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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Added link up top. Always double-check the FTP, by the way. Should be hosted there regardless of whether I linked to it in the first post or not.
  2. * Your ReMixer name - Kidd Cabbage * Your real name - Jonathan Peros * Your email address - jdperos@hotmail.com * Your website - http://kiddcabbage.scott-bloom.com * Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile - 21995 * Name of game(s) ReMixed - Final Fantasy 7 * Name of individual song(s) ReMixed - "Hurry, Faster!", "Fighting", "Crazy Motorcycle", and "Bombing Mission" Well, this is my first submission to OCR, although not my first videogame remix by a long shot. Most of my mixes are too big to be able to submit to the site. This is also the first mix that I'm confident enough in to submit. I started a game of FF7 pretty recently, and for some of the songs, just thought, "I could make some of these songs pretty rocking." It's a pretty hectic mix done heavy metal, that medlies a handful of my favorite songs from FF7, and I think they transitioned stylistically pretty well. The mix was actually done in a pretty short amount of time compared to some of my older mixes, especially the mixing process - switched to a new drumkit that I'm very happy with. The song is titled "Yet Even More Fighting", and if you're familiar with the soundtrack names, you'll get the joke. I hope you guys enjoy the song, and any comments are very gladly accepted. ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FF7_psf.rar - 408 "Hurry, Faster!", 110 "Fighting", 122 "Crazy Motorcycle" & 102 "Opening - Bombing Mission" Production-wise everything sounded on the distant side on headphones; clean sounds, but like they're coming from a few feet away, not sure why that was. Could be a lack of higher frequencies, but I'll leave it to the other Js to hone in on. Wouldn't mind a refurbished version, but at the end of the day I can live with it. The guitar work and synths could also stand to have more of an edge to them. The way they sound now tends to undermine a lot of the embellishments and flair in the arrangement. norg & SnappleMan's recent "Full Frontal Assault" is a great example of a similar style being pulled off with more polish and power. I'm sure either one them could offer great comments on how to take this to the next level. That being said, I thought the arrangement was clicking nicely for the most part. The resolution at 3:17 was confusing if anything; didn't really make any sense. Is that just what I'm hearing? Regardless, tons of personalization and original instrumentation ideas to really make this your own unique medley of these themes. On the whole, well-executed. Props on winning DoD's September Free Month, Jon. Certainly hope to hear more from you there as well as over here. Good luck with the rest of the vote. YES
  3. I noticed zirc mention we give more attention to RESUBs. Apparently not this one.
  4. pwnt pwnt pwnt. Kicked down by my own black bretheren! :'-( But seriously, glad to see due diligence come through. Well, you've got the guitar stuff down, Marcus. Now you've gotta write the rest! NO
  5. We don't "let anything slide" for the sake of inclusion on a project. What's allowable for a project is more of a question of what game was involved, as well as the project director's discretion. With that said, we did in fact debate DSoP informally among the panel and we'll be debating DQD. Everything that's been debated re: Doom II will be looked at, including how DSoP was decided on in the past, so there's a lot to consider. To clarify though, nothing has been decided yet with this game.
  6. Our eligibility standards have no bearing on the quality of a track, though it's unlikely you read into it that way. Maybe I'm not understanding you correctly, but if I am, what's the long-term benefit of withdrawing a track from the project on account of it not being eligible for OCR? Seems like cutting off one's nose to spite one's face. When the project hits, most fans who hear of DQD won't hear about it because of this site's main page, they'll hear about it through internet word of mouth. A Map18 mix still honors Doom II in the scope of the album project, yet fans who will download the album would end up not hearing what you made as a result of a pull. It just sounds like they would all lose out, AND you would lose out on that opportunity to increase both your fanbase and fan nostalgia for Doom II.
