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Everything posted by Salluz

  1. Yeah, I didn't take it too seriously, although I didn't like how he was saying that all of the pussies go to church. It was another gangsta hit that was better than others at the time. Haha, that reminds me of when I was in high school. I used to be able to appreciate that kind of sound until I grew up (heh, I'm still young, only 19). I moved away from that style because I'm trying to develop my own. Lil' Jon's style (along with others like Jermaine Dupri and DJ Khaled) has been overused + annoys me now, since a lot of people try to imitate. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EI9Rdn2-ETA ^I don't really know how to feel about Aguilera's post-conceptional (wrong term?) comeback. I'll have to play the song again to know if I like it or not. Edit: I don't know why I kinda' like it (not a whole lot, though). She's sexy. That's all that matters to me, lol!
  2. Yep, that's it in a nutshell. Anybody like Lupe Fiasco? I like his stuff (actually has a subject), although some of his songs seem to be... lame? Not that good? (IMO) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pf-EuQ5fRIM ^He's not much on singing, but the song is one of my faves from him. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OboCSvVN2tI ^I didn't really care for the music (it's okay IMO, although the beat knocks), but I like how he uses the hood beat and puts real thought into his lyrics. The subject involves people trying to pressure him because of what kind of rapper he is. ^One of his older songs, lol. I'm assuming that he's supposed to be experimental/abstract/avant-garde(-ish). ^I was a little annoyed by the chorus (not that he was saying "n****", but that it was repeated a little too long for my liking), but I loved the lyrics. Just food for thought, I think there was a point that he was trying to make when he was redundantly saying "The coolest n****, what!" The music is deep, the beat has that old-school-ish swag, nothing is repeated too often (besides "The coolest n****, what!")... you get it. I like how Lupe's himself in whatever he does. That isn't to say that the hood dudes aren't themselves, but few of the more thuggish rappers rap artistically unless it's the art of bragging. For instance, as unusual as it sounds, T.I., who's supposed to be so hood, actually has something to say in some of his music.
  3. If 3rd-party characters are ever included, especially from Sega, they better include Tails and Knuckles! Perhaps Shadow too, a phenomenal character. They can leave out the rest of the Sonic characters 'cuz adding them all = doing too much. This is all wishful thinking, but NO I'm serious, I wanna' see Knuckles.
  4. HAHA! That's really the substance of most of the stuff we hear today: SimSynths from FruityLoops, bad lyrics and some 808s. Noooo problem.
  5. He probably felt that it needed to be said. Those vids, especially the political rock/fast rap and the Maroon 5 song, I liked. I heard some faults here and there, but to be fair, these songs weren't shitty. Now, THIS is what I'm getting tired of: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGIr6cyMdAE "A milli, a milli, a milli, a milli"... WTF!? Lil' Wayne has MAAAAAAAD mic skills, but he needs to switch DJ's or something. Now, if you like this, as repetitive, predictable, pointless and played-out as it is, that's you, but c'mon!!! How can you sit for three to four minutes with "a milli, a milli, a milli, a milli" in your ear while some arrogant dude who looks like Splinter the Rat raps about how his career is the best? WHO F***ING CARES!? Excuse my terminology, but as a friend in the 'hood once said: At that point, it's not just about the sounds coming out of the speakers, but the message that's being conveyed.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZMm3nhYfU8 WTF signed'd (pronouced "sighn-did) this mu'-fu'!? You don't need to be a rap fan to know how WACK this dude is. He can't talk, looks like an illiterate, alcoholic thug, sitting there trying to rap about trappin' after wastin' a L-L-LOOOOOOOT of money on that stupid Bart Simpson charm. He probably had to produce a lot of mixtapes to make up for the loss he faced from buying that shining POS that deBeers (or whomever) forced out of their anuses. "Pussy a** n****!" Is that all you can say? ...and then these beefs... Can't we all just get along? We shoulda' learned from Tupac and Biggy, or even 50 Cent and Ja' Rule. Nope, we just keep beefin'... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LD8tJvvCiv8 ...ah, more guinea-pigging... repeated bonus question: WHO F***ING CARES!? Y'ain't hot because you say nuthin' on da track; you's hot 'cuz you's fresh out of a bull's intestines 'n later got preserved in a warmer for two days. Now, we see yo' ghetto fab industry E-Z-Bake oven instrumental-loopin' a** on TV wit' a bunch o' big-booty chicks to hide yo' lack o' concepts & skeeeeeellz (skills). I bet that if you go up to one of these dudes and give them your opinion (and it doesn't line up with theirs), if they don't try to throw a swing at you, they'll probably shine their silver/golden/platinum teeth at you and say, "uUuUuuhHHhh, nigga u hatin. U'z a haTUr. Pussy a** n****". [/Darkesworde] This crap is aimed to the ghetto, so people buy into it because it's "hood" or "tough", when it's really stupid. All jokes aside, I feel sorry for the societies who enjoy this crap.
