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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Not sure that's possible. But if it were, then only Dave could get it.
  2. Because I keep track of all ReMixers (that's why the ReMixer database is so full), I got a hold of him. I already knew where his MySpace was. One PM later, and he was on board. RESOURCEFULNESS!
  3. Bah, Shael and everyone else there too?!? :'-( I hate you all! But seriously, Neostorm also lives in the Bronx; y'all have to holler at me next time you get news like this, because I could have told y'all to get him invited too. I'll have Dave check on the music status, more importantly on the Vega themes, as I'm sure the fast Blanka theme will be in there. I also heard what I think was the older version of Guile's theme in some on the newest video footage I've seen. Not to criticize, but since I'm the anal-retentive details person, I probably should have been more directly involved on the actual file checking. Hopefully any music that was inadvertently left off the final build could be patched, especially since the game has already been subbed. Nice work bringing your headphones, José! Funny though, in tourney or big party settings, THAT's how the music gets marginalized. http://www.siliconera.com/2008/08/15/remixing-street-fighter-ii-malcos-music-interview/ With the exception of José, Stephen did the most music, so he's all over this game. With Red Tailed Fox, he did Cammy's stage (the new version is AWESOME, like Jose said; I love it), and then he handled Ryu (for anyone that's played the beta, they now know it well), Dhalsim, M. Bison and some incidental themes. He was an assistant director on the soundtrack due to his role as assistant director on Blood on the Asphalt, and so he's been in the loop on the soundtrack from day 1. Other than that, we made sure to keep him OFF this project. We hate Malcos!
  4. It didn't like accented characters OR line breaks.
  5. http://www.capcom-unity.com/capcom_freak/gallery/view_gallery.one?pid=40999119 HEY, how'd you get in that party dammit?!? You've got your ear up to the speaker trying to hear your Dee Jay mix! Dammit, I hate you! They'll never come to Atlanta. :'-(
  6. Speaking in an unofficial, non-legally capacity, of course : If you use an OC ReMix in a manner that's disallowed in the Terms of Use (for example, using one in a for-profit project), then we say that you cannot attribute the track to OC ReMix. Instead, you should get the direct permission of the original artist, which means the ReMixer, and work out a separate usage agreement. As long as your YouTube video is not-for-profit, your planned attribution should be cool. Remember to plug the ReMixer, track title and OCR URL. Lemme know when it's up.
  7. It's listed in whatever games it has source tunes from, so it's listed in both games. At the top of the RPG page: Yeah, the ID #s have nothing to do with the order of release, which I also thought was counterintuitive, but whatchagonnado.
  8. Remixer Name: Willrock07 Real Name: William Harby Email address: will.rock@hotmail.co.uk Userid number: 24181 Game Arranged: Super Mario Land 2: Six Golden Coins Songs Arranged: Star Maze Theme Name Of Submission: Shooting Stars Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGBkvcpeT04 Own Comments: I noticed while surfing the mario remixes on the site that there where no remixes from the game super mario land 2. I thought this was insane, as I think the music in that game was awesome. I decided I would do a remix of the star maze theme as it was my fav track from the game. I think it should be mentioned that Mcvaffe was a big influence on the creation of this remix, as you will hear. I guess his music is rubbing off on me ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/8143 - Track 29 The texture was loud, but kind of empty to start. The groove at :11 was a bit overbearing and quickly got repetitive. Why was the synth lead at :33 so quiet? Don't get me wrong, I'm down with the tone being understated, but it was still too quiet compared to the other sounds. Then you had some odd writing choices from :49-1:03 that weren't awful but also weren't particularly melodious. 1:16 was rather weird. The tropical-type instrumentation felt like too sudden a departure from the first minute, but we'll see how others felt. I thought it could have worked better if introduced more gradually. And that groove and countermelody were still chugging away; it got old quickly. Definitely a Super Mario Land 2 meets Super Mario RPG vibe though, which was interesting. Honestly (without overhauling this, mind you), if you could vary up the groove and countermelodic writing, and it clicks, this would be a lot more likely to get my vote. Right now the core was on cruise control with basically 2 patterns. It dragged substantially and undermined the dynamics. Good potential here, Will. NO (resubmit)
