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Everything posted by Salluz

  1. Y'know, that reminds me, I have a hard time grabbing characters like Marth/Ike; their swords! Too much reach! Slapping you across the stage from across the stage! Okay, 'cuz I have been playing against the hardest(Marth/Roy) on Melee for a while; other people use 'em to death, but that's because they kick ass. I should be getting a Wii very soon, now that I'm going to get hired (finally) [/livejournal]
  2. That reminds me, grabs are a technique that must be mastered by strenuous practice, my friends. ... and may the force be with you.
  3. Common sense, people... creativity + effort = art.
  4. You know, I am going to label you one of the coolest people on OCR; you aren't full of shit, you don't spam, you're not pompous, and you have proven yourself to be intelligent. So, from what you're saying, Peach is a pretty buggy character, mostly because of her range issues and need for smash power. Well, now that I have thought about it, the thing I hated most about Peach was her Brawl special. What's your beef, my friend? I would ask that you give better advice, but since you're leaving the thread, farewell.
  5. I am not a game designer, but still, I will tell you this: make your college stats flexible. Basically, be able to do things like write, do math, draw, program, etc. Show them that you know more than just video games. Edit: it's probably not good to make the above your major.
  6. Peach's advantages: <<< 1. She can use her vegetables (Down + to hit someone as a way to force them to go into defense, which is when she can unleash her true wrath (trickery). Downfall: they can throw them back at you. Cover-up of downfall: sometimes, she'll pick up something different, like a beamsword or bob-omb. 2. She has super-responsive counterattacking ability. 3. The greatest hops (maybe), and irrefutably the best hangtime (when you're in the air and you've done your double-jump, hold the jump button to hover in the same y-coordinate (y > 0; above the ground, for your math-haters) across the board until button is released) 4. The Peach Bomber (Forward + is best after tricking or entrapping your opponent. It is not a good move to reiterate; best as a special smash. 5. The Umbrella (Up + does not smash, but it combos well. It will not work against Link's (Down + A), but it will juggle opponents who don't smash you from above. 6. The simple B move (Toad) makes the aggressor receive their own damage. Only good when timed right and not overused. 7. Peach has a lot of variations; her forward smashes change each time you do it, plus her vegetable attack can vary, as stated above. 8. It is best to do an air attack in the first jump. The second jump can be followed by an air attack (via A button), but that isn't wise against others with quick reflexes / aerial counterattacks. The reason why aerial attacks are awkward with the second jump is because Peach's double jump is a spin in the air, usually with some horizontal, slightly unstable movement; "floaty". 9. Peach's second jump is better for evasion. Since she is so "floaty", it makes others have a hard time keeping up with her. However, make sure her "floating" results in a landing that is above y=0; she may descend slowly, so make sure that your backup plan is a (counter for / evasion of) your opponent, such as a slap or a well-timed aerial dodge.
  7. Any thing with too much blood, especially traces of old blood.
  8. No problem, man, no problem. Well, IRL, I know only one or two people who can beat me, and they are GOOOOOOD. From what I am hearing, you sound pretty good too. Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying that I am better at SSBB than the rest of you. Anyone have any vids of team battles? I won't lie, I am better at one-on-one than team battles, though I do well at those. Second question: can anyone handle being double-teamed? If so, I WANNA' SEE IT.
  9. SSB RPG? Nuh-uh, friend, let's just leave that alone. Above: neither of the two played that well, especially Sheik's user (throwing too many smashes). That's kin to throwing a million haymakers; powerful, but useless if the timing is off.Change of topic: I need to show some vids of my brother(s)/friends vs me. For instance, if I play against my brother, the outcome's unpredictable! It's as if we are coordinating gameplay and telekinesis at the same time! Also, because we are practical masters at the game (as well as brothers), our playing styles are somewhat alike, plus we don't get much competition when playing against most of others. Specifically, the better one gets, the less "styles" there'll be (because there are proper ways to play while being good, but it doesn't require thought; it requires ability and practice), and you'll see constant smashing. It's like watching Bruce Lee fight a tough opponent. I would back up my talk, but I still don't have a Wii; I'm stuck on GCN. Brawl to Melee: same rules, slightly different moves and more obstacles. They aren't too different, so it's true, I've still "got it like that".
  10. As long as it's good, I'm cool, even if I don't care to hear it. If crap starts being accepted, I won't look at the remixers; I'll look at the judges. Don't mind this musician: do whatever you do, remixer.
  11. I will not name remixes of good or bad, but yes, I have run into the same emotions concerning remixing as you have. Yes, even some superb mixes didn't get me because the original was very much more of what it was meant to be. Some themes tend to be more flexible than others. For instance, if someone were to remix "Halfmoon/Taking Over The Halberd" for Kirby Superstar and slowed it way down, I'd probably not like it (enough), even if it's good. The reason why would be this: it's supposed to have that emergency situation / triumph / emotional (on the breaks) - type sound. If that were to be overly deviated, 8 or 9 times out of 10 I would not appreciate it. Edit: there are certain techniques I know to do if I make a remix much different than its original (I'm natural when it comes to music, so pfft, hardly anything's hard). Edit 2: Besides, regardless of how much I can appreciate something, I'll give it the credit it deserves if it's good.
  12. SOR 3 in less than 30 minutes by myself. Hilarious game, but the soundtrack sucks teabags. Beat Final Fight 3 in 30-ish minutes with a friend, no continues, and the msuci is much more pleasurable than SOR3. Edit: Dracula X in 45 minutes (that shit is hard! I would have beaten it faster, but it's too damned hard!)
  13. ^Are you speaking of the Expansion Pak, in reference to "Internal Memory"? I need to become savvy with the terms again.
  14. I sold my N64 when I was in debt, so bye-bye N64. I still have a Dreamcast with three controllers and a memory card, but I sold the games that I had in the same situation. That game was the shit! Man, it should've gotten more props.
  15. What was that? Oh, sorry, Atma, you've been blocked eversince I "agreed" with you in Off-Topic. Tomfoolery's for the fools.
  16. There's fact, and there's opinion. In reference to determining the quality of a show, both come into role. You can't rely on the opinion of a person who hates all animes (no matter what); they cannot appreciate them. However, if there's a person who knows what makes a story good, what makes art good by standard, and they like anime, they're a better voice to listen to. Liking something doesn't make it quality, and making something quality won't reap everyone's tastes. Knowing what makes a good show isn't a mathematical logic; there's a such thing as taste. Just as some folks can't hear notes, some can't make a great distinction between half-assed crap and true effort. There are reasons why this is so. Last, it is possible to like someting that ain't good. Being on the internet /= the necessity to stomach stupidity, so to speak. ^ ...and that's all I have to say.
  17. Don't take me too seriously, but this would look better:
  18. I don't know... when I use a program, I understand it in 30 min - 2 hours, regardless of complication. Well, I'll check out the demo first.
  19. I'll try that (such as photobucket? Hm, I was on google)
  20. Can't think of any... what you should do, if you can afford it, is this: get a red-white audio jack/3.5 mm converter that hooks up to an amp or boom box. Connect the amp or boom box to at least two big speakers that connect via wire terminals. BAM, true theatre, baby. Make sure the big-boy speakers have at least 15" speakers with midhorn/tweeters added. Fisher is the brand of my speakers.
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