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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Contact Info: Remixer Name: Austin Thresher User ID: 11105 (I think, the name is DeathBySpoon) Remix Info: Game Remixed: Tetris Attack Song Remixed: Forest Stage Comments: Not much to say here, this is what I've been working on for the past month or so. The name is in reference to one of the most sadistic platformer levels a 9 year old has ever played, Poochy Ain't Stupid, from Yoshi's Island. Riding that mutt across pits of lava and trying to grab every red coin, flower, and not get hit was a feat that I simply was not capable of as a child. Thankfully, I have since completed the level successfully, but the traumatic memories still remain. Thanks go out to Tensei-San for help on the rock part in the middle, Johnny Hemberger for mastering it, and God for blessing me with the ability to try and make music in the first place. Now if it's OCR quality is another thing all together, but that's why I'm submitting it, isn't it? Thanks for taking the time to listen to and judge the song! ---------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ta - "Forest Stage" (ta-16.spc) That's certainly an interesting source. Not really anything I expected from this game at all. Sequenced piano fading in sounded pretty mechanical, but was covered up decently; exposed but not terribly. Not feeling that drum tone at :31; didn't mesh well with the other sounds and sounded too upfront. Every time I hear the drum from that kit, I cringe. No one in the recent past has ever integrated it comfortably; it never fits well. Then the drum tone completely changed at :47 to something softer and more distant-sounding; we're talking completely different. That kind of dramatic change in the soundscape sounds amateur and is a finer detail that got lost in the big picture. The guitar at :48 sounded sluggish and slightly off-time. Combined with the drums, the textures are very interesting. Better stuff with the piano and bass combination from 1:20-1:36 followed by some more interesting percussion work and woodwind sequencing. At this point, a lot of different instrumentation ideas were getting thrown into the mix, but provided good ideas for the arragement to evolve with. Meh, return of those tacky drums at 2:24. The guitar work again could stand to be tighter and with more energy. And again, not a fan of how with the live recording stuff, things sounded a little murky, then at 2:56 the soundscape goes squeaky clean. The arrangement needs to sound like it's all coming from the same room. Ending at 3:36 was weak and could have been extended, and I think the last note was too high; just sounded awkward as the resolution. You've got some good arrangement ideas, Austin, but need to enhance the production game, as well as get the actual live performance aspects of the arrangement sounding a lot stronger. I'm not sure if you're in a position to get this spruced up enough for a successful resub, but I would try and see what you learn along the way. NO (rework/resubmit)
  2. Hey DJPretzel, It's been a LOONG time coming (my original remix was from NES TMNT and submitted as having been created by "Roddy Toomim and Kain Minter"), but I've finally done a new 'remix', even though this one wasn't intended to be a remix. Funny how that happens. Here's the required info: Contact info: Remixer Name: DJGeki Real Name: Roddy Toomim Email: rtoomim@cagames.com Website: www.cagames.com Userid: erm...I forgot this...it's been a while Remix info: Name of Game Remixed: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Name of Individual Song Remixed: Gerudo Valley Comments: This track started off being an homage to Koji Kondo's original work from LoZ:OoT, and spiraled away from there. It ended up quite obviously very different, but with overtones of the original ever-present. I've never written anything quite as complex as this (as far as instrumentation and part-writing goes), nor have I ever written a guitar piece, so I hope everything sounds decent. My monitors have been known to lie about bass! Thanks for listening, and if you like this, come visit the Cryptic Allusion forums or email me to talk about it! Thanks again, DJP. I look forward to your (or your judge's) comments! Roddy Toomim Sound Developer Lead Co-Owner - Cryptic Allusion Games, LLC
