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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. My favorite djpizzle mix and I never dropped a comment. This track was smooooth back in the day. Still is. Infectious groove, great sounds, polished production. I still give Dave a little crap every now and then about how he'll never make anything else that I'll like more than this and that he's jumped the shark. But driving to Baltimore with him last year for a meetup, he was nice enough to throw this ReMix on a mix CD he made for the drive down. If I'm remembering it right, I also got to hear his Summoning of Spirits mix "The Koan of Drums" right after he finished it. In any case, this was also a track that made me go back and check out the original, as well as snag a ROM of the game. Well, to me the game sucked, and I don't recall any other tracks being as good as the one's djp arranged, but I definitely love what he's done with the source material here. Seamless fusion of the two themes, I never would have known there was more than one source if I hadn't checked the soundtrack out. Great stuff, and of the few tracks that lots of people around here have taken a chance on and liked despite not knowing the game. The number of reviews back in the day definitely illustrated that.
  2. Hehehe! Happy birthday, Starla! To celebrate, I'll poo on this mix. Well, nothing new from me. Repetitive as all get out, but yes, tre old. Thems the breaks backs in ye olden days. Hit or miss. If you really like the source material, it'll give you a little nostalgia boost.
  3. Hahaha! Dunno how I passed up commenting on this one. Awesome upgrade-style remix. Goofy sounds, along some solid brass (good brass?!?), it's Gux with some serious flavor here, "Psghetti Cowboy." [sic] If only the game weren't so fast-paced or had some 1-one-1 shootout areas, this would set the scene perfectly while being a little tongue-in-cheek.
  4. What, yet another song Prot hated? Blehz. Could have sworn I dropped a quick review on this a long time ago, back when I was working on Lockdown 2 (The Revenge) and verifying the source tunes of all the ReMixes. Was surprised to find I didn't. With this arrangement, talk about turning chicken shit into chicken salad. There wasn't really much to the source at all. Props to Jon and Mustin for crafting this into a more fleshed out piece that still felt very spacey & mysterious. It's definitely a sleeper hit in my book.
  5. I remember being pretty on the fence about this one back when I first listened to all of the ReMixes in mid-2002. The sound choices and overall groove were pretty smooth, and definitely had that NiGHTS in-game style energy, but for whatever reason, I didn't keep it then. But checking it out a couple of years ago, having found even more appreciation for McVaffe (is that even possible?), I realized how solid this mix was. A shame Mike never released an arrangement album with exclusive material or anything like that. I've never seen anyone so good at creating grade-up style arrangement that still had their own voice while retaining the feel of the original.
  6. Ah man, I remember this one vividly. This was around mid-2002 when I finally listened to all of the ReMixes available. At the time, this was newly posted, and when I checked it out, I found a new favorite ReMixer. In retrospect with Quinn's style, probably heavy on some looooopz, but Quinn's the best at making any drumloop fit well in the bigger picture and not seeming slapped on. He really crafts the rest of the arrangement well, and there was nothing else like it on OCR. A brief ReMix, but it definitely got me interested in not only Quinn's work, but also the Phantasy Star Online soundtracks in general. And THAT is what a successful arrangement can do. Old-school hotness. Remember to kick Rob for his evil leadoff review.
  7. Yeah, the volume should have been raised, but other than that, I was a big fan of this one back in the day. Prot thought it was weak, but you know, it's Prot. The usual faegyness at the time. Disregard. A nice example of a subtle mix that still has a lot of substance behind it. Too bad we never heard from Will again.
  8. This is why Binster is great. Obscure source material to bring something new into the spotlight, plus the arrangement's full of energy and excellent dynamics. Actually, considering Martin's work after this, maybe it's just me, but I can't say I've ever heard him create anything else like this mix. Most of Martin's stuff involves pretty heavy beats, while this one was more melodic and grooooooooooooooove-oriented. Always looking forward to whatever arrangements he releases.
  9. We're fan art, akin to fan drawings published in video game magazines. Those people aren't sued for paying tribute to video games works they enjoy through creations made out of pure fandom. In any case, locked.
