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Everything posted by halc

  1. hi. i really appreciate the things you said in your review of first time on outset, and i'm glad you enjoy my music

    also, if ocr's posting process is a little slow for ya, you can download wayyyy more of my remixes right here

    have a good day :)

  2. awesome, i'm your 5000th visitor :3

  3. i love your music.

  4. don't be sad, chth's mix destroys mine in every possible way my spring yard is looking to be pretty cool though
  5. thanks for that :3 well, ben's wip is amaaaazing.. blows mine out of the water so.. be excited
  6. even if it means i have to take a chubby

    i will suck it up

  7. there have been a few changes in the roster i am pulling my completed labyrinth zone remix from the album (those who are curious can check it out here), and chthonic will be taking my spot. i will be taking over spring yard zone, in will's place. everyone else, keep up the good work
  8. this was originally my contribution to The Sound of Speed, but over the past month or two i've come to realize I'm not quite as pleased with it as I would like to be and pulled it from the album. chthonic will be acting as my replacement (fair trade, right?) anyway, enough project talk; here's 'Drowning My Lives Away' enjoy!
  9. someday all of my irl friends are gonna be remixers some awesome stuff in this track bro
  10. put me down for traveling with friends (overworld 2)
  11. happy 21st dude

  12. ben specifically chose that sample as a homage to contagious eye infection
  13. oh god i love your sig

  14. awkwardness at 0:58, felt like there was a cymbal or something off by a 16th note but this could just be me. i'd get a second opinion on that. the bass is sorta unnoticable during the heavier sections (sounds like its blending in with the rhythm guitar), and could definitely afford to be louder during that little feature at 2:11. i think raising the mids just a bit on the rhythm guitar might help balance the soundscape slightly better, as well as help separate it from the bass. not too much for me to say, really. production sounds pretty clean, lots of cool panning effects and instrument placement, some awesome synth action as usual, and the guitar parts, while not revolutionary by any means, sounded good as well (of course i know nothing about the guitar). there's always some room for improvement, but i see this getting accepted as-is. i enjoyed
  15. yeah, we made another one gotta wait another week before submitting, since our last collab went in just 14 days ago :3 source: http://tindeck.com/listen/esog enjoy!
  16. awesome. i absolutely love the source tune. it's refreshing to finally have another great hydrocity mix to listen to
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