  3. I've bedded your mom, so I can say that I've ALREADY BEEN THERE!
  4. My remixer name: Lulanie Name: Melissa My E-mail contact: squirrellygirl_1@yahoo.com Website: http://lulanie.googlepages.com/home mp3 link: Username: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=4834 Name of game: Final Fantasy 9 remix song title: Something Bitter original song: Bittersweet romance original song link: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/sony/ps1/ff9_-_Bittersweet_Romance.mid Song info: Nobuo Uematsu, playstation, squaresoft, yr.2000 About this song... there isn't much other then its short and sweet and to its point, that is, being a little bitter. I was looking at some midi's to find this song and well for some reason I felt it would sound better by being more simple. An acoustic feel to it if you will. Though I can say that its not much more different then its original; I felt that straying from its original melody wouldn't do it any justice. I tried my best since it has been a few years since I've played with music. All I can say is I hope you enjoy it for what it is: simple, possibly sweet and a little bitter. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FF9_psf.rar - 417 Bittersweet Romance Oof. Decidedly MIDI, though with some decent effects on there to flesh out the soundscape a bit more. Pretty mechanical sequencing though, and very exposed throughout the track. There's a little bit of arrangement value, but not much. If anything, it sounds like you took a MIDI and messed around with it a bit, even keeping it to one playthrough like the original. The textures are definitely even more simplistic than the original. Way too generous, I should have given the form letter, but didn't know the original. Keep learning more, but you're very far off the mark as far as the standards here go. You may wanna send your stuff to VGMusic.com if you haven't been already. MIDI stuff is no good here, and you need substantially more interpretation of the original song. NO
  5. Remixer/real name: Steve Pordon email: music3@neutronstar.org URL: http://neutronstar.org/music UserID: 11 Game: Undying Song: Main Theme link: This is my death metal remix of Undying's main theme. Lyrics: Enter the house / Of the ghosts of the Covenant Invoke the curse / Of the ring of stones A "family illness" / A sacrifice A prank gone wrong / A suicide "On nights when I cannot sleep, I look out from my bed to the monastary out my window. "The reflections of the waters that separate us ripple across my bedroom walls, "Filling the room with waves of moonlight." Faith will not / Be your armor You'll cross the threshhold / Soon, my brother Immortal soul / In search of rest Eternal mistress / Of the shadows The dream city of forgotten souls, a sky that bleeds crimson You woke the sprits of the island, incantations and corruption "Surely there is another force working among us, one capable of pure evil "A loving god could never allow such pain and agony "Is it this force that eats at me at night and leaves my dreams unsettled?" I'll never sleep again, I'll never love again, I'll never dream again, I'll never live again I'm undying. -steve ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Clive Barker's Undying (Game Rip) - (03) Menu Screen Opening piano sounded a bit mechanical but was ok. Drums at :15 felt pretty hollow, and the machine gun style effect at :25 sounded cheesy. :40-:44 sounded empty despite the drumming, and wasn't a strong transition point, IMO. The death metal vocals are fine. It's mostly the backing instrumentation sounding really flimsy when exposed that was the problem. When things are more crowded, things sounded fine on the whole. The transition at 2:37 should have been smoother. The overall soundscape was otherwise fairly good, keeping the genre in mind, but there needs to be more balance and polish on the production side in spots. :15-1:06 & 2:37-3:13 needs the instrumentation polished up. Sorry I can't give more specific suggestions on how to improve this, Steve. Pretty close though, let's see what the others say. NO (refine/resubmit)
  6. remixer name: Radiowar user ID: 15569 game: DKC2 song remixed: Stickerbrush Symphony Hey again, this remix started off as a solo piano piece, when EazyP got interested in it and sort of requested a version with more orchestral elements to be submitted to R:TS...it never got posted though so I figured I'd at least try and submit it here.
  7. The bitrate limit is 192kbps, and the size limit is 6MB. You can go below those limits. Just let me know how you want the thread title, and I can change it.
  8. He has inquired within, so let's get some more votes.
  9. This was a corrupted Google Pages sub, and this was the only submission where I didn't hear back from the artist with a fixed copy. After periodically trying to redownload it, I checked the link again today, and it worked, so check it out. Please give this one your attention.
  10. Ain't NOBODY gets a free pass into the Follin project. You gotta deliver. But if you've got something good, and it's not quite ready for primetime, I'll help ya through!
  11. I've mulled over the idea of moving current competitions back to General in order to increase viewership. For selfish reasons, of course, as one is potentially related to my project. But the move underscores how many think stuff posted in Comps loses attention. When current compos complete, they will be moved back to Competitions as more of an archive. I haven't run this past anybody, so it's more of an impulse thing, and we'll see how it goes after I discuss things more with TO & Douli.
  12. I believe I asked djp and he said no. It hasn't been hashed out, primarily because we haven't had anything good enough as a submission to warrant the discussion. So the short answer is "not likely, but no one's significantly tried."