  7. Sound quality...not so hot - LT ReMixer name: Parsec Real name: Mark J. Hadley Email address: parsec_productions@yahoo.com Website: www.parsecproductions.com UserID: 21993 Title of song: "Nocturnal Leap" Name of game(s) ReMixed: Eternal Sonata Name of individual song(s) ReMixed: Make the Leap Additional information about game: An RPG for the XBox 360, taking place in a fantasy dreamworld within the mind of the famous composer/pianist Frederick Francois Chopin during the final hours of his life. Link to the original soundtrack: The music from the game can be listened to from the official website, eternalsonata.namcobandaigames.com Comments about the mix: The main battle theme, "Make the Leap", was a fast and driving orchestral piece. As Chopin was a pianist, I was inspired to make a piano version of the music, and I decided as a contrast to make it much slower and softer. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The game's almost as crazy of a premise as Katamari Damacy. Couldn't believe it when I read it. Thanks for the link to the source tune, Mark. Not bad stuff. DarkeSword mentioned that he felt Sakuraba's material could be hit or miss. I liked the energy of this one. The brass samples in it were poo though. Eternal Sonata - "Make the Leap (Regular Battle)" Source comes in at :23 and was all over this arrangement, so no complaints on that level. The sound quality was definitely hurting pretty bad. I liked the thick ambiance here on account of the reverb, but it's arguably too thick and can be scaled back. Part of the problem of scaling it back is that the drier you get, the more you expose the sampled piano and it's lack of realism, which didn't sound that strong to begin with in a lot of places. You need more post-production refinement of the sequencing to make the performance sound smoother and more organic-sounding. As is, much of the performance sounded more rigidly played than what the writing implied. Unfortunate too, as there were some really nice, emotive moments apparent in the arrangement when the performance flowed better. It also felt like a ton of frequencies got lopped off somehow. That combined with the ultra-rough production was too much to look past. Sorry I can't offer more specific criticisms, but hopefully the others will have good insight and recommendations. This is a really nice base, but needs a lot of TLC on the production side so that the arrangement isn't undermined as much as it is now. I noticed you recently signed up for the forums, so please make use of the Works forum and particularly the ReMixing forum to ask specific question on how to improve with your current tools. Sincerely hope to hear more from you. NO (rework/resubmit)
  8. This is just my opinion, and not the panel's collective call. TO brought up Map18 in May, and I'm 100% on not allowing it. I also don't care what Prince did in terms of legally insulating himself. Some of the remixes on OCR could probably be considered originals by that reasoning. IMO, the legal status of the Doom tracks has got nothing to do with how similar some Doom tracks sound next to their mainstream inspirations. Just to clarify, I've only done comparisons with Map18 and Map07. Other Doom 2 sources in question, I will be glad to check the others in due time and report back here with how I felt about the comparisons. In the meantime, I'm quoting myself from a judges discussion post a few minutes ago: Like I just mentioned to TO, lemme just run Map07 by one or two more of our colleagues just to make sure there's no conflict, and I'll be glad to basically sign off on it. Don't pull your hair out, Ash.