  6. Thanks. Apparently, he isn't saying that a person is stupid for having a preference, although it is true (in some cases inapplicable to this situation) that someone can have a "stupid preference", but that isn't in regards to music. He is saying that idiots do whatever's cool because it's cool, not because they like it. He ain't talkin' music, he's talkin' about jumpin' on a bandwagon that demands the person to sacrifice individuality. There's actually a lot of people jumpin' on stuff and not really considering what it is they're doing. Like, it's stupid to meditate (purposeful emphasis) on messages that encourage the listener to do crime, an that's no judgment to the person, but the action. Sometimes it's not what's being chosen as much as it is the purpose, better known as why. It's not up to any man to try and determine what person is stupid, but stupid actions should be identified, judged and discontinued. Why do you bark and take this man's statements out of context? True, people have whined about pop forever. I never encourage whining, but when I do hear valid statements about flaws in particular phases (such as a complete lack of depth and talent(b/c not eveything has to be deep), i.e. Soulja Boy), I can agree, although I will not condemn the artist. In fact, I learned to disregard the artist and ask "who the hell signed this person?" The artist isn't the main deal; the companies who guinea pig their listeners are the ones I am completely discontent with. As of now, no point in worrying because the world is what it is and will continue with or without me. That's just plain crazy. It's about the music when you're dealing with someone who has a burning desire to express themselves one way or another. That's what I have longed for all of my life, even in the "bliss" of ignorance. Then you use it to convey whatever it is that you're trying to convey. The same goes with art. There are no deep rules concerning visual art, but it can be upsetting when people sacrifice creativity and start drawing cheap stick figures with "style" slapped on it for profit, guinea-pigging the audience (testing to see how much of a low standard one can get away with), and disregarding real talent with real messages because it's too heavy. If people like what they like one way or another, that's fine, but I hold my decrees to myself concerning standards and music. The song doesn't have to be perfect, but I'm not going to listen to songs of stick-figure quality and pass it off as "art" because I'm scared that someone will accuse me of being close-minded, facist, uptight, old-fashioned or uncool.Edit: just to say, stick figures can be quite artistic, but what I'm really talking about is the lack of talent and/or needed effort. Just remember to respect the person you're talking to (in this case, Luke), and you'll be fine.
  7. Graphics and lame stories, mostly, since all of the effort is thrown into the graphics. What's worse is when the game play itself is bad. This isn't true about all modern games, just a lot of the platform/adventure ones. I've been getting more into fighters sicne a lot of adventure games lack depth.
  8. Oh no, Ling Xiaoyu's going to be ugly!
  9. I'm going to Sweden. No taxes, more gamers and women...
  10. Including Klonoa? Also, Simon (and Ritcher) Belmont appeared on the NES/SNES series, but they were made by Konami, not Nintendo itself. The transition from SSB to SSBM was beyond what I could imagine; from SSBM to SSBB was cool at first, but led to a few disappointments. I did like SSBB, but I expected more. The transition didn't seem big enough, apart from the new items/item edits (some are more detestable, yippee), extra trophy things and new characters. Not to mention, the Wi-Fi online play, which is what gave SSBB one true advantage to its elder. They should have souped up Mewtwo. If he was a beast in the movie, he could have been a beast in the game.