  10. Seemed like the only way she could rationalize an ad hominem attack. KEEP IT CLEAN. INRECIBLY
  11. Just noting, your sig picture can't be that large. Please make it much smaller. Don't mind the trolling.
  12. We already knew a while ago. zirc typo, I believe.
  13. Indeed, you hear what sounds like Chrono Trigger in place, but that's all from the source. http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/Xenogears_psf.rar - 213 "The One Who is Torn Apart" Some solid bass and kick stuffs in the intro. Loving those stutter effects first used at 1:41. Very club authentic. Not that often you hear many slow mixes that could pass fairly well in a club setting, but I could see a bunch of the chilluns dancing with the lights down low to this. Takes a bit of downhill turn at 2:28 when you changed the percussion, leaving it a lot flimsier-sounding. I would have kept the perc work thick but changed the tone for the variation. As is, the change took away a lot of snap and punch and whatever other buzz words there are. I perceived 3:44 as the section where you needed to introduce something new to keep things fresh and close the track strong, and I thought y'all generally came through on that. Good additions with the strings, though I really didn't like how electrosynth and hollow percussion at 4:25 sounded when closing the piece out at the very end. On the cheap side. I'm hearing more than enough good stuff in terms of the arrangement and dynamics. While I thought the muted trumpet sounded absolutely fine, I definitely agreed with Vig on most of the production criticisms he had; the frequencies were imbalanced towards the lows, leaving things sounding lossy, and some of the highs (starting at 3:44, but particularly from 4:11-4:22) were ridiculously piercing. It would be great to address those even if it passed. Tons of good stuff, and you guys ended up taking some very small pieces of the source and constructing a very complete and interpretive arrangement around it. Now you need to fine tune this one to get it sounding its best. Right now, it sounds really imbalanced for this genre. EQ this up right. And work out the kinks with some of the flimsier percussion. As is, they mess with the textures you've got going and undermine the dynamic effectiveness of the arrangement. DON'T CHANGE IT DRASTICALLY, just give it some bite back like you've got going with the earlier percussion choices. Keep the writing the same. Do you hear me? Don't go breaking the parts that don't need fixing. I'd conditionally pass if I felt the revisions needed were very straightforward, but since it's not quite that quick and easy, gotta go NO (borderline/refine/resubmit). This is some awesome club stuff, but needs to sound slick. Will kill y'all if this doesn't come back here. Bug whoever you need to on this one, and make sure you get the help you need.
  14. Potentially just a placeholder trackname that I made up given the info in the sub letter,as there was no title; if this passes, we can ask the artists for a new name - LT Contact Info * 8 Bit Instrumental * 8bitvgm@gmail.com * www.8bitvgm.net - www.myspace.com/8bitvgm Remix Info * Top Gear * Track 1 Rockabilly , Track 2 Dark Gears, Track 3 Surfing Gear * The first theme we wanted to do something different from the already existing versions of the game, on the second theme we change almost anything and for the third theme feel like a surf music mood on the riff´s so we kind of let if flow -- =x= 8 Bit Instrumental =x= Myspace: www.myspace.com/8bitvgm Fotologs: www.fotolog.com/8bitvgm www.fotolog.com/banda8bit ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=tg - "Las Vegas" (tg-2.spc), "Hiroshima" (tg-3.spc) & "Bordeaux" (tg-4.spc) The guitar performance felt on the loose side for the first verse, and the tempo strangely felt like it went a bit faster at :50. Not sure if my ears were playing tricks on me, or if my download broke.. Nice stereo effects on the guitar from 1:13-1:33. Transition starting at 1:33 sounded particularly lo-fi due to the effects on the guitar. Some interesting effects at 1:51, though it sounded a bit ugly from 1:59-2:07 before the "Hiroshima" theme took over. What happened at 2:15? The instrumentation seemed to clash briefly. Could have been a byproduct of retaining the source's melodic progression. The drums at 2:39 were too loud, in