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Everything posted by halc

  1. i like to think that I have a pretty high tolerance for loud volumes, but this track is dangerously loud at full volume. this is certainly, as djp put it, a 'juggernaut of production' but in comparison to some of the other high-volume guys like bLiNd and PrototypeRaptor, listening to this above 75% volume is unbearable. perhaps it's just me. anyway, this mix (at a listenable volume) is incredible. virt always shows amazing versatility as a musician and I hope that we will see more mixes from him on the frontpage (and after this mixpost, I am confident that we will! ) fantastic mix!
  2. weird. I was sure I had commented on this a while back. this is an awesome mix, and I hope we get to hear more Navi mixes on the site someday..
  3. it's hard to say. not everything is 100% finished yet but we are extremely close. although, with LA and pokemon most likely on the way next, it may take a little longer than I'd hoped to release.
  4. fantastic mix. really loving the chiptune aesthetic this has at times. xo's saxing is wonderful as well. DP-worthy stuff, imo.
  5. happy birthday! :)

    we're still gonna make that song.. i'm just waiting for Proto to upload his DAMN parts. :P

  6. not enough love for this song! i can give it a little more. i still listen to this pretty regularly and it is also a bit of an of inspiration for a remix that i'm working on currently. i especially love the inclusion of the SNES strings about a minute in, that's one of my favorite sounds. very awesome stuff.
  7. you're too kind :3 really, thanks for the comments everyone, we're glad you love it! for each of our posted collabs, we have another that's yet to be heard.. and even more in the wip phases!
  8. happy birthday to the master of chiptunes... and piano... and seemingly everything else, too! hope you have an awesome day!
  9. aye! a ribbit to you as well, fine sir.

  10. i'm seeing a distinct lack of shadow the hedgehog on this list
  11. agreed, this is awesome! the live sax will really bring it home- can't wait to hear it!
  12. congrats on finishing your album, Proto!!!!
  13. actually, i requested to have both and Cerrax hooked it up. i agree with Roz, everyone posted should get a link to their OCR profile.
  14. qfe afaik the idea was to debut this at magfest, or around that time at least..
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