyed it enough to spread it, and most people attempting to plagiarize wouldn't put the album art in the video or put the artist name and track name in the video, they'd change or obscure those details instead. I'd encourage him to change the vid description to properly plug the material so others can be informed and find your music if they like it. As for DamonHill's videos, I sent him a lengthy message clearing up some stuff and asking him to better credit the videos using OC ReMixes. Part of the issue seems to be that he thought our website was closed. I'm not sure why he thought that given some of the comments he received, but I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, since, looking at 3 or 4 of the videos, I saw "OC ReMix" in some of the titles, and I never saw him claim he made the songs, even though other comments assumed he did. When you guys find videos like these that don't explicitly plagiarize but don't properly credit the artists, track names, or where to download the track, definitely feel free to add comments clarifying those things. Just don't attack or accuse people unnecessarily, until you've given the videos and comments a good look.
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