  9. Remixer name: Deft Flux Real name: David Meyer E-mail: dave@deftflux.net Website: http://www.deftflux.net/ Forum userid: 24286 (deftflux) Source material: Zelda: Twilight Princess – Light Spirit Theme (primary source) Zelda (various, I think Link to the Past is the earliest) – Fairy Fountain (secondary source) Source recorded from Twilight Princess: Remix submission: Title: Lonesome Hero To give some background on the remix, I will quote my WIP forum post: Most of you probably haven't heard of me before, but I'm not new to music. I mostly work on original music. Some of my original work is available on my MySpace page (http://www.myspace.com/deftflux). I haven't done much remix work over the years, and what I have done has been more of a "remake" than "remix", not including much original material. This, however, is a serious remix of material taken from Zelda. I've wanted to do this remix ever since I first played Twilight Princess and got to the point where you save the first light spirit and it played this what I'll call "Light Spirit Theme", which turned out to be nothing more than a 30 second loop. It immediately struck me as epic and moving. I titled the remix "Lonesome Hero". The concept is that if you imagine the events of your typical Zelda storyline were real and you really were Link, the sole hero responsible for saving the world from perpetual evil, with all of the obstacles depicted in the game, it really wouldn't be pleasant. I thought of loneliness and a feeling of frustration. In fact, most of us can probably relate to that in that our own personal worlds are at times fraught with problems that may seem as epic and insurmountable as those depicted in Zelda, and we may feel like we are alone in our quest to solve them. So those are the feelings I attempted to convey in this work...
  10. Remixer Name: Blue.Nocturne Real Name: Dennis Kim Email Address: blue_nctrn@yahoo.com User Id: 22091 Submission Information: Remix Title: Dr. Wily Symphonic Name of game arranged: Megaman 2 Name of songs arranged: Dr. Wily Stage 1 Link to Original Songs: Check ye olde NSFs. Additional Comments: Before you say "NOT ANOTHER #$%@ing DR. WILY REMIX," be sure to give it a listen as I promise it will be worth the 2:49 of your life. I decided to orchestrate it, as I feel every good song deserves to have an orchestral counterpart. Enjoy! (at least I hope so) ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/9114 - Track 19 For the start, I was a bit worried at the relatively conservative genre adaptation here. But it clicked for me during the chorus at 1:09 that Dennis displayed enough instrumental variation to evolve the arrangement on at least that level. Not bad, not bad. I liked the original section from 1:34-1:59. Too bad it was sandwiched between the iterations of the source rather than more intermingled with the source, but that was a reasonable stylistic choice. 2:23-2:35 sounded like a mere cut-and-paste of :23-:35's section which was weak for such a short track. That could have been varied up without changing the structure to not retread, but it wasn't a dealbreaker issue. Bad choice of notes at 2:45 for the finish. I wouldn't die if this was posted like that, but that was just messed up. Tweak that if you can. For the conservative treatment of the arrangement, the instrumental variation, new part-writing and brief original section definitely personalized this in a substantial way. All things considered, I would have loved to have heard something more melodically interpretive and/or further developed as a concept. But this was a solid effort that displays how you can do a substantial arrangement job for the standards without overhauling the structure. Looking forward to more from you, Dennis! YES (borderline)
  11. Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=18166 Supercussionist Andrew Garma Ninfrk6590@yahoo.com 24920 Seiken Densetsu 3 Few Paths Forbidden Hiroki Kikuta is the original composer of the song. Super NES. Japan only game. Sequel to my favorite rpg game, secret of mana. Description on the mix: Well, in general, it kinda sounds like animusic music. real drums + synth. although, that wasnt the original intention of the mix. i've always wanted to remix this song, and make it faster, better, and fun to listen to...and make. but anyway, the drums are the main feature in the song. I made this song with garage band. now, i know that everyone says "the samples suck in there" but i have no money to get a better software. the original arrangement was made on finale. i midi transferred