my opinion, and just cluttered up the good funk performance going on. Transition at 2:57 to "Bordeaux" was pretty abrupt, but whatever. Textures certainly got a lot dirtier and grittier from 2:57-3:23. Nice bass work from 3:23-3:30. Drums at 3:30 were fairly plain, but you had some interesting fills for some parts. Some different drum work at 4:12 messed up the soundscape and made things sound even lossier. Briefly boring drumwork from 4:38-4:47. Transition at 4:55 was also pretty sudden, but not a meaningful negative. Not sure what source it was, as it didn't sound like "Bordeaux", but that's neither here nor there. Good surf vibe, even though the drums didn't fit well for this section and were frequently plodding after 5:10 in my opinion. The overall opinion would be a lot stronger if this was produced better. The recording quality is definitely on the low side, ultimately hurting the finished product. As is, the arrangement actually sounds cleaner if you turn the volume way down. Regardless, the lack of polish was a definite downside. The drum patterns sounded iffy, as some areas felt really plain and dragged this down, while others areas were a lot stronger and more creative. Rethinkng the sound balance and pulling back the drums probably would have been a good idea, but that could be just my opinion. The arrangement is good, but when it's over I'm left I'm doing the so-so hand motion and seeing lots of potential for improvement. I'd argue the arrangement started off stronger, with the last section arranging "Bordeaux" sounding the weakest in execution, resulting in a bland finish. The likelihood of resubmission coule be low, but at the end of the day I just can't quite give this the nod. While I picked the track apart with criticisms, a lot of aspects were good. Really hope this isn't the last we hear of you guys around here. Keep submitting stuff! NO (refine/resubmit)
  15. Hi, Here are the details of my ReMix submission... Contact Info: Remixer & real name: Chris Grey E-mail add: collapsethelight@gmail.com Website: www.soundclick.com/cgreymusic Forum username: StarsDie Remix Info: Remix Name: The Legend of Monkey Island Games remixed: Monkey Island Series & Legend of Zelda Name of songs remixed: Monkey Island Title Theme, Cemetery Theme, LeChuck's Theme Legend of Zelda Overword Theme Comments: This is a rock/metal remix of music from a couple of my favourite games. It combines variations on themes from the Monkey Island series of games and the Legend of Zelda overworld theme. Originally put together as a bit of fun, but thought it might be worthy of inclusion on the OCRemix despite being a remix of two totally unrelated games! I was originally inspired to make this after hearing Trapeziod's amazing 'Monkey Brain Soup for the Soul' remix of the Monkey Island 2 music. Recorded in Cubase using real guitars and bass, plus drum and orchestral soft synths. Cheers, Chris ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Secret of Monkey Island (Game Rip) - (01) "Monkey Island Theme" [:01-1:13] http://www.zophar.net/nsf/zelda.zip - Track 3 [1:13-2:13] LeChuck's Revenge (Game Rip) - (08) "Scabb Island Cemetary" [2:13-3:18] The Secret of Monkey Island (Game Rip) - (11) "LeChuck's Theme" [3:18-4:35] Certainly no problem integrating pieces from two wholly different series. I thought it was far from seamless in terms of the styles matching up, so I wasn't feeling the Zelda section at all, but it wasn't terrible. The arrangement title leaves something to be desired, but it gets the point across. However, the percussion definitely stands out as the weak link here. A shame when an otherwise solid rock piece has lackluster sequenced percussion. Bland patterns, especially on the generic-sounding drum samples, took away from the skill of the guitar performance and undermined the overall energy of the piece. Gotta spruce that up in a major way and hit us back with this one. Use the ReMixing forum to learn more about making effective use of your sampled drums in a rock setting, harass SnappleMan for advice, and resubmit this once you've improved on that level. Not only will it complete this piece effectively, but the skills you pick up would be applicable to future work. Great base so far, Chris. Hope you stick around the community here and continue to develop your skills. NO (rework/resubmit)
