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Everything posted by halc

  1. this is pretty cool. conservative arrangement that takes the more expansive approach. there are some good embellishments on the melodies but I would've liked to see a little more variation in the beat/basslines. sequenced sounds are just a little generic imo, but the production is farily solid, so it's not a big issue. gonna break it down section by section for this.. -nice rhythm guitars at :22 -:33-:54 is good, not sure if i love that phaser/flanger effect on the guitar. i also think the guitar has some slight timing problems in this section, but otherwise pretty cool. -:55-1:05 guitars are out of tune. -1:06-1:27, mostly a rehash of the intro.. would be a good time to throw in a little variation in the beat or some more original material. -1:55 lead guitar is a little hot on the mid-highs, you could subdue that just a bit without losing the intensity. fix up some of these production problems and this will be a solid mix. wouldn't mind if you expanded on the arrangement a little more either but i think it's well done regardless. best of luck!
  2. this, exactly. it's not that I dislike reason, I intend to get my money's worth out of it someday.. it obviously has it's advantages over FL imo (and vice versa), but the piano roll is not one of them. or as anosou put it, i need to LRN2KEYBOARD LOLZ! (seriously, i do)
  3. chef kawasaki will cook your soul

  4. probably not. but if you look around a bit, I've shown three full songs from the album on various podcasts.. 8bitX, OCAD, and the most recent episode of NGI. i don't have links for the first two on hand, but they're somewhere in this thread..
  5. i'm a long-time and likely biased FL user, but i agree 100% with this. in my eyes, reason's piano roll was MADE to be used specifically with a midi controller (which although i do own one, i don't really use it). i hate having to command-click to place every note and select notes individually with the mouse to delete them.. i also hate having to size every note manually instead of it placing the last modified/clicked note (if that makes sense.. FL users will know what i mean ). i dunno if theres a way to streamline these processes (i have reason 5, on mac), but without a midi keyboard, reason's piano roll is frustrating and useless to me. but as Arcana put it, to each their own.
  6. alright, here's a very picky breakdown of what i find to be clear source use...: :00-:07 :13-:21 :41-51 :59-1:16 1:18-1:30 1:30-1:33 1:38-1:43 2:01-2:09 2:12-2:17 75 seconds out of 154, or 48.7% by my count. there were a few lone 'tweedle-dees' in some of the original sections that might be able to grab you another second or two, and some bits were definitely reminiscent of the source, tho not directly connected. it's a tough call, and the judges will no doubt be stopwatching it too. if you can get another few seconds of direct source use in there (or if I've missed anything, in which case please correct me), then this is a surefire pass. otherwise, a very close call. and a kickass mix, regardless edit: forgot to include the intro theme at the end in my breakdown... probably puts this over the bar. the way you've modified the key actually makes it reminiscent of the triforce chamber theme too- cool stuff. nice work!
  7. just giving this a quick listen at work.. very awesome stuff! performance/production is spot on. i'll give this a more active listen tonight at home and leave my thoughts regarding the arrangement & source usage.
  8. here's your annual visitor message. your sig is still my favorite. :D

  9. oh wow, this is pretty impressive, man! solidly above the bar imo. had to check this out after seeing your name on VROOM. you've already got great potential and seem to have a solid grasp on what we do around here, so keep it up
  10. that's a generalization. all of the most recent albums (FF5, DKC2, FF4), have had plenty of 'high-level' arrangements with detail and depth that reimagine the song in a totally different way but still manage to keep the tune recognizable to those who may be familiar with the material. if anything, I feel like we see more liberal stuff than super-conservative groove bias, but maybe that's just me. :/ anyway, listened to the album last night. loving Full Moon Cello, Threshold of a Dream, and Voices of the Deep, as well as Ben's tracks, of course. oh, and sloopygoop's chiptune was epic
  11. is there any kind of deadline for this? the project forum on thasauce seems to have disappeared so I wasn't sure. I've been having some real shitty computer problems lately but I am going to try and find some time to finish my track soon.
  12. have voted everyday, and will continue to do so! you are an awesome dude, and you totally deserve this! and we got HISTORY, bro!
  13. nice thread. check out cornelius, particularly his 'fantasma' album. radiohead's 'kid a' is pretty great too
  14. you'll probably be seeing pokemon (and most likely more) before this, but early 2011 is definitely a safe bet
  15. thanks for the comments everyone! we're both very humbled by all your kind words regarding our roles in the production of this mix.. i had come up with the first :55 or so (save for the bass parts which were mostly Bry's doing) when i proposed the collab. from there it's still mostly my arrangement until 2:15, with Bry adding some of his own touches on top. he came up with the changeup from 2:15-2:48, and I slapped on the ending. not a super-involved collab, but look out for our marble zone mix on the Sonic 1 album, which is quite the opposite (in that it's mostly his arrangement with some halc sprinkled on top ), and probably a better demonstration of his personal style and skillz. i see what you did there. clever.
  16. some percussion could have really carried this mix along a little better imo, but regardless, this is a beautiful arrangement, and def. another highlight of the album. nice work, guys.
  17. interview & sneak preview on NGI - check it out!
  18. probably a bit of friendly bias on my part, but this here is my favorite track of the bunch, and a highlight of ben's OCR-catalog thus far (perhaps his best, but only until TSOS comes around ) <3
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