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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Any comments on my time at VGL last weekend would be appreciated!
  2. Video Games Live. VG Frequency. Naturally.
  3. DjSammyG managed to get his picture in a Washingtonian blog article on the event: http://www.washingtonian.com/blogarticles/artsfun/afterhours/4468.html I finally had time tonight to write of my own experiences at Video Games Live, courtesy of the VG Frequency blog. You clearly want to read of the experience of someone who was on stage at one point!
  4. 1. Sonic the Hedgehog 'Love Hurts' 2. Castlevania II 'Down Town' 3. Final Fantasy VI 'Cantata for Dancing: I. Mors ego sum mortis' 4. Chrono Trigger 'Time Chill' 5. Super Mario World 'Monstrous Turtles!' 6. Xenogears 'Pillar of Salt' In the middle of 'Pillar', the house lights went up and it was time for the show.
  5. Remixer name: Darangen Real Name: Michael Boyd email: darangen@hotmail.com website: www.darangen.com URL: Game: Final Fantasy 7 Song: Electric De Chocobo This song was made for the Voices of the Lifestream project in progress. Made it a while ago but wasn't sure whether to submit it or not, but here it goes I originally had the leads an octave lower, but Zircon recommended the higher leads, which do sound a lot brighter and fit better in the mix. It's fairly short, and sticks pretty close to the original except for a bridge I threw in there to keep things a little new. I'm really proud of the outcome, since I did almost everything in Reason and the only live instrument is my acoustic guitar and bass. Anyways, hope ya like it. ~ Mizike ~ Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FF7_psf.rar - 207 "Electric de Chocobo" It's a cool track, but where da rest? Drums from :22-:37 felt rather flimsy. The textures are cool, but don't seem very complex or involved. 1:12-1:41 had a well-written original section before transitioning back to the source chorus with a redux at 1:57. In terms of the treatment of the Chocobo theme, it just seems to play it too straight. On top of that, the arranged melody just repeats, with the variation mainly coming from the background instrumentation. For a 2-minute track, I need more substance with the arrangement of the melody itself to give something this short the go-ahead. Sorry, Mike. NO (resubmit)
  6. I mailed the artist about the source tunes, since I've got no idea what they're supposed be; any help? - LT Remixer Name: MarcstaR (spelled like this now) Real Name: Marcus Sartor Email: motb2@hotmail.com Website: www.myspace.com/Marcstar1 Game Remixed: Final Fantasy XI Song Remixed: The three songs that the bard class can play Game Info: Final Fantasy XI. PS2, PC, and Xbox 360. Compsers on FFXI are: Nobuo Uematsu, Naoshi Mizuta and Kumi Tanoki. Game Soundtrack: It's hard to find the FFXI soundtrack for download, the best I've found is a page with midi versions of the songs: http://ffxi.mmosite.com/downloads/midi/midi.shtml Remix comments: I made this remix using a combination of Reason, Digital Performer, my Yamaha Motif and my guitar. Here is a link to the song: Thanks for your time, MarcstaR LT EDIT (9/28): DarkeSword's speculation that the sources weren't in the soundtrack was dead on. Finally heard back from Marcus via Facebook, and he provided the low: No worries about the inconvience. Just glad to have reached you on this. Indeed, though the 3 melodies are harmonized in the YouTube video, they're easily distinguished.
  7. remixer name: alexhhhh user ID: 15569 game remixed: Super Mario RPG song remixed: Weapons Factory I've been working on this song for awhile now, I actually submitted it back in may last year i think but it must have fell through. either way I'm glad because it was a pretty terrible song. So uh there's a range of influences in this song, at first I wanted to make a Boards of Canada type song but some Crystal Method influence got in there. not to mention this is my first time doing a full out dnb/big beat type song, hopefully it doesn't sound too forced together. This isn't really the easiest song to remix since it's basically two repeating phrases, the only melodic variation coming from the key change between C and F#, so the source is used pretty liberally in the first half and the outro...hope that isn't an issue. so uh yeah enjoy --------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=smr - "Weapons Factory" (smr-217.spc) You need some meat on these beats! I liked the drum programming, but it sounded too flimsy. The bassline was also really quiet; no idea why though. Give it more presence. I was feeling the changeup at 2:03, focused on some unintelligible vocals. The strings brought in at 2:28 sounded ultra-rough; the bow movements were very mechanical, and the intensity/velocity of each note sounded too similar. There was also some weird muddiness going on from 2:28-on where I couldn't quite place the reason. Things sounded pretty cluttered, the distorted synth upfront not helping at all. As soon as the electric guitar-like synth came in at 3:18, the sound balance was thrown way off. The strings were barely audible, and the distorted synth just gave off a crowding out effect towards the other sounds until 4:07. Really nice ending section though; loved the voice samples at the very end, and the sounds were well chosen. You need to bulk up these textures and get the sound balance sounding better during the cluttered sections. Good arrangement ideas so far, Alexhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Keep working on this one. NO (resubmit)
  8. Hey now, Sammy got in the costume contest fair and square. Besides, it was the crowd who voted. We were extra loud, but it took the whole crowd to give him the win. q-pa and Kroze only filtered it down to the main contestants. YOU MAKING US LOOK BAD!
  9. Read the whole thing, you cracka-ass cracka! By the way, I've blogged ya up! Congrats on the pending nuptials, bro. Hey, can I get a metaphor with Kuribo's Shoe? No dice? What a drag.
  10. Xoc's got some new stuffz pimped out in the blog. You gotta go check it out.
  11. Nah, it looks good. I fixed only a few things for spelling/grammar (95% of it was impeccable), then added links galore and keywords for the post. Thanks a lot, Mattias, and welcome aboard.
  12. I don't know you or nothin, but you made a remix once. That's coo. THANKS FOR NOT TELLING US AT THE MEETUP ABOUT YOUR BITHRDAY SOON< U COULD HAVE SCORED SOME FREE PRESENTS, BUT NOES!
  13. I'm the editor. Have at it. Blog about OCR and game music mostly. Other game related stuff is always cool in moderation.
  14. Your "origin of name" information is not new to me! To me, it's as old as New Coke. No, but gimme yo money.
  15. No problem. You should have an invite waiting for you. Any ReMixer who's a good writer is welcome.
  16. Well, these recent posts answer my question about accepting the auto-update...
  17. Bitch, bitch, bitch. I like people being stuck with their name. Means you need to choose it wisely. But as for being 100% stuck with it... Most requests are handled the same day: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=9785
  18. I don't mind so much. It's of course annoying when someone else has the name elsewhere. Nonetheless, I'm the seventh and eight Google hit for "Liontamer", so I'd like to think that I've done a good job co-opting it. Indeed, the internet predates nicknames.
  19. The cropped ones don't look too bad. A better way to see how they'd look in use is to space out the avatars more (that's for either horizontal or vertical spacing), rather than lining them up with no gaps. Try it.
  20. Because you're lame. Because your mom is also lame.
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