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Everything posted by Maco70

  1. I would, or I would just upgrade mine myself; The problem isn't with either, it's Money.
  2. Painfully aware. My PC has a terrible graphics card.
  3. Will somebody play Team Fortress with me? I refuse to buy it for PC if I already own it for 360.
  4. I played though the original spiderman game (PSone) again. The "What if contest" never gets old. =D
  5. Come to think of it... all the Movie galleries and block busters in my area closed. I haven't gone to rent a movie in such a long time, I didn't even realize it until I went too rent bioshock.
  6. The orange box + xbox live makes for good happy success. And portal if you haven't played it yet. I really enjoyed Aegis wing, and Ikaruga as well.
  7. The attention Chrono Trigger gets on this site lead me to play it. Never finished it though...
  8. There are some games I wish I had rented, but with demos, I have a pretty good feel for what games are worth my money.
  9. I still say it will. Forget all the chatter saying it can't, multiple discs haven't been a problem in the past, and it won't be in the future.
  10. I posted this somewhere a while back... Amazing internet vids thread maybe?
  11. http://www.gamevideos.com/video/id/19877
  12. For the record, I hated that about the GBA. But I accepted it. My complaint is that since it is a port designed to hold and play GBA games, why would they design it to not fit inside properly?
  13. This won't end well...
  14. There's no room in the video gaming word for a cheap ass gamer anymore. Wishing I had a 360.
  15. What's the point in having a slot meant for a GBA games if it has them stick out? I personally would like to have two different games in my DS, and be able to fit it in my pocked without worrying about a cartridge hanging out. The difference between the DS versus the GBA compatibility with the GBC is the DS games are a new cartridge that can only be played on a DS. Meaning, I can't simply hang onto my GBA and also buy DS games like I could when GBA came out.
  16. If the new DS doesn't have GBA cartridges stick out the bottom, I'd buy it. That really irritates me, seeing as I love my GBA games.
  17. Good point. Kinda redundant to have an active facebook group about an active forum.
  18. I got Castlevania SOTN FF7 Metal Gear Solid (Original) and MGS VR missions $5 each. Sold SOTN and FF7 recently. Castlevania got me $30, and FF7 got me $50. I was pleased.
  19. I was very disappointed. The idea was clever, but there wasn't enough content for a movie. Would have been better as a couple episodes. Highlight was the b&w toon at the beginning.
  20. Lies? [ten characters]
  21. Makes me wish I had a DS...
  22. Twisted metal movie... ...I would ask both "why" and "how", but I am not a fan of the series, so I'll just watch from the sidelines. Seems like the kind of game the should never be made into a movie, especially an independent film. But hey, more power to you and your grand budget.
  23. Which version? I found the ps2 version to be a little laggy. I am currently playing: FFV Advance Okami (PS2) Harvey Birdman and I will soon start MGS3, which I never got around to playing.
  24. I'd like an admin setup; But I prefer matchmaking, and the lack of achievement whores. Sounds like the new weapons kinda break the game.
  25. With every added achievement, I like the 360 version more and more.
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