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Everything posted by Salluz

  1. I am teaching myself how to create videos and .gif files by experimenting with pictures. Surprisingly, I have only spent an hour working on this craft. I have no complete movie files to show at this time. However, the Chrono Trigger gif I have created is presentable. The mistake I made: the words "Love and Emotion" are too dark, and I believe that some of the frames weren't centered in the exact same plane, but that's nothing. (Edit: the words "Love and Emotion are text effects that bear the colors of the following picture, which are set to begin a smooth transition). Use the CT gif as much as you want (I have no rights to the Chrono Trigger game series, plus it's nothing but a lil' graphic file, no big deal). I am only posting to get some opinions on my experimentation. So, do the rest of you have any gifs that you've created?
  2. One recommendation that I have for you is Bose. There are more, and may I add, always look for long-time warranties.
  3. Getting into the game business is almost like getting into the music business, except that the demands are different.
  4. Homey the Clown already filled that gap, except he didn't go to college; he was a convict.
  5. Man, that crushed me, and before I heard, I was talking about him with my brothers. Coincidences are something else.
  6. I have a question: When you guys plays SSBB, do you scream or yell out of fustration when you're losing? No lie, I do, and found out that it's common amongst fans, especially when an opponent steals the hearts. I'll make sure that I'll have people screaming and yelling in the nearby future.
  7. Did someone already mention the Bronx-Rican's SA2 remix Unknown from M.E.?
  8. Check my sig; it's actually a link. I can send a few waves of better singing.
  9. I don't know; I am good to the point where I can do it both ways. Wanna' collab? Hit me up if you want to.
  10. Chrono Trigger. Secret of the Forest theme. 'Nuff said.
  11. Just for making a thread on SC and comparing it to Tekken, you get 10 coolness points. I haven't learned anything about SC IV except that it exists, so lemme do the research.
  12. I still don't have a Wii! Man, my broke behind... I still practice on my GCN (Melee), plus I do know a few cats who have a Wii, so if you want to test your skills on them, they can give you company.
  13. If anyone can use Mewtwo and beat an expert with Fox, let me know by uploading it to youtube, 'cuz I wanna' see it.
  14. To the originator of the thread: send me a PM and I'll see what I can do. I have a smooth baritone voice, so see if I am suitable to anything.
  15. Something I posted in Battle of the Pics:
  16. Pfft, just looks like a horrible attempt to humor. You know, there are two kinds of 'fat': being big and being horribly big. I wouldn't get too roused over this crap. However, for definition, the girl isn't normally big; she's disgustingly overweight. No girl that huge would feel comfortable walking around; she would feel the pressure on her heels. Yah, stupid game... that's all it looks like, so I'll pass.
  17. Those songs were the jams, but Timbo needs to shutup.
  18. Ah, okay, I'll check out your stuff, mang. I need to make one myself.
  19. It may have something to do with the staff. Shit, if I made a game, it would take time, but peeps would be busting nuts on the release dates. You sound like someone who should make their own series. Idk if you are good at programming or art, but hey, take this as encouragement.
  20. ^Y'all make me scream. I've been pretty disillusioned with Sonic games nowadays... it's like they're trying too hard in one way while not trying hard in another... I guess that I'm speaking of when they make their products look good, but they end up tasteless like plastic fruit.
  21. You have MIDIs of Rayman that aren't limited or in short supply? Grab the toilet paper 'cuz you're the shit. OMG, you stole my idea! I'm in it, man, I'm in it. Edit: Oh, this is the first Rayman... that's cool, I'm still in, unless otherwise declined.
  22. Don't fap in public, lol. Okay, now THAT'S what I am talking about, considering that Kirby was one of the best games on SNES.
  23. Aw, thanks, guys, you saved my report card! I'm getting an A+ instead of a B+. Edit: I just take stats; I don't tell who said what.
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