  16. Good luck, Dan. You and ArmCannon deserve to make it over there.
  17. Contacted the artist regarding the source usage - LT pot_hocket (tekcoh_top) michael lee pot.hocket@gmail.com 15440 rachel (final fantasy 6) again 2 guitars (new guitar) and km184 neumann mic. I had a wip on the forums here a long time ago, but I scrapped it and deleted everything in a hissyfit. Heh anyways, I really loved the scenes in FF6 involving locke and rachel. She...*cough* OOOspoiler spoilerOOO runs away with kefka forever and happily ever after... but not for locke. i tried to capture whatever emotions (regret, bitterness, goodmemories, etc) that locke would feel [unless he were actually a robot (omg)...or had a lobotomy-gone-bad]. The earlier wip/version didnt do a good job in my opinion of having enough emotion, and I think this one was a lot easier for me due to circumstances. Anyways, I hope it's a good listen. -- -pot.hocket --------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ff6 - "Forever Rachel!" (ff6-204.spc) As y'all know, I'm a big proponent of the 50% arrangement concept and personally feel it's core to the site. Anything less than 50% makes it ambiguous as to whether the arrangement is more of a tribute to the original composer or more to the artist themselves. That doesn't imply intent, creative value, or quality, but merely examines execution. With that said, I felt like I have good handle on this source after looping last night and all day and contacted Mike regarding the arrangement. What I'm left with is a mix that barely doesn't make it on the arrangement level. Quoting/paraphrasing myself, the only areas I recognize are :00-1:02 & 1:57-2:35. The section at the end of each verse (i.e. :29-:38, :52-1:02 & 2:12-2:19) sounds pretty liberal but seems derived from :47-:57 of the source. I'm really trying to give this as much credit as I can, and those sections are a stretch. 1:03-1:57 & 2:35-3:23 sounded wholly original and unrelated to the interpretation of the source tune, and wasn't disputed by Michael. So with that said, 100 seconds of a 203-second arrangement: 49.26%. Now a vote like that is anal, but again, to me VGM arrangement should be predominant to wholly original material in any and all cases on OCR, no matter what. VGM is what the site is tributing. >50% is a fair and unambiguous cutoff. Anything lower automatically becomes arbitrary. As soon as you slide the bar down to 49.9%, you can potentially then move it down to 49%. Or 45%. Or 40%. Even 33%. And it starts placing less emphasis on VGM interpretation and more on "what sounds good." I'm not going to endorse anything that knowingly moves us in that direction. Even if it's 49% VGM arrangement like it is here. 50.01%, I would have put it as a direct post in a heartbeat. If I'm missing any clear arrangement that puts this over the line, let me know. This is definitely an excellent track. I gave due diligence on all levels I could. NO (borderline/refine/resubmit)
  18. IKNOW, RITE! I gotta say, I agree with the repetition criticisms, but I feel like the track still came together well enough. I would like to think that the exact same arrangement with varied percussion would be an easy pass, rather than it being voted down for being empty. I felt the textures were enough to adequately fill out the soundfield despite not being complex. If the perc patterns were more varied, that be great. But what's there was already pretty intricate, which is why it didn't catch my attention before and why it isn't a problem for me having been pointed out now. Unless that popcorn-like percussion turns out to be a preset, then I'm surprisingly ok with it. [/outlier]
  19. Hi, my name is Misha Mansoor I would like to submit my remix to the forums. My username is bulb My email address is thisfilter@gmail.com My website is www.myspace.com/iambulb My user ID is 21924 The game i remixed was Final Fantasy 7 I remixed the Jenova Theme. The original composer is Nobuo Uematsu I have actually been meaning to do this for a while now, its really different from my usual style of music (feel free to check out the music on www.myspace.com/iambulb and www.myspace.com/periphery if you like what you hear!) but Nobuo is and has been a huge inspiration to me since my introduction to him with this game. I just finally sat down and did it instead of going out haha!! I have attached the file to the email, please submit the song as "A Song For Sephiroth's Mom" and the artist as "Bulb" Thanks! Misha Mansoor ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FF7_psf.rar - 214 "J-E-N-O-V-A", 307 "Cid's Theme", 201 "Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII" Any longer of a track at these levels, my ears would have broken. This was some balls out stuff, with some insane drum power. Nice drum writing for sure, compared to J-E-N-O-V-A's very straightforward pattern. Performance-wise, no issue here. Awesome power metal. Indeed, we need more metal in our diet. It's how interpretive the arrangement that's the debatable issue. On account of the instrumental expansion (Otto: "You know those guitars that are like...double guitars?"), the soundfield felt cramped, but didn't sound bad. Probably would have encoded at VBR to get as close to 192kbps as possible. Things felt too conservative within the genre adaptation, but it's mostly played live which was a plus. The additional harmonization and embellishments were definitely needed. The cameo appearences of "Cid's Theme" and "Main Theme" from 1:31-2:08 were cool, albeit unexplored potential. Ending at 2:26 was really weak, but at least it didn't end more abruptly than that. Can't help think about what this could have been, i.e. being more interpretive melodically and thus exploring the theme, as well as having a real ending. But since Misha didn't want to build horizontally, he built vertically. Even then though, it could have been pulled off with more interpretation. As is, it's a kickass cover, but as an interpretive enough arrangement it's just not there. Not a problem if this passes, and clearly Bulb knows what he's doing, but when the structure of the original is kept intact, I need more interpretation than what was presented here. If this doesn't pass, hopefully Misha will submit more down the line. NO (borderline)
  20. Wow. Certainly interested in how this turns out.
  21. Cool stuff, but I've always wonder what, if anything, if being arranged from 3:23 until the end. Didn't hear it anywhere in the GBS or NSF sets. Pretty seamless original writing if that's in fact what it was, but I wish Mike or someone else could give more information.
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