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Everything posted by halc

  1. i never said i wanted more crappy remix sites, just one that doesn't suck. aka a functional VGMix
  2. nor did i insinuate that he did. i have no intention of arguing, just giving my two cents on all these 'alternatives'
  3. i dont think it matters how you get your music posted, but where OCR is great, but most are looking at at least an eight month wait remix.kwed is geared towards a specific platform that a lot of people around here have zero interest in VGMix X is completely fucked remixSite is (let's admit it) less than stellar and unfortunately even R:TS seems slow and seldom-trafficked these days people want instant gratification and you don't get it at any of these places. at VGMix2, you did. just sayin..
  4. i approve of your approval

  5. i have been refreshing the homepage ten times a minute for the past hour waiting for this to show up needless to say, i freakin' love it
  6. NO.x


  7. congrats on the post man, i enjoyed it! :)

  8. i fucking love your music

    just wanted to say that

  9. happy 10th, OCR! looking forward to all the awesome music
  10. cmon now you can't just change the title of my song though i guess it doesn't matter anyway since i am going to get destroyed by Tepid's superior musicality
  11. Why isn't the remixer notified when a submitted track is being considered and/or accepted as a direct post?
  12. No problem. Thanks for checking in, and good to hear progress is being made on your end.
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