  9. After seeing a FFV remix posted I went, "Hey, I have an FFV remix. Why not submit it?" So here you go. Warning: really weird. Probably too weird to pass the panel, but whatever. Sample credits: eli vance from HL2, Ievan Polkka. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That gives me a lot of faith. http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ff5 - "The Ancient Library" (ff5-1-25.spc) Opens up sounding pretty beholden to the structure of the original. Hahaha, the sound choices are all over the place with this. I'm not sure what the appeal is supposed to be removing all of the melodic qualities of the original and making it sound so grating instead. As soon as the beatwork came in at :37, the soundfield became extremely crowded and messy, with the lead getting partially buried under all of the new sounds brought in. If literally anything else had been added into the mix at that point it would have gone off the rails. Balance the parts properly! SFX at 1:07 (cool idea) leads into 1:09 and some weird gating/stutter effects, picking back up into the aforementioned clutter and busyness at 1:34. The beats and kicks brought in from 1:59-2:46 were a killer. They sounded so generic and out of place, a really corny drumloop shoehorned into the picture. Nothing sounding the least bit melodic. No harmonies. What's there to like? Why would I want to listen to this compared to the original? C'mon Scott, weird doesn't have to mean poorly developed. We LIKE weird when it's done properly. This isn't "too weird to pass the panel." It's too poorly executed to pass the panel. NO
  10. Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=10075 Remixer name: HoboKa Game remixed: Breath of Fire II Song name: Final battle/Deatheven's theme Remix name: JadedByDeath Hey, Alex S back with a resub of my BoF II remix. I read your guys' review on my original ver, and got cracking on it. Heh, you know it's only been about 5 months since I've started remixing and I think I've learned a lot during that time; so I'm proud of myself regardless if this gets accepted or not. BTW, look out for OC Remix's first Tyrano Lair remix made by LagunaCloud and I, it's gonna be epic As for the current remix at hand: I changed some of the voice effects, and placement of the sound clips, I improved upon the drums by nearly 100% (though I wish I had a better drum generator than FPC x_x) and I made the techno/electronica or whatever you call it longer and better. Hope you boys n girls enjoy it ^^ PS: Sorry about the megaupload useage...I don't know any other free hosting site asides from Putfile =/ ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=bof2 - "Evan ~ God of Death" (bof2-46.spc) Well, you cut down on the delay on Mike Z's stuff, which was good. The laugh sounded tacky pasted in after the dialogue. Would have been more natural for him to finish his evil words and move right into laughter. Good ambiance afterward building to the introduction of the source material. On the orchrestration side at 1:06, still pretty cover-ish. Not really much change from the overall instrumentation of the original there, but still a different mood. As with last time around, good textures there. Not the best samples, but used well to create a genuinely pleasing sound IMO up until 1:36. Not that I don't want to give you the benefit of the doubt, but given how uh...unmusical the latter half sounded, I'm led to believe you used a MIDI or the SPC as the base for this opening orch section. At 1:36, again with those poor electro-synths, only sounding a lot more distorted than last time especially given that the track's apparently not clipping. 2:10-2:33 just sounds like a cacophony of noise, and didn't sound very musical despite me recognizing the source. Everything's just SUPER murky and cluttered with 0 definition. And it continued that way all the way until the end around 3:25. I'd actually post this track in ReMixing and ask for major help on refining your sounds. In the latter half, there's no separation, everything sounds crunchy and the melody doesn't stand out at all, leaving the arrangement sounding rudderless. Seems like the sounds in the latter half were a bit beefed up compared to last time around, but that's about the only improvement I heard. You better learn to walk before you try to run. Keep at it. NO
  11. Who knows if we'll get anyything that sounds like this ever again. Props to Aaron for making such a unique piece. Back when this debuted for the OCR4 flood, I enjoyed pretty much all of the new mixes that were a part. djpretzel's Revenge of Shinobi "Consent (Make Me Dance)" was my 2nd favorite and it actually took me a few loops to really appreciate the funked-out electro goodness. But this one grabbed my ears from the very start. The intro effects and vox were unique. As SOON as the music faded in, I had been hooked. This track was smooooooooooth to start. And when it switched gears with some more agressive beats, it ended the track with a lot of power. analoq, top of his game. Nowadays, the guy jokes that he's lost it. If even 1% of our submissions ever "found it" the way this guy did...
  12. Nowadays, this would NEVER make it past me on the panel, AFAIK. Ye olden days were a lot looser in terms of what got on. It's certainly not bad in any way from a sound quality perspective. This sounds awesome, and it definitely one of my favorite tracks to listen to. The connections to the original though are rather minimal, which is unfortunate in retrospect. Someone (Chris?) fill me in on whether I'm missing something. Just based on this sound quality though, I always wanted MIDIman to hit us again with some new stuff. Now that we've met at Otakon this past summer, hopefully he'll come out with some new material like he alluded to. Good luck to him and Escape Pod Audio!
