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Everything posted by JadeAuto

  1. New server seems to be faster. Longcat must approve, somewhere.
  2. niiiiiice.
  3. Got everything ready last night. Playing in maximum hires in 1680x1050 is just pretty. And since it's an older game, my computer doesn't even blink an eye at it. Cant remember where I found the resolution mod, but it's pretty sweet. (Editing the config files is all, afaik)
  4. Good luck!
  5. I have to second this. And not to spoil anything, while I don't believe in the idea presented, it's really well done, nonetheless.
  6. Six String Samurai. Very hard to find, but oh... so worth it! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118736/
  7. I'm up for it. Will leave work early that day to accomidate.
  8. I've been a fan of Nemesea for a few months now - I heard of them through Pandora set to Nightwish and Lacuna Coil, heh heh.... (who I found through Evanescence, of all things)
  9. I could play either. Wednesday nights are always okay with me, say next Wednesday?
  10. You tried and failed? No, you tried and died. /endcrossscifiworldpun I'm up for it.
  11. Haha, that was the best evening of HoN I've ever had. We were communicating perfectly and just winning everything we put our minds to. /agree
  12. I'm working on improving my attitude in game as well - I have my good days and bad days. This (internet deprivation) is hopefully a temporary setback; I'm trying to restructure my finances and pay off some debt, once that's handled I should be able to move back to somewhere with decent internet. Somerset, CA is not known for its internet. Oldest Phone poles in the county + not enough people to merit Big Bell setting anything up.
  13. I logged because I was pissed at the last four games in a row i had played, i was like 2-40-10 or something, and I was just frustrated as hell especially with the frustration everyone else was feeling at the time. I'm losing my internet when I move in a month anyways, and who knows how bad the lag will be on sattelite, so...
  14. Send me a PM with your email address so I don't forget, I'll invite you when I get home.
  15. Can we stop it with the Judge Jokes? I'm going to miss Zircon-the-judge, but it's probably in his best interests right now. More jokes you say? NO OVERRIDE
  16. A few thoughts, as I slowly try to improve. These aren't aimed at anyone, and to be honest it's been mentioned earlier in the thread, so i'm just going to reiterate what I've learned: Don't wander solo after the first teamfight unless there are wards up and you pay attention to the minimap to get out before they gank you. If your teammate in Hellborne top or Legion bot goes to pull creeps, do not help them - theyr'e getting free exp, you're soaking up extra exp from the lane, and it's just good. If everyone has their headset, and they can speak, use them. If you don't, then you're stuck with typing and pinging. It can be done without, but verbal communcation really kicks ass in this game. If you're ranged in a two-melee lane, harass them. I'm horrible at this, yet it gives splendid opportunities to make them waste cash on healing items, and gives you a better opportunity to gank. Carry a teleport at all times ALL TIMES, carry a teleport. Repeat the two above items a few minutes. I'm guilty of not having one on occasion, but having one is very important.
  17. This sure is a big club. If only we had known it'd drop another 25%
  18. I bought Mirror's Edge the last time it was on sale. Then bought Dragon Age for full price. This time, I'm getting Torchlight for $9.99 and Braid for $2.49. Good steals if I ever saw them.
  19. Wow, such a fun 3v3 we just had. Went 5/1/X with KotF. One melee hero I actually dig. Thanks again for the fantastic 3v3 tonight guys. Made me proficient with at least one melee hero
  20. That makes sense now. I was having difficulty visualizing why those items would help. Now that you've explained it, it makes a ton more sense. I noticed that at the end of yesterday's game with CD I died quite alot due to focus fire, I probably would have survived longer with the itembuild you mentioned. My skillbuild on him was q,e,q,e,q,r,q,e,e,w,w,w,w,stats. Should I modify that? (can't remember the skill names off the top of my head).
  21. It's also unwise to do anything but peek out from the rune spot if you're the only one there, disable or no disable. I felt bad for you last night, and I apologize for not being there with you to die, however, I have a question re: starting runes. Is it really that game changing to get the rune for your team at the opener? I can see bottling it and saving it for an opportunity if it's double damage or regeneration, however, it doesn't seem critically important. Games seem more decided on kills and feeding/denying than runes. Also, you mentioned a different item strategy on Corrupted Disciple than I built yesterday. Could you list the pros and cons of rushing HotBL on CD?
  22. I've been immensely enjoying Zero/Antigrav's nostat buck random oddmod games. It's given me a safe place to learn several new heroes. Specifically, Vindicator is pretty cool, and Forsaken Archer, though unliked, is pretty fun. I seem to have this.. aversion... to playing any strength characters well (except perhaps Hammerstorm and Pestilence, though I haven't gotten much practice with pesti). I just don't seem to do well as a tank. This held true in EQ and WoW, so I'm not suprised by it. I've always been better as a damage-inducing class, or a healing class. I'd love to get more practice in as Vindicator - he seems pretty good against an int-heavy team. I'd also love to play more heroes I'm not used to - especially to learn why a predator/zephyr combo totally locked me out yesterday as Madman - though I'm starting to be able to see the patterning as to why.
  23. Was a very fun event to watch. Congrats again you two, may you have a wonderful life together!
  24. Wow. For one of my favorite songs, I had no idea!
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