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Everything posted by Cecilff2

  1. You guys I think we just didn't get it at first. But can't you see? It's Halo in Mario! OMG!
  2. Those are some pretty neat effects. Luigi vs Fighting Captain Falcon team. Show me your moves! Show me your moves! Show me your moves! *CHING*
  3. Well, no more black hole glitch.
  4. Wait, where's waldo?
  5. Toon Link's FS really should have been using the windwaker to do Ballad of Gales(Or whatever that was called), then watching a giant cyclone cause pain on everyone.
  6. I've been wondering that too. She's not even an AT is she? She coulda had a nice FS as a char too with the shadow magic mask thing.
  7. He's an odd fellow that man.
  8. Endless Ocean was released yesterday. Not sure if it's worth the buy but user reviews on gamespot averaged 9(scoring averaged 8.1).
  9. FALSE INFO REPORTER. And to think he tried to tell me that I was gonna be in SB:B. May he burn in that special hell reserved for child molesters and people that talk during theaters.
  10. I lost vs Dama twice. Gave him two free pieces. Gonna get a decent rest before playin again.
  11. If you can't get to their forums for the video, try here instead.
  12. Yeah they aren't doing young Goku which is seriously messed up. The plot is the DB one though.
  13. Unfortunately no it isn't. At least its DB not DBZ. Still I can't see them making it any less sickening.
  14. Hay guys, im thiking of submitign a aewsome orgiinal mix. i call it The Immigration Song adn it si so uniqie dat its not evn a vg mix. I wan to make it in new style. it sound liek Led Zeplin(LOLOLOOL roCK On ) chaenge almost nothing to reflekt how teh awesmenes of musikpuriti thi sis . i pst it n WIP soon k?
  15. I'd love to play chess with some peeps I prefer MSN usually but my AIM's fusoyaff2, and I'll try to be on. Also not available till at least 5 PM Central
  16. Just thought I'd bump this with another JT LOL update Videogames caused 9/11
  17. Wow thats a great list, with many games I've loved to play, as well as missing one important one. I never see Return of Egypt on any list. The game stars Moses, but completely ignores biblical story and makes its own up where you fight egyptian gods to the death then beat the crap out of pharoah. Think of it like SotN. The whole story is in Japanese so I have no idea whats going on, but that just made me laugh harder at it.
  18. Of all the Zelda games I've ever played...OoT is the only one I haven't finished. I rented it, but I could never get into it for some reason. Including OoT, I've played lttp, awakening, both oracles, minish, wind waker and tp. I've been wanting to try it again, but until I get a broadband connection of some sort, I cannot use Virtual Console.
  19. Haha just wait until you get to the luma level where theres an old penguin that says this is his fishing spot.
  20. I never went back after the genesis 6-button. It was the most bestest controller ever. Plus it made MK2 so much easier.
  21. I loved the sweet sweet galaxy music too. Its great to see love for not only SMB3 music, but SMB64. I was grinning when I entered the second dome's boss level and heard the bowser stage music from SMB64. Also, that level was awesome, and the choral music during the boss were pretty cool too. I set that off several times before realizing what I was supposed to be doing during that time.
  22. Got it yesterday, but only had enough time to get the first grand star and 2 other stars. Liking what I'm seeing so far. Realizing I'm not gonna fall if I jump over an edge is still taking some getting used to.
  23. I'm confused why everyone has trouble with the Ice upgrade boss. Even my first time through I had no trouble with him. He was even easier for me on Hyper difficulty. Then again I didn't have a problem with going into hyper mode while fighting him. As for difficulty I'd say this one was about tied with MP1(Fricken Mogenar is annoying on any difficulty), and Metroid Prime 2 is the hardest.
  24. The Great Chase is an awesome level. Agree? Disagree? Zakuuuuuuuuuuuuuu?
  25. The frankenstein-like level was fun once I figured out how to get more chemicals.
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