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Everything posted by halc

  1. impressive work mapping this theme to a listenable progression. because the original song is terrible. this reminds me of OA's 'Letting Go' (a very good thing). loving the chippy stuff at the end there. nice drums too
  2. where's my pants?!

  3. my average time is between 20-35 hours, according to my most recent project files. of course this can be over the course of several days or several months.. i made a remix once during a 10-hour shift at work. i may have tweaked a few things in the following day or two after sleeping on it; definitely my record time though.
  4. interesting blend of sounds here.. wasn't sure what to think at first (the intro didn't really gel for me, personally), but at :38 it clicks and all the elements come together quite cohesively. nice groove changes too. excellent work.
  5. kickass! i loooove this source tune to death.. so very under-represented on OCR. if you have a high quality recording of this, please submit it, or at the very least give us an mp3! (and i agree, lucidic is awesome!)
  6. hey, i just realized i still havent subbed the dkc3 aquatic mix.. pm me some comments if ya got any and ill sub it asap

  7. waddup wif dat cubber art nigga i got monies to make

  8. never actually heard this one until it was posted. great stuff, love the hissy-crackly drums.
  9. yeah, this would definitely benefit from live piano and sax. those samples are probably the biggest issue with the song as is, and some live performances could really help bring it all together. the flute sample at the end was probably the worst of the three, but it's not exposed for as long.. i'd at least try to find a better sample for that one. i also thought some of the drum rhythms were just a bit random at times, particularly some open-hat/ride patterns around the middle portion of the song. nothing too severe though. just doing a quick source comparison, as has been said before, it seems a bit like a conservative/somewhat stripped-down version of the source, but the genre conversion is successful, perhaps just a bit more original writing and embellishments would give it a little more character. anyway, aside from those samples, this is pretty good. i highly encourage you to find some live performers (shouldn't be hard, everyone around here is a piano or sax player ), or at the very least try to get some better samples in there. nice work, and best of luck.
  10. hope you're having an awesome birthday! keep makin' dem untz, my bro.
  11. all of you need to download this right now. it is fantastic. if you haven't, check out ubiktune's other compilations as well. they are some of the best chiptune albums I've heard.
  12. asked for/received this for christmas, read about 100 pages today (jumping between sections of interest). not gonna go into detail, but this is an excellent read so far.. highly recommended for electronic musicians of any experience level. many thanks to the OP for plugging this!
  13. the greatest comeback ...... wait for it ...... of all time. <3 u too. seriously tho, nice mix dude.
  14. will, i'm happy for you, and i'mma let you finish, but gecko yamori had one of the greatest remixes of all time.
  15. glad to see this posted! i remember commenting on this a few times during the wip stages; it definitely came out well. i loved Nicole and co's take on this source (one of my favorites), and this is a great contrast to it in style.. happy to see it get some good love this year. nice work!
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