  13. Man, I'm slipping. This was another one I told djp about enjoying back in the day while visiting his house. Funny, because last weekend I was there working on some site stuff, and he started playing this arrangement downstairs on his Motif. Brought back memories of ye olden days while pondering in my head what he was playing. The sound choices provided by the Motif are great here. And it helps to be working with such great source material. While the original had the raw materials to be pretty catchy, it didn't really have that good of an energy to me that would have struck me as great arrangement material. That's where djp proved me wrong by showing off the original's full potential. With this ReMix though, djpretzel beefs up the sound quality but also smooths out the performance, adds some nice embellishments and really takes the original to another level from the Master System. Much like his Socket mix, you just can't go wrong with this one. It's got that hook.
  14. Great fusion of the FF6 and FF9 sources, not in melding them together, but in writing something where the sections of the arrangement somehow pieced together and WORKED despite no major stylistic similarities. Dunno how he does it. A true NoppZ classic.
  15. Trippin'! Excellent, and glad to find this thread close to Trippin' on Snails so I could comment on this one as well. Love the off-kilter groove here. It's totally different than anything I'd expect with the source tune. That's Mazedude's specialty and he's never done wrong with that style. Bueno!
  16. Too brief! The only criticism I had. Great sound choices, effects & production, awesome energy, and a total (but effective) style change from the original. Someone kick ABG and make him realize he needs to submit more high octane hotness like this.
  17. Yeah, wow. Just a weeeeeird piece. Chris was definitely trippin' on something when he made this. Not always my cup of tea with this one, but a very inspired and offbeat take on Rygar, much like Mazedude's Bayou Billy "Trippin' on Alligators" which I enjoy just for being so crazy.
  18. Just scanning through Reviews, I can't believe how many tracks I enjoyed and never commented on. Yet another mix here, this time by Mr_44, that made me take notice of the soundtrack and seek it out. And indeed, "Fear (Rez Edit)" from the original soundtrack kicks ass. Again, the quality of the ReMix prompting me to check out the the original soundtrack was a hallmark of a good arrangement. It made me want to know more about where it was inspired from. Love the arrangement here, which caught my attention but also took me a little bit to really get a bead on in terms of the very unique style. I'm glad I gave this a chance, but really this was so odd and catchy, I couldn't have helped listening more than once. Dunno a THING about the Dune movie. Never seen it. I once tried to read the book back in middle school for summer reading because it counted as 2 books. There was so much stupid sci-fi jargon that made me turn to the glossary every other word that I gave up after 10 pages. I certainly didn't miss much. But regardless, the movie clips fit really fit the atmosphere well and enhanced the almost sordid darkness of the arrangement. Allllways worth the listen.
  19. This was the first mix over here that really showed me how diverse Jon was an an arranger. I definitely never expected something like this from him at the time. Like Jared's comments alluded to, this was definitely a big hit at the time when I spotlighted Kong in Concert on VG Frequency. I also agreed with comments likening the feel to something out of The Jungle Book, albeit jazzier. It's got a great energy to it, and only makes you appreciate the source material more. Getting him to join the panel in 2005 probably helped to get him to release some material that we otherwise might never have heard. Score one for the bad guys.
  20. It was originally posted in Community and I put it in Works. Anything VG-related performance can be posted in Works, even if it's not meant for submission. You damn rocket scientists, he's not even claiming the arrangement is his, just that he played on top of it. You saw him say that anyway. Just stick to critiquing the performance. Definitely could stand to be tighter, but showed decent skill and certainly potential for improvement. Yeah, keep it up.
  21. If I had any practical arrangement or vocals skills whatsoever, I would do a ReMix of this ReMix. I already have a concept in my head. It would be the greatest ReMix in God's creation. I agreed with the criticisms of too much reverb and Starla's vocals needing a boost to cut through the soundscape more. Nonetheless, excellent stuff. That was the REAL birthday review, Starla. Why, oh why will you not make anything new? Even just on the vocal side! :'-(
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