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Everything posted by halc

  1. This does has a Sonic vibe - the melody at 1:19 is quite similar to Green Grove from Sonic 3D Blast. Vibrant, happy mix with a subtle chiptune aesthetic. Cool song man, I enjoyed it!
  2. i got the first review on the last three mixes, who can beat me to the punch??
  3. Some really cool trippy bits and processing in this. Flowing, beautiful music with a dirty groove and soundscape. Cool rhythms at 1:42, and an interesting little counterpoint at 1:56; I love the instrumentation in that section. The little keyboard breakdown at 2:35 was beautiful. I love it
  4. I need a bubblebath after listening to this - it makes me feel dirty, in a good way. The live presentation is impressive and inspiring, and I love how you threw the NES drumkit in there. Awesome time signature changes. I can't believe you made this in such a stupidly short period of time ::envy:: An amazing mix.
  5. This is one of my favorite ReMixes. It has a deceptively chippy feel to it, within a super hi-fi soundscape. The charm for me lies in the portamento synth/bass lines, and the meticulous gating, filtering, and general glitchiness. An absolutely infectious track, don't miss it. Also, Rellik is the king of 3xosc
  6. I love all the super-meticulous automation going on in this mix. Not a huge fan of the woo-hops at 1:08, but otherwise this mix delivers. Unique synth design (as with all of Rellik's tracks), a driving arrangment and great attention to detail brings this mix to life. Not my personal favorite of Rellik's tracks, but certainly a winner nonetheless
  7. I've been waiting for this one to be posted The arrangement is soo sweet. Samples may not be the most realistic-sounding, but they all work together so cohesively and don't bother me in the least bit. I loves it
  8. i want your vocals :3

  9. out of sadness... not that i can recall. on the other hand, i do remember playing pokemon stadium as a kid and getting my ass handed to me again and again and AGAIN by mewtwo there was much crying to be had that day
  10. YES! this song wins. i remember hearing a wip version of this a while back.. awesome to see it now on the front page please keep rocking my face off man
  11. wow Jade, awesome preview track all the other songs put mine to shame. i need to get the ball rolling on that again
  12. heya, i'm your very first visitor :)

  13. i'm about to kick off my thanksgiving with 6 hours of work though i plan on having a wonderful night once that has past. happy thanksgiving everyone
  14. this is my favorite song in earthbound, and as always you have done it total justice ::envy::
  15. will i think you scared everyone off when you turned this into a thread about video game music what happened to all the death note roleplay
  16. you guys might be going for an all-live sorta thing here, but if you need any chip you know where to find me
  17. halc

    ravaging reptile is so effing awesome

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