it to garage band and tweaked it up from there. ive done the best i could with garage band to make this piece. Now, to go into the song. it starts off with hints of the main melody played throught the whole song...then something new ive added from the first submission. the drums. ive changed it from straight sixteenths to a drum solo, because one drum solo didnt feel enough... anyway, the first phrase is the basic melody, and rhythm(except the drums) which was in the original piece. when it repeats, a new bass line that ive fused with the background marimba of the original kicks in, but it keeps that low D which lands on the upbeat, just to give it that boom. when the second phrase kicks in, the bass line, made entirely by me. comes in. later, when the bass and drums do their thing, hints of the next synth leads come in and trade off. when the 3rd phrase comes in(which used to be just a repeat of the first phrase in the original submission), a new melody comes in with feint sounds of the original melody. this part is still a trade off between the synths. when the phrase repeats, ive added long notes as a background and some synth hits too. when the fourth phrase comes in, i hint meridian dance as the main melody. when the drum solo kicks in, the bass repeats the same line. as i said in my previous submission, chris botti had his bass player playing the same thing while the drums soloed. after the solo, i hint the pure land song with a different rhythm and i used the main melody as the counter melody. after that, a different rhythm of the melody comes backed by an upbeat hi hat opener with octave and double octave bass jumps. finally, for the climax, the drums build up while the bass does octave chromatic jumps into a delayed fill, ending with the main bass line, and a panned out echo synth. when it repeats, the long notes ive put in the fourth phrase are put in but into a different rhythm. the ending is quick and cut instead of fading. i dont know if i went too in depth. but thank you in advance.
  12. Remix Info ReMixer name: Battlerager & Scaredsim ReMix name : Lava Dead Beat Name of source music : Hot-Head Bop Game Info : Donkey Kong Country 2 (Snes) Arrangement : Battlerager Production & Re-recording : Scaredsim Hi, OCR. The original arrangement of this one was Battlerager's entry at Dwelling of Duels in May 2007 : Fire VS Ice month. I always loved the composition here, there just wasn't any mixing, which cost that bad ranking I think. I recently got Battlerager okay to rework and refine it for trying getting it on OCR. Here it is ! Thanks. --------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=dkq - "Hot-Head Bop" (dkq-09.spc) Pretty good arrangement. I didn't have a problem with the drum tone, but it felt like there was a fair amount of empty space in the soundscape for some portions (e.g. :48-1:16, 3:12-3:23), and something to pad that out would have filled things out without compressing the dynamic curve. Not a huge deal. Solid stuff, and very creative treatment of the theme, IMO, one of DKC2's most memorable. YES
  13. Sup. Let's see if this time I make it, eh? -Xenon Odyssey -Bobby Keller -xenonodyssey@hotmail.com -http://xenonodyssey.googlepages.com/ -http://www.ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=6142 -Sonic & Knuckles -Lava Reef Zone Act 2/Hidden Palace Zone -You guys got it all covered -" " -Well, back in June I was playing around in C minor, and I happened to just accidently play the melody of Hidden Palace. I thought it went well with the major VI 9th chord I was playing going into the leading tone (2:25 - 2:37). Thus, I made an arrangement out of it. Darke said in #ocrwip that it's a bit too liberal for his tastes, which I understand completely, so even if it didn't make it onto the site, I won't go and make yet another shyjdgfgt thread on you guys ;P LINKAGE: It's a goog thing I re-read the submissions, since you guys don't like to have mis-labeled OCR tags on songs, but I didn't take out the album art that I use for OCRemixes, so I hope you guys don't mind. Also, zircon said at the Philly meet-up back in June that I really liked Sonic...hopefully a future submission will truly convey how correct that statement is -B. Kel. ------------------------------------------------------------- To clarify for the judgefgts that don't know this soundtrack, there's only one source tune. http://project2612.org/download.php?id=61 - "Lava Reef Zone (Act 2)" Yeah, so I like the piece and everything clicks on the writing, but I'm in the "too liberal column". For a 4:43-long piece, this needed 141.5 seconds of source usage to pass. The breakdown (STOPWATCH!): :14.5-:20, :28-:32, 1:19-1:20, 1:22-1:24, 1:26-1:31, 1:33-1:38, 1:40-1:42, 2:10-2:36, 3:03-3:38, 3:39.5-3:55, 4:11-4:16 So I've got about 106 seconds in there, or about 37.5% source usage. There possibly could be more that could be counted, but I listened to the source countermelodies and basslines and wasn't picking up anything else overtly. Now, I'm open to other POVs, but finding another half-minute's worth of connection is a stretch for a fairly straightforward source, so I'm pretty sure of my vote. Still, I'm definitely down with this piece regardless of the standards, so I'm looking forward to a revision of this or another more strongly connected arrangement from you in the future, Bobby! NO