  11. That's not exactly what I was saying, but I agree. It would be a fanboy's orgasmic dream to have Cloud from FF7 in there (remember, the Brawl Taunts vid?), but some of those too-good-to-be-true additions could actually screw up the game if they're pointless. Cooking Mama's a biyatch? Ah, she may be, but no female can hold Sheik. There's relevance there, and I admit, what I thought was theoretical. Well, we'll let Hal and Nintendo do the rest. Question: if the next SSB (if there'll be a next) is too much like SSBB/SSBM, will you keep on with the series or lose faith? I think I'd lose faith.
  12. It's mostly/all my opinion, but anyway: No, they aren 't. I stress "not a Nintendo native" because the ones who aren't Nintendo originals would only be suitable in the game if there was a good reason for them being in it. The theory of Sonic and Snake's presence will be explained in the next paragraph. I do recognize that the makers put those two in SSB because of clever marketing, as well as the longing for people to see Mario vs Sonic, two primary icons. So, it was not just for the hell of including Sonic and Snake. The rest just seems like a bunch of wishing without realizing the relevance of Snake and Sonic. Snake came along because he represents Playstation, being the least expected (and the most badass), representing the more serious gaming of Sony. I guess it's because he would appeal more than the geeky Crash, or the other guys like Spyro and Tomba. I don't think it'd be a bad idea to put in secret characters that aren't strictly Nintendo (such as Simon Belmont, which'd be damn cool), but the game could get sidetracked if the developers overdo a good idea. Hey, they can do what they want, but I'm just trying to talk in practicality.
  13. Only my opinion, but anyway: Simon Belmont: Maybe, but maybe not, since he's not a Nintendo native, so it's a stretch. Mega Man: same situation as Simon Belmont; a bit of a stretch. Phoenix Wright? I don't know if he's a Nintendo native, but HELL YEAH! Captain Falcon: Show your moves! Phoenix Wright: OBJECTION! Klonoa: as a secret character, perhaps... Ryu Hayabusa: cool, though a stretch. de Blob: nah... Travis Touchdown: heh, that'd be interesting. Jade: from... Pac-Man: NO. Sora: from... Kingdom Hearts? Hmm... nice, though a stretch Cooking Mama: what fanboy dreamed of this? What's she going to do? Cook a big meal? Whoop people with spatulas? Invite her friends to dinner?
  14. When the kids becomes preteens and play the Sonic games before 2001, they're going to be like "OMG they jilted us!!!"
  15. Yeah, that's actually more necessary. I haven't played StH on 360, but the fanvids looked disappointing; odd controls. Sonic Riders was wack, Heroes was wack, DX was cheap (cool, but no big difference), I never played Shadow's game, nor the Sonic Battle/Racer/whatever game... SA2B was their last agreeable game (which I, personally, thought was badass). After that... no... just no.
  16. Ah, okay. "Now, if the whole game had those kind of graphics..." I've been thinking that same thought since Sonic Adventure.
  17. At first, I thought it was both silly and a bit dumb, but the end caught me. The fighting before the end was kinda' cool too. Personally, I wouldn't play this game; too cuddly; it's geared to a generation of kids.
  18. Do something completely kickass and take a good look at the game's plot/point/message/story/detail/whatever. Make the game as twice as kickass as the marketing. Do that and I'll play Sonic again.
  19. I'll hear and see if I like it.
  20. I do not know... seems to make things more complicated.
  21. http://filext.com/ - Bookmark this site; it's extremely helpful.
  22. http://www.thejazzpage.de/index1.html - read the notices and conditions of use. sFark holds soundfonts as a compressor like zip, rar or 7z except that it's not related to the formats listed; only for soundfonts. I think it's an abandoned extension, unless that would instead be sfpack file extensions. http://melodymachine.com/sfark.htm - info and software needed to decompress sFarks.
  23. The remix? Ah, my girlfriend and I loved it. No, J/K; I was carrying on Blue Magic's joke.
  24. Too silly for me, but I really liked how it came in. It is good music, even though I could not appreciate the hyperactive silliness, but never mind my opinion on that part. The only thing I felt could have been better was this: transition. It is good to jump in/out of a sequence quickly (at times), but if too often (or done in a way that isn't smooth), it'll scare people. Maybe that was the attempt.
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