  13. -Contact Info- ReMixer Name: Lyrebird Real Name: Kyle Johnston E-mail Address: dirgefordecember@hotmail.com Userid: 21267 -ReMix Info- Game: Wonderboy III: The Dragon's Trap Song Title: Monster Town Additional Info: Originally released for the Sega Master System in 1989; later re-released on the TurboGrafx-16 as "Dragon's Curse." Original Soundtrack: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/sega/master/wb3town.mid -Comments- It astonishes me that this classic title hasn't received a single ReMix treatment on your site! It has been all but completely forgotten, it seems; and for this reason I began my arrangement with a solemn militaristic salute to a fantastic franchise that, sadly, has been relegated to the annals of gaming history. At the tender age of five, my only ambition in life was obtaining a Nintendo Entertainment System (by begging my parents, natch). Boy, was I thrilled on that fateful day when my dad brought home a... SEGA MASTER SYSTEM?!? At the time, it was a mistake and a concession; but that ol' system housed what quickly became and still remains as one of my favourite games of all time: Wonder Boy III. I call my ReMix, "The Hu-Man Condition" and anybody who has played the game will almost certainly groan at my dreadful pun. This is my first completed ReMix (after far too many aborted projects) and it was reasonably tough to realise; primarily due to how brief the original melody is. Though the beauty is in its simplicity, and so I didn't want to compromise it by introducing anything too radical. Instead, I focused on varying the instrumentation and adding some restrained melodic flourishes--here is the result. Thanks! - Lyrebird -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quaint little track. Didn't strike me as the best arrangement material, but that of course doesn't mean you can't get some real mileage off of it. Let's see waddap. http://www.zophar.net/vgm/wonderb3.zip - "Monster-Town" Man, what was that crazy drumming video BGC had me check out before? The fast drumming here in the intro brought that to mind a little bit. Pretty authentic sounding drumwork, which was very cool. The brass was a little lacking, but was decent. The bowed string attacks starting around :32 were pretty awkward in places and could use more refinement. Plus the timing felt slightly off with the drumming; up until 1:05, the track felt slightly off. Cool harp idea at 1:05, followed by the mallet percussion at 1:36. The texture of the mallet percussion, piano and vox felt pretty awkward; vox didn't sound very good and the piano seemed to be doing it own thing half the time, out of step with the other instrumentation. Lots of good ideas/concepts, but not solidly put together yet. The textures felt pretty thin to me, like one or two more additional parts could have really helped this out, but we'll see how the others feel. Hope you revisit this one to attempt to tighten the screws, Kyle, if only as a learning experience. Cool first sub, I hope we hear from you again. NO
  14. Original Decision: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=8157 name: Shaun Wallace avaris.studios@gmail.com remixer name: avaris 88369 Andrew Leurs ReMixer name: OA Andrew@oceansend.com http://www.oceansend.com 13647 Andrew Skrypnyk djskrypnyk@gmail.com 6278 Alrrrighty so when redoing this song we tried to improve on everything you guys liked and trashed everything else. Big thanks goes to Hemophiliac for helping Skryp and I in the initial process of redoing this song. I tried to add some orchestral strings to fill out the mix but things weren't clicking. Then OA joined in on the fun providing some sweet string action and some little epiano riffs. Thanks for listening. ~Shaun --------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/gbs/ffa.zip - Track 1 ("Rising Sun") Mostly good. The intro sounded way better but was meandering from :21-:30. To me, the drums at :32 didn't fit at all and were too punchy and loud within the texture. Not sure what was up with the transition at :57; not the smoothest one I've ever heard. Overly thick drums returned at 1:12. Didn't understand how the cymbal crashes are nice and light, but the drums are so loud. And the drums just kept going until 1:55. The percussion changeup could have also been handled less abruptly. Aside from those drums returning at 2:40, 2:40-on was where things started locking together more as DarkeSword would say. I really liked the harmonies within the arrangement, and things developed well. Andy with some sexy but subtle e-piano work at 3:31; well done. The textures were extra swanky, and once things had picked up at 2:46, even those drums I disliked clicked a lot better with the other sounds. I hate to kick this one in the junk, as you guys are getting a lot of things right. But what's wrong feels very wrong and takes me out of listening experience, especially them drums. Is anybody feeling me on this? In any case, tweak it, send it on back. To me, the arrangement is fine and doesn't need to be touched. Now you just gotta tighten the bolts and screws for the first half as well as some of the transitions. NO (refine/resubmit)
  15. I may have to join Facebook after that post. It's more effective than djp going "Join the Facebook group, damn you!" Meanwhile, I love my hobby-job! Also, help Armcannon get more exposure and cast your vote for them before the end of Sunday, July 29.
  16. Done. You got my vote, bros, and good luck. VOTE: Center of the page, towards the bottom.
  17. Dear Lord, I think I've...seen that movie. I blame The Lady.
  18. For the record, I didn't hear any bad entries. Stop crapping on yourselves.
  19. Even if he was around, he might not have a fixed version at that bitrate, or the project files.
  20. Hey bro, sorry you missed the panel this year, as we definitely had it pretty early, both this year and last. We'll see what we can do about a Saturday time next year so that fans don't risk being stuck in line at the start of the con. Otakon is a must every year for us now, so we'll definitely be there next year.
  21. You receive the "X Project Coordinator" in your User Title (only editable by staff) if your project shows that it's likely to be completed. The only incomplete projects that have this AFAIK are the Tales project, zircon's FF7 project, TO's Doom 2 project, and my project. I know these projects will be completed, no question, which is why we get leeway. When other projects are very close to completion and demostrate that, then custom title shall forever be EMBLAZONED under your name. In other words, get crackin'.
  22. We've had general Aplus iffyness on account of djp's credit card changing since he registered with them. I believe he said earlier that they tried to bill the old one when renewal time came, and (of course) it didn't take, so the mirror went down. He can elaborate and/or go over the extent of what's working with that mirror.
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