  14. Another block of smoooooth jazz on 107.5 WJZZ - LT Hey guys, It's been a few years since our last submission. This is our short arrangement of the opening theme / start screen from Zelda 64 / Ocarina of Time. It's a simple duet between piano and sexophone. It's called "Romantic Beginnings." Hope you like it. We did it live. Love & Respect = D - theophany Song ReMixed: Zelda: Orcarina of Time - Title Theme ReMix Title: Romantic Beginnings ReMixer: Theophany Real Names: Mike Grier, Jason Alexander Gallaty, Andrew Thompson Email: theophanyremix@gmail.com Website: http://www.last.fm/music/Theophany Forum UserID: 7553 --------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/12209 - 01 "Title Theme" Rough around the edges. That slight sax flub at :10 took a lot of sexiness and steam out of the intro. Hearing the fingering of the saxophone performance was also kind of ghetto. Not so much that it was there, but that the effects used on the sax also made the clicks way more audible. Even though it stands out a bit, that can be overlooked. Couple of minor flubs (:10, 1:28) that weren't a huge deal, though more would have gotten problematic. The piano's sound quality wasn't awful but sounded noticeably flimsy. The tone had so much less body and richness compared to the sax, so there was a quality disparity that needs to be addressed. You don't have to use expensive samples or whatever, but some good post-production work to add some density to the piano's sound would really improve the overall package. The sax phrase from 2:36-2:38 didn't resolve properly with the piano chord, IMO, but that could just be me; at the least, it sounded awkward. The last section at 2:40 was a really anti-climactic resolution; the sax writing wasn't on the same page as the piano and the two had no synergy to close things out. I love the concept here, but a lot of these more minor details added up into holding this back as is. One of you guys whined last time something of yours was rejected (for being too liberally arranged). No hard feelings whatsoever, but there's no need to react like that, when we all want the piece to be its best. The base is in place with this arrangement, so just tighten this up for the win. NO (resubmit)
  15. Remixer name: Aureolius Real name: Galen Deming Email address: gjdeming@gmail.com Website: www.gjdeming.com Userid: 409 Game: Megaman X3 Original song: Gravity Beetle stage ReMix: Gravitation Link: This mix was requested by a good friend of mine. In a sense it could be viewed as the spiritual successor to my last remix, Hyperrock Fortisimo. I have since improved in skill and have gotten much closer to that professional sound I have always been striving for. This mix takes the Gravity Beetle theme and presents it after an intro of ambient synths and a catchy techno rhythm (the term techno being used as I really have no idea what specific genre it would fall into). After the Gravity Beetle theme finishes, I then take creative license and go off on a tangent, creating my own melody infused with the essence of the original song. It then flies back into the Gravity Beetle chorus. --------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=mmx3 - "Gravity Beetle" (mmx3-08.spc) I liked the intro, but once the beats kicked in at :24, they were fairly thin and the soundscape was gapingly empty. The boom-tss at 1:00 sounded really generic and "right out of the box." There's nothing wrong in principle with a boom-tss pattern, but it was so dry and generically produced that it pulled down the overall effort, IMO. The beats brought in at 1:12 were also really bland. The melodic interpretation of the Gravity Beetle theme was too low as well. Really explore what you can do with it for the main verses and melody. I really liked the original countermelody at 1:24 during the chorus; it really fit like a glove. I also liked the liberal usage of the chorus from 2:24-3:11 that would resolve each melodic phrase; good method there of writing something that was basically original, but tied back to the source tune in the end. I'm not saying to go that liberal the entire time, but