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Everything posted by Strike911

  1. Personally, I like the idea of a project finishing quickly. They often drone on and on and on, and I understand the idea of quality control, but this was certainly refreshing to take part in, and even more so, seeing it come to fruition. Plus it was for a fantastic cause.
  2. There! FIXED!!!! ... if it is as easy as just allowing support like this, it's amazing Nintendo wouldn't just make a DVD Playback Channel for purchase especially if people are clamoring for it. There is one thing that I've learned over the years as a Nintendo customer ... I will never understand Nintendo. Never in my entire lifetime. They make gobs of money, and I'm left scratching my head sometimes at their decisions, but hey, I guess they know what they're doing. That's a cool little hack though.
  3. http://strike911.sanctuslegacy.com/Strike911-MerchantoNo5.mp3 This is not an OCR piece by any means. A couple buddies of mine thought it would be funny to have a mix of the RE4 merchant saying "What are ya buyin'?" so that's pretty much what this is. Maybe I'll submit it to OLRemix or something down the line. It was a fun diversion for an evening.
  4. This is a promotional ARG for Resistance 2. It's been going on for a while now.
  5. Man, the US mens gymnastics teams were a whole bunch of cocky pricks. Man they pissed me off! They were cheering and saying "U-S-A" like they'd won gold. For crying out loud, even the chinese were humble in winning their Gold and we have our noob gymnists acting like retards with way too much camera time. Geez. Seriously, I can handle a little bit of national pride and happiness when you've won but they got a freakin' bronze and were making a bigger ruckus than the gold and silver medalists combined. >_< The Chinese mens gymnastics team was freakin' incredible. I've never really been a fan of gynastics but damn, some of that stuff they did was crazy!!
  6. oh no! Samuel L. jackson! No!!! I liked Isaac Hayes. Bad news.
  7. I loved the Bernie Mac Show... this makes me sad.
  8. I hope Lu-Bu wins. No one can defeat Lu-Bu.
  9. Agreed, but sadly big names are what sell easiest to a casual moviegoer.
  10. deserved shmazerved. He was driving drunk and he got it whether he wanted it or not. Act stupid then you have to deal with stupid consequences. You reap what you sow. Transformers ... hmm, the movie was mediocre. I loved seeing giant robots blow the crap out of each other though. Maybe now that the groundwork is in place the sequel might go back to the old classic Transformula. You like that? Of course you do.
  11. I wonder if they're going to keep the classic RoboCop look or redesign it. Hmm.
  12. I wasn't really intending to buy this until I saw the character creation thing. Wow. There are some really cool custom chars out there. Barbosa? Oh, Jerry Bruckheimer, how you've ruined my life...
  13. Of all these cartoons/animes being converted to movies Cowboy Bebop has the most potential to be good. Things like DragonBall that are overtly TRYING to be over the top have always been terrible in live-action movies (with a few exceptions). Cowboy Bebop has enough going for it that it could succeed IF AND ONLY IF they keep the style intact and don't start reinterpreting the source material.... everything has to be as close to the show as possible... ...otherwise, fail. I'll definitely keep my eyes open for further developments.
  14. You're not even 20 yet. So if you live until your 80, think about it, you could have been playing something for 60 years if you really wanted to. ... just saying. ... seems like plenty of time for catch up.
  15. This is fantastic. I personally like: LOVE LOVE FAVORITHOLD 48 and MR. FINGER MARK
  16. The last time I rented ANYTHING was when Sega Genesis games and NES games cost $2 - $3 dollars at Blockbuster. Actually, I lied. I rented a few N64 titles 10 years ago for $5-$6, which I thought was a ridiculous price at the time. Games are just expensive to rent now... what, like $9-$10 bucks? I'd rather pay the $50 or $60 on good game for a lifetime, than a whole crapload of mediocre games every week. If I see something I want I just buy it. Haven't really rented games in 10 years. exactly, with demos there's no need. If I really want to play something different I'll play a demo. I have no need to waste money on some rental. Rather save it for a stellar game worthy of the purchase.
  17. 'Eat this, Blind' was from me. lol. You know, I honestly thought I tagged that one. My mistake and apologies. Yeah, I couldn't come up with an adequate title, so instead of creatively applying the term "blind" to something from Metroid, I decided to go with a short imperative sentence.
  18. 200,000 people is A LOT of people. Good luck on your entry. I agree with the timing comment above... it's distracting at times. And to my very American ears, the vocalist sounds off in a quite a few areas. Good guitar, bass though. The composition is really cool. And it may be too much to even mention, but I'll say it anyway... I think the melody you have would sound fantastic on a violin or a string quartet (especially near the end with the electric guitar, AND when the vocalist is by herself with the drums.) I think a lot of bending to the notes would sound really good if you could make it sound authentic. Just a thought. Digging the guitar work though. *thumbs up* Tell us how everything goes.
  19. I was really impressed by the very first trailer I saw of this game a few months ago. I'm still pretty impressed with look and feel. The only thing I'm concerned about is DICE's notoriously clunky controls though. The Battlefield franchise has always been fun but the controls always felt clunky and imprecise.
  20. I <3 the piano mix you got there! Work in progress number 1 for my little trance ditty... http://strike911.sanctuslegacy.com/metroid2.mp3 ... needs better transitions, more layers, and better mastering... ... needs moar, but just further proof that I'm actually working on something.
  21. So much for a mini-album. lol. I think we'll have a regular sized album for bLiNd if this pace keeps up. haha. bLiNd was such an inspiration with all of his fantastic tracks!
  22. So this is open to anyone, right? Then in that case I may give it a shot. Showing my appreciation for his music.
  23. lol, yeah, I wonder how that 170 million is divided up between the 3 movies. Is there anywhere to get that data online? edit: Wikipedia has everything, n/m
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