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Arek the Absolute

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Everything posted by Arek the Absolute

  1. so i tried to play it today, but the textures really are not that great and kinda hurt my eyes a bit *seriously* anyone know any good pc mods for the textures to make them look pretty so i can actually tolerate the graphics enough to play it?
  2. Does anyone play this game anymore? I want to get some matches in with people here.
  3. hostile cause it sucks balls except for a select few tracks also wow, 360 can't upload to their own channel? really?
  4. moba's have lore? also the term moba is stupid
  5. but... but where will i shout random obscenities at magfest now that this is live? aka u stil doin recorded show at mag?
  6. What would you think would be the right amount I should save up for one, then? I am willing to go a bit higher on the drumkit. I expected it to be a bit more expensive. The piano is my main focus right now, and since I was shown one that is around $600, I don't mind spending a bit more on the kit. I want one that I will be able to use for a while, so what do you think would be the best one I should go for? EDIT: For the piano, I am also looking to use it as a midi controller later down the road, so if anyone has any idea for a good piano that ALSO happens to be a decent midi controller, that would be great. The more I think about it, the more I realize I know exactly NOTHING when it comes to pianos/midi controllers/things that people use to make music on computer with. Yeesh EDIT x2: Skipping on the piano for now. Just going to focus on the drumkit. Budget just shot up to around $1500.
  7. EDIT: Forgoing the piano for now. Just going to get the drumkit, which actually allows me 1500+ I am looking for recommendations for both an electronic piano and electronic drum kit. I have $700 set aside for each *1400 total* and am willing to go a bit higher if you guys know something a bit above that range. For the drum kit, I am looking for something durable as well as something that has more than 5 pieces. It also must be able to have double bass pedals used on it. I am working on getting ready for joining up with a band soon, so this will be my go to instrument for that since I cannot have a "real" drum kit at home due to the noise it would create. For the piano, I am looking for something that is awesome while still not amazingly expensive. Dhsu a few years back recommended me the yamaha p-90, but since that is now discontinued, something that is as great as that or even better would be wonderful. Thanks guys! Looking forward to seeing what I can nab!
  8. This price drop means nothing if they don't change around features we have been wanting for a while. The first thing they should focus on is the revamping of the online feature for the 3ds. Take away the damn friendcodes and allow us to actually have a use for the friend system, since all we can currently do is notice someone is online and that is it. Nintendo has always had such a weird stance with online, and now would be the best time to show us that they get that they were wrong with it. That, if anything, will be a great first step in really showing that they want our trust back in the product, since right now, online on the 3ds is nothing but a fucking joke.
  9. wow, what the hell? this is getting serious edit: that c&d was sent out in february dont think its related
  10. the sad part about this is that there literally was no reason for cancelling it there was a huge following and the devroom had so many fans helping with each thing they asked to have help on id understand if there was no hype for this game but thats not the case at all what the hell
  11. Those are definitely around C, and thank the lord they are having at least a tiny bit of modesty with bust sizes. I expect that modesty to be destroyed when we see more new female characters, though.
  12. Super Supporter status reppin ocr. Anyone else goin super supporter?
  13. Beaten TMNT 1 Beaten all 3 NES Ninja Gaidens (insert snes stuff most people said in thread) Fuck that sword, Monobrow. Everytime I get it, my levels are maxed out, which fucks with Ness's growths later in the game. I never gotten it below being level 99. grumble grumble
  14. im getting this error saying for me to delete motd_entries.txt to play and thats never happened before deleted it and im still gettin an error saying for me to delete it wat
  15. Shadow Complex is a tribute to Metroid, not a rip off. Get your facts straight. The achievements obviously show it is. Outland isn't a rip off of Metroid either. What, now suddenly all 2-D adventure games rip off Metroid? If that is the case, Zelda 2, and practically every 2-d adventure game has ripped off Metroid. See how dumb that sounds?
  16. rofl really? judgin on day 1 yang vs hakan who was in since ssf4 came out wudevs dude
  17. The "sfw" version of ska buffet, a track we have featured in our upcoming tribute, has been posted on ocremix! Go check it out!
  18. where did the hype for this go? LEZ GET ON THIS
  19. lol wow, so many lurkers are hopping on this :) are you guys doing ip checks for entrants to prevent people from entering more than once?
  20. Totally in it to win it. Uematsu is one of the best composers to ever live. No joke.
  21. ww and mm are so close that i cant say one is better than the other
  22. I think after getting a "feel" for Yang yesterday, I like him a lot. Time to actually learn how to play him right
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