raise the game on the rest of the source usage and make it more interpretive and unique vs. the original. The main issues here were that the beats were flimsy and generic sounding, and the synth programming was also generic, there was a lot of empty space that needed to be filled out, the production really needs to step up as well to offer something more unique, and the melodic interpretation could be more personalized. Last issue, the dynamic curve here was pretty flat. There were some changes in the energy level, but they weren't pronounced enough given the relative sparseness of the soundfield the whole time, which undermined the dynamics. This was a decent base, Galen, but it was more like a work-in-progress that hasn't realized its full potential yet. It's honestly great to hear something new from you after all these years; definitely consider working on this further and seeing where you can take it! NO (resubmit)
  16. Given to the panel so that you n00bs can bear witness to these guys - LT Contact Information: ReMixer name (band name): The Runaway Five Real Name (band members): Brendan McElroy, Brendan Swanson, Alex Goodman, Matt MacLean, Spencer Cheyne Email Address: brendanmcelroy@therunawayfive.com Website: www.therunawayfive.com Userid: 25789 Submission Information: Game: Final Fantasy VII Song: Still More Fighting Remix Title: The Shinra Shuffle Additional comments: Arranged by: Brendan Swanson (August 2008). Performed by: The Runaway Five: Brendan McElroy (Bass), Brendan Swanson (Piano), Spencer Cheyne (Drums) (excluding The Runaway Five members; Alex Goodman (Guitar), Matt Maclean (Trumpet). Also featuring special guests: Andre Wickenheiser (Trumpet), Brent Mah (Alto Sax), John Sweenie (Tenor Sax), Sarah Matheson (Baritone Sax), and Colin Story (Guitar). Mixed and recorded live at The Beat Niq Jazz and Social Club (August 20th, 2008) by Spencer Cheyne at Crossover studios. Produced by Brendan McElroy. This is the second time I tried to send this. I didn't recieve an auto-confirmation email and I couldn't get a response from any of the judges stating the reason why. I assume that it didn't make it to you guys. My appologies if you did already recieved this submission and I just didn't get a confirmation. Brendan McElroy The Runaway Five www.therunawayfive.com ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FF7_psf.rar - 120 "Still More Fighting" & 111 "Fanfare" The mixing could be a little better, as I thought the lead didn't stand out enough when everything else was in play, and the piece was pretty quiet as a whole. Nonetheless, excellent energy and a wonderfully creative (and otherwise impeccable) arrangement. Not much else to say other than "swingin'"! That, and Canadian bacon is delicious. DELICIOUS! YES
  17. Contact Information BlackPanther Rashad Hill rashad_hill@yahoo.com 17238 Submission Information Goldeneye 64 Disused Military Depot After playing the game about 5 months back I came across the train depot level(the one before you get on the train) and I was thinking to myself, "Wow this is so good." So I decided in honor of such a kick ass song I would remix it and seeing as how the level is kinda dark and scary I would put that mood into my remix so what you have is a somewhat creepy, breakbeaty mix that you'll enjoy listening to as much as I did making it =). -------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/12212 - 113 "Depot" You've really gotta tone down the treble. On the plus side, the hand percussion sounded awesome. The breakbeats were alright, but they sounded fairly lonely. The Depot melody could have sounded out more prominently vs. the beats, since the beats dominated the soundscape too much. But arrangement-wise, you used the theme throughout, and I liked the approach. A pretty fun arrangement with a solid groove, but you need to put a little more meat on these textures, perhaps just an ambient pad to get rid of some of that dead space. Once you do something like that, pull back the treble, refine that one grating synth first used at 1:32, and get the balance sounding better, this'll be in a lot better shape. Definitely keep working on this one, Rashad, this is a solid base here. NO (resubmit)
