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Everything posted by Salluz

  1. I taught myself how to play the keyboard in a short amount of time. I still need practice, but I learned!
  2. I have to find out a quick way to get Brawl + a Wii b/c it's not that easy, man.
  3. Thank you for being nice, Bahamut. Do I look like a fool to you? If you don't like my posts, don't pay them any attention.
  4. (Moved from offtopic. No, not my fault). The evening/night before the launch of SSB Brawl, there was a SSB Melee tournament, a way of giving customers something to do. Also, I'm sure that the present owners of Brawl considered that event as their goodbye-kiss to Melee. So, I was in a group of five who promised one another not to do the others heavy damage unless we were facing one another as the last two standing. This was a good plan, and it may've helped one of us become the winner and enter the national drawing, but no. Was it the competition? What!? Competition!? Hahahahahahahaha! We had our opponents shook! No, my friends, we were prohibited by the demons of irony! So, you ask: who were we? The Impervious Quintet! So, how did we lose? Me: (As Sheik) I was whooping some serious ass and taking names. I was the second person to lose a first life, so I went beserk and brought my opponents to one live to my two. I lost my second live as their percentages were as high as the mid 100's. I demolished one person at around 65% on my last live and started chasing the last player (Marth). I stepped on a fucking stray-ass proximity mine! Oh no, my man-pride! A glorious temple reduced to a field of mines! The person who set it completely forgot; he was dead. T.J: Kirby died to a stupid party ball (bombs). Reggie: Same character, same attempt to success, same fate; unexpected death from the wrath of the dead; proximity mines. Judah: Whooped everybody's ass with Samus, remaining on top in the amount of lives and percentage. Performing better than the rest of his quintet, he was belittling someone who was using Link. Samus picked up a wooden box, threw it, and became one with the stars. Arnelle: Cleared the battlefield (w/ DK) of all but one of the opponents: Pikachu. Arnelle was at a high of 130%, Pikachu @ 160%. I admit, it was a direct KO (rather than a TKO), so it was fair, but still, the demons of irony showed their ugly faces once again. This time, they used their black magic to summon the random appearance of an item. After Pikachu performed a lucky recovery from a massive hit, Arnelle charged his character's punch. An item appeared out of nowhere, which Pikachu threw (not that I blame him/her/it), resulting in the undeserved loss of DK. Stray mines? Explosive boxes? Random item appearances? Cursed party balls? This is impossible! Considering that I had my opponents afraid to retaliate, I would have been a true champion! This does not line up with strenuous practices I had @ Gamecrazy before their tournament! My posse will see the light of triumph! Our victims will endure the darkness of vengeance!
  6. Edited: In that case, I'd better go fix that Meteor Herd mix.
  7. Funny how everybody does what I do when I do what I do. Why? I feel like it, gosh! Yes, yes, yes, I'm interested in your music, and so, I will hear your music. No, it's not like I can see your music, unless I go look at a preamp meter. I better not be disappointed; you know how a hood dude responds to a situation when he's DISAPPOINTED, now dontcha'? IT BETTER BE GOOD, OR ELSE...
  8. Castlevania - Dracula X, last boss... Dracula, of course. Primarily, fighting Dracula is a strategy issue. You had to beat him with your whip first, and then you had to use your powers. Once you had used your powers, he'd become harder, though his defenses had ceased. Also, the whole fight is hard because you cannot jump off of the cliff. Once, I made the mistake of jumping off of the cliff after beating Dracula, which is the most retarded thing any gamer can do. BTDD of SNES was genuinely impossible after beating Roper, but on the zsnes emulator, I beat the spaceship, some slink, the Shadow Boss, and the Dark Queen. The hardest bosses were the bosses after fighting Roper. The Spaceship? NO ONE that I know can pass the spaceship level (Of course, I can cheat by saving state on the emulator, but that isn't at all easy). Majora was a bitch on 64, but I couldn't call her the hardest. I liked that about the last bosses in SNK games: they weren't cheap, and they could thrown down.
  9. Yeah, doesn't he? Speaking of Meta-Knight, he better have that kickass spanish accent, or else I'm going to send death threats to the nintendo execs with depictions of me doing a gangsta' lean in my cadillac, gun pointed out of the window, and three females in the back seat.
