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Everything posted by halc

  1. personally, i think the album should have started off with 'Threshold of a Dream', but this is an awesome arrangement of tail cave and still works well as an intro. at it's length, i'm finding it just a bit repetitive, but you've managed to take a short looped melody and turn it into a beast of a track. great work Theophany, and congrats to everyone who made the album possible!
  2. unless you have a 10 hour shift the night before every project release
  3. congrats to djp and co. on another great year- it passed by in a flash! I have a feeling this coming year will be one of the most epic yet happy anniversary, OCR!
  4. halc

    100th friend, i choose you!

  5. props to proto for delivering the next wav! he's done some really killer tracks for this album also, a warm welcome to ergosonic, who will be taking over the MWW credits theme!
  6. that was an awesome vid, bro :D

  7. along with live recording, producer edition and up also allows for automation clips which are 20x more useful than 'edit events', imo. also of note, fruity edition does not come with fruity soundfont player, which will run you an extra $30 i think. if you don't want to pay the extra, you'll have to go with sfz or some other inferior vst alternative
  8. awesome work on this, man. can't wait to see it hit the site
  9. everyone else is spot on with the timing issues. I agree with nase that it works (at times), but there are also some points where it's just a little awkward, otherwise it's a nice little production. pretty ace arrangement you have here too- i personally wasn't feeling the medleyitis too bad. really loved the smb1 swimming section at the beginning i'd say it's worth a shot on the panel as it is, but don't be too surprised if they have a few complaints about the timing. nice work!
  10. don't kid yourself, we all know you're a one trick pony
  11. wow, never knew this. very impressive, good sir
  12. Jose's trailer was brilliant, as always- definitely looking forward to this album!
  13. aye! you're awesome :D

  14. and we now have a wip from Sixto! unintentional. but an amazing coincidence
  15. wow. that was probably one of the most successful deadlines in ocr-project-history. nice work, everyone. can't wait to hear the finished product!
  16. okay! remixers, final wip deadline is Tuesday, February 1st! final wavs are due on Sunday, April 3rd. this tribute has made some incredible progress in the last year. a huge thanks to everyone who has contributed to this project and given it new life. oh, and here's your early christmas present from Milkyway Wishes: new preview! enjoy
  17. I have to agree with snow's notion earlier that it's 'missing' something. it's hard to put my finger on, the mix just feels kinda held back or reserved. compositionally, it's pretty good (arrangement seems to be a strong suit of yours from what i've noticed ), and there are some good sound choices and textures -chiptunes ftw- but it does feel reserved. not sure what else to say about this really.. an enjoyable track nonetheless, but i think the judges are gonna ask for 'more' and i'm not quite sure what of.. anyway, hope this helps. nice work
  18. hey, this is pretty interesting actually. my main complaints are that it gets repetitive, and the beginning is pretty sparse. i'd like to have heard the drums come in way earlier, and then some more variation in instruments and such in the second half. it's also pretty conservative. production is pretty well balanced, with some creative sound choices. overall, i enjoy this quite a bit but i think the arrangement needs a little more variation to keep it from getting too boring, and perhaps a bit more original writing. nice work here, and best of luck
  19. beautiful album art. happy to see quotes around mix titles too. nice work
  20. no worries. i've been busy wrapping up TSOS but I haven't forgotten about this. I will be setting another deadline soon, but pretty much everyone left has assured me their songs.
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