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Everything posted by Brithor

  1. Woah... That was incredible.
  2. Yeah, I'd definitely recommend it, it's a great game. The thing is it's sold out nearly everywhere. I had to go to 3 stores before I found it. Most stores (even the big ones) only got 2-5 copies...
  3. Ok, I didn't know anything about this game until I read this post... now I'll have to buy it tonight. The music is just too awesome. Good thing I'm a Spaniard! EDIT: Holy shit, this game is awesome.
  4. I never play without runes. I won't play a champion that I don't have the proper runes for. I don't think most of the people are as extreme as me but I'm used to it. Also, Singed is the best ever.
  5. So yeah... I'm liking this more and more. I guess I'm gonna have to read the books now.
  6. Just finished watching the first 4 episodes. Not having even heard about the books 'till now I must say I've thoroughly enjoyed this series. Can't wait for Sunday's episode.
  7. Didn't find it at all remarkable. I agree with pretty much everithing ProtoDome said. I found Iron Man to be a much more enjoyable film.
  8. I won't be the one who judges a game based on tree sprites. Sounds obnoxious to me. Could it look better? Sure. Does it matter? I don't think so, at least not to me.
  9. Very surprised it is released in Europe two days before it's released in America. We still get shafted with the price, though... 250€ is way more than $250...
  10. Dunno if you guys know about this: http://onemillionminecrafters.net/ Pretty cool!
  11. Dread? The K Levels are the best ones in the game!
  12. I also prefer playing vanilla SMP. I can get by with the limitations, they're bound to be fixed at some point.
  13. http://www.pcgamer.com/2010/10/22/minecraft-halloween-update-preview-meet-the-ghasts/ New info for the Halloween update I seriously can't wait hahah.
  14. No, it's not the first time. I logged in a couple of times the day the server went up. But that was so long ago that you've must have built too much for my computer to take Far distance view
  15. Damn it! Every time I join the OCR server my Minecraft client blows up What have you guys done there?
  16. This game has the most amazing sountrack ever.
  17. Is it me or Minecarts are bugged as hell?! BTW, my handle is JCH
  18. I'll play in the OCR server if it's set up
  19. I just got the game. Any tips for newbies?
  20. Thanks for the reply Kanthos, The thing is, my keyboard only has MIDI out, what's the best way to convert it to USB whilst keeping the latency at a minimum?
  21. Hello guys! I was wondering if someone of you could help me, seeing as I don't have much experience in these matters. I own a Yamaha P Series keyboard and I was looking for a way to connect it to a laptop (so to use instrument patches and such) to play it live with no latency (if that's even possible). I've been looking at some Audio Cards like Alesis IO/2 or the M-Audio Fast Track Pro but I'm not sure they would provide the results I'm looking for... Thanks in advance!
  22. How does one get a key for the closed beta?
  23. Holy shit, this is the most awesome thing I have ever seen.
  24. You hurt my feelings.
  25. Holy shit. I've been here since 2005 and I didn't know that.
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