  10. I probably shouldn't have answered, but to keep you from hanging without any feedback, it may be b/c of the system being a "launch wii". Where'd you get that from? I'm sure that if that is the case, the launched Wiis were made with limits and worse processing performance. Dang, don't know what to do for ya'm so far, mang. Lo siento.
  11. You might also be missing a few files + having bad sectors on your hard disk. I wish I knew how to fix bad sectors, which involves what I asked about in a thread that no one responded to. That's what I did w/ my '98 PC. That computer had music files on it that could be worth some moolah, if you know what I mean. Slave first, and you'll be certain with yourself concerning losses.
  12. Well, for .wav to .mp3, there's always cool edit pro 2.0 or better, and it's as easy as hell (even though I can still go into detail). For m4a, use iTunes or Real, and I believe that you can figure out the rest by reading the above.
  13. I taught myself how to do the startup on Win98, which involves the command prompt. WinXP is a whole 'notha story, mang! My friend got a computer from his pastor (an XP OS), but his PC goes back to 98/2000 style PC's. 1. Try to delete everything and refresh the system without a CD. 2. Get an older OS. 3. Throw this PC out of the window. No one has the CD, so I don't know if I can save this thing. Edit: Bootdisk.com has good junk, but I don't know if it has urr-thang I want. I'll see...
  14. Lol! My life's future won't be like my SMB3 experience; I never beat it.
  15. You know, those were a few of my faves as well. In fact, Shadow's, Knuckles', and Rouge's songs (those which aren't corny) hit the top spot for me. I hardly like any of Tails', while Sonic's/Eggman's songs are striaght. Someone was once talking about an SA/SA2 soundtrack, which sounds like a good idea to me. I'd want to be a part of it too, but Idk b/c of so many limitations (no longer having my own PC, except for one that goes back to '98ish).
  16. This thread is about UK's popular rapper "Dizzee Rascal", who's basically unheard of in America. I never knew about him until I read this thread. it's a comparison between US and UK styles. Well, Lupe Fiasco can rap, but I wasn't feelin' 85% of his CD (personal opinion mixed w/ a little fact). I liked most of the rappers you named. It seems that alot of the conscious rappers lack punchlines and catchy phrases. Just b/c you're rappin' deep doesn't mean that you have to be corny! I have a serious talent in music (production, rap, writing/poetry, etc.), and I'm on a quest to "get up". I'll be the real type, but I gotta' have that diversity in my music.
  17. Well, the new form of hiphop today is called "Snap" music. (Groups like Dem franchize boys"). I can show you a few samples on Youtube. Snap takes on various forms of hiphop, but has a certain rhythm that makes it distinct. As for gangsta rap, another form of hiphop, I can show a few examples of those as well. To us, that sounds like a mix of midwestern-ish hiphop and techno. This is what alot of today's US "snap" hiphop sounds like.
  18. Hardly, but I peek here every now and then. I have submitted (unaccepted) remixes twice. the second time, the only problem was this: it was said to have sounded too much like the original, but my friend Malcos believed it was fine.
  19. If you don't mind a submission from me, Make me a part of it! So, what's the deadline? Is this a mere idea or an actual project in action? Edit: I wouldn't mind SA2 in it or if the SA and SA2 are seperate.
  20. Man, I've heard about his mixing, but never actually got to connect with the dude. Man, ain't that sad? What was his remix name? I might have met him and didn't really know.
  21. Smash Bros. has been a winner, and will continue to be. ITZDASHIIYAH!
  22. I might buy a shirt sometime... in a couple years or so... 3X or up. @ 6'4" I roll around in tall tees, so I might even put on a 4 or 5XL
  23. Unusual to experience phasing in a jazz mix. Ay, Malcos, you remind me of me, ya' know, because I do have an unsubmitted mix that contains swirly phased choirish sounds. It's somewhere in my personal remix stash. Truthfully, at first, this mix sucked me in, but after about a year of not hearing it, which would be a few months ago, I had to reset myself to hear it again, because I had my head inside of hyperactive clouds of rock and partyish hip-hop sounds. Well, it's a good mix, if I just lay it down flat. Shoot, reviews are the better usage of OCR, methinks.
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