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Everything posted by Salluz

  1. What about the fourth? I didn't care for the third nor the first, just the second. They even had Yoda and Darth Vader in it, but that doesn't make it good. I ask b/c I haven't played it yet.
  2. Yeah, the voices were less-than-par... I liked the emotional gameplay (Knuckles, Rouge, Shadow)
  3. HAHAHA! Well, I just thought that Shadow's appearance/history was badass, but apart from that, hell no.
  4. Okay, well, games and series that don't completely pass away. Yeah, so it's that time of year, right? Holiday seasons, yessir! So, anyway, as a mid-gen gamer (gameplay frequency = moderate), I was just playing classic Dreamcast games with my best friends. I thought to myself about why the games never died out. I found out that there are aspects in certain games that keep the game fresh for various reasons: Multiplayer/Online competition: as long as there are new/many people to play, you may find yourself enjoying the game @ age 70. Competition is never boring. Examples: SSB series, Halo (but I almost never play it), some of the MarioParty games (almost never play those unless I'm with kids), Power Stone 1/2, MarioKart Large character selection (Mortal Kombat) Multiplayer Co-op (Street Fighter Alpha 3! 2-on-1? Hell yeah!) Random outcome Decent controls requiring marginal skill (Street Fighter series, anything like it such as the Capcom or SNK series) Balanced luck Emotional Depth (Castlevania series, Chrono Trigger) Incredible stories (SA2B, Chrono Trigger again, lol) Strong suitability to one's mood (anything good) Guess that's it, unless anyone else would like to post more preferences and reasons.
  5. I was just practicing Bloody Tears on my keyboard last night. I also like the theme of Castlevania 64 (beginning), which was a redo of Stage 1: Bloodlines from Castlevania Dracula X. I would definitely like to join. Before I do, is this project genre-exclusive?
  6. Never owned a PS2; just been to sleepovers and strategized with the owners while they played it.
  7. Basically, a pit-the-prunes argument, clarifying that negativity in a game doesn't make it 100% crap. True, I would agree not to give your 8-year-old child/sibling/friend the MGS series (because the content isn't suitable), but it still has a good story and great detail. Ok, I can understand the person not liking the content or concept of MGS, but the GRAPHICS!? Go to hell! I haven't even played the MGS series, just watched them, and remain impressed to this day. Last, I don't really get roused over people's perceptions of games/etc; I just laugh.
  8. Oh really? I never heard of her apart from her hiphop song. Honestly, I never thought that she was stupid, just her song. Oh, so it actually had a message to it? Heh, the street kids don't know that! Perhaps she could have announced it. Mmkay, even though I still don't prefer her horrible sing/rapping, it's easier to hear now that I'm aware of her message.
  9. I may have said this before, but anyway: I'll take a fair win/loss; I will not give myself or anyone else credit for winning with bullshit methods. If I fight online, I don't want some bullshit hacks playing me unless my game has been modded. No point in that! If I have the energy to modify some game, I might as well use my intelligence to make my own game. I should be expecting a Wii by Christmas.
  10. I'll give the beatman some credit, but never to the sing/rap girl nor the industry who signed her. Hey, let's boycott crappy industries!
  11. The difference between the "good" and the "bad" music is this: the bad was created to condition people to have a tolerance for utterly pathetic crap that can be bought. Let's not worry about the psychology of the listeners, let's just TAKE YOUR MONAYYY!
  12. I know not to try to dichotomize music, but you know... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-B03-rtob0 ... if you want "good", this is not cutting it. She can't sing nor rap, her voice is unpleasant, and from hearing this whole thing together, it wasn't organized to sound wonderful; it was a mockery created to sound sell-able. You know, I now can appreciate Soulja Boy (lol), 'cuz... this? Uh-uh, not good. The industry doesn't care; they will do anything, as I have just proven, to brainwash and gyp the teens of America so that they can BOOM-BOOM-BOOM-BOOM and a BOOM-RRRT-CHING and TAKE YOUR MONAYYY!
  13. That is another thing: I do notice that Kanye West is overrated, although he does have talent. I guess it's because he showed more than enough differentiation and some depth/intelligence to go with his music. He'd be fine if he: Didn't put emphasis on his words in a way that's unpleasant Try to sing Would do something that's 100% Kanye rather than sampling old hits all day. Even if it's one or two songs, something. Repeat certain words and try to make lame sounds effects in his raps (again, unpleasant)
  14. What do you mean? You are a rapper yourself! Edit: oh yeah, Gucci Mane is ugh.
  15. Oh, c'mon, Orion, SA2( was the truth. It was everything from exciting to emotional; a living experience.
  16. I have looped this song with out getting tired of it. There are two parts that get my attention the most: the sexy beginning and the 1:40ish area. I'd say that the beginning is my favorite part of the whole song. From 0:00-0:17, the bells continue to go higher, stop, and then the grooves kick in. I never played this game, but it's as if you took the experience of playing the game and subliminally placed it in the mix.
  17. I'll have to listen to the mix and take notes for each general section of the song. It's cool so far.
  18. You just missed the point. Luke was talking about people who are already stupid. It's clear that listening to pop /= stupid. Besides, it's not a serious statement.
  19. I thought the same thing, but really, I can't find fault with it (not that I want to). The best thing about this mix is how the song builds itself up, almost like stairs, yet it still maintains a pattern.
  20. As aforementioned, not all rapping = loud and obnoxious. If you happen to not like rap at all, that's fine. There are various types of rap/hiphop I don't really identify with myself. The session rooms, lol. John Mayer, perhaps (because of the guitar solos). Well, I don't think he has half, but maybe a third or fourth, lol! Some of his songs are more improvisational than others... depends.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oi3TLDS7hm8 I find myself getting annoyed with most hiphop because of it's robotic setup; lack of improvisation. If it's too improvised (no structure), it sounds messy; if it's too robotic, it won't sound natural or realistic; rather, bland and predictable.
  21. The song from Nas was cool, but the loops did get on my nerves a bit. Oh yeah, I forgot about "Daydreaming" from Lupe, one of the best examples of good modern hiphop music I've heard thus far. Pharrell Williams: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oiqw4YZ0nLY I don't exactly know the message of this song (about being a player or whatever). If that's what he meant, I don't follow up with the morals, but the way he brought it was irresistibly dope. I don't exactly like the phrase when he said something about getting sucked by a bitch, but I overlooked it because of the song's creativity + general message. I like the jazz-like swag and the Jamie Cullam samples @ 4:12. Skills! Let's take it ten year back to Lauryn Hill! She should've never involved herself with Rohan Marley, nor commit those faults in the legal aspect of sales (losing money b/c of disputes concerning songwriting)... she would probably be mentally stable right now. Bless Lauryn's soul.
  22. AHAHAHAHAHA! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xj5xq-VQBTU
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