  18. Title: "Maternal Instinct" (4.25M) "Lower Brinstar" from Super Metroid Greetings! I hereby present my debut as a contributor to your site, an interpretation of one of my favourite mood-setting pieces from this epos of platform jumping. Inspired by a recent playthrough as well as classic science fiction soundtracks, this version was realised through FL Studio, soundfonts, some stray percussion samples and hours of obsessive work before being left to age in the proverbial desk drawer. The stage set, our protagonist wanders into the depths of a hostile world. Old adversaries rise again. An act of compassion stands yet unrewarded. With most above average regards, Sir Kiosk of the realm of arctic sphenisciformes Royal Subject #25781 -------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=sm - "Brinstar Red Soil Swampy Area" (sm-20.spc) Sounded fairly good on the whole. Faster pacing than the original, though still very deliberate. The Eastern instrumentation instantly reminded me of Reuben Kee, as those samples were a signature of his. :'-( The pacing was a bit too rigid, IMO, but it was more than serviceable. I also thought the theme really needed to be more interpretive and creatively developed. Structurally, melodically and in terms of mood, the arrangement was close enough to the original where I didn't feel like the interpretation was substantive enough. For a near 4-minute mix, this was really reserved in terms of going somewhere with the arrangement. I liked the new instrumentation, but that wasn't enough to carry this. If you're willing to add other ideas into the picture to personalize the melodic and countermelodic arrangement more, that would be great. Comparing to another recent mix of the same theme, "Zebes Rising", that mix had a greater amount of subtle changes that added up to a more interpretive product than this. See what else you can do with this; you've got a great base so far! NO (resubmit)
  19. Dunno why I never commented on this, as I was nagging Ty to sub it, plus I flagged it for direct post. The groove set a good pace, and I really loved the energy here. Great arrangement, and some of Ty's best work in the community. Dunno why I had to nag him to submit this gold.
  20. http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=sf2 - "Sagat Stage" (sf2-21.spc) The timing was slightly off in some spots. The drums were lonely at :55. The track filled out better at 1:11, moreso at 1:36 with that pad. That pad added a lot; a small detail, but a good touch. Gotta agree with Vinnie that the interpretation of the Sagat theme was getting too liberal at times, but, without doing a formal breakdown, it was there for much of the track, IMO, relying on the interpretation of the backing pattern to provide much of the connection. For a 323-second mix, I need 162 seconds of source usage, since the ending cut off. This is going liberal (I'm fine with the connection of the opening synth, for example, due to the rhythms being explicitly interpreted from the original), but I this source usage breakdown is very fair. I can get into the nitty gritty of what came from where if I have to, but I'll just timestamp it: :00-:17, :21-:24, :27-:38, :46-1:26, 1:28-1:30, 1:34-1:42, 1:45-1:51, 1:53-2:06, 2:10-2:15, 2:18-2:26, 2:28-2:39, 3:56-3:59, 4:45-4:59, 5:02-5:07, 5:10-5:12, 5:13-5:15 That's about 150 seconds, or, in other words, it needs more thai guy theme for me to pass it. The latter half (2:40-4:44) featured some good soloing over some original material, but it was pretty much all unconnected to the source. Sprinkling in some more source usage could hook it up. WHOA, big volume jump at 4:07. Dayum! The drums were super loud over everything else. You've really gotta pull 'em back. It seems like they're clipping or at least hard limited, but they're loud to the point of being a parody. If you have the source files, you gotta fix that. I need more of Sagat's theme as well, but this was another example where touching up the production would hook this up. Doing that and fleshing the piece out a little more in the early going would all help. NO (resubmit)
  21. Street Fighter Zero 3 Original Soundtrack - (203) "Stripes" Yeah, what happened here, homey? Agreed that it's too compressed. You need to put a Wonderbra on this bitch to lift and separate. The arrangement was pretty solid; nice ending too, though it cut off a little abruptly. Try to re-mix this and then work from there. You don't resubmit much, so it might not happen on this one, but you could polish this up and get the first SFA3 mix posted if you wanted to. NO (resubmit)
  22. That's "we" as in you, me and Palp, but that's it. The rest have obviously quit. To alleviate the need for money, we're gonna charge for music starting next April 1st.
  23. It's never as important as actually judging the submissions and real life. I'll take a look.
  24. Re: Solar Jetman, yeah, that's a strange issue, but I wasn't seeing it listed on the alpha page either. Not sure what's wrong with the "smileys sidebar". Do you mean the "More" pop-up box that shows all of the available smilies when you make a post? If so, yeah, the header with the dropdowns needs to be taken out. Good